Zyalix is a daily dietary supplement tablet that claims to be able to help boost male vitality and virility. Their advertisements say that it can help to replenish energy levels and stamina while simultaneously enhancing libido and sex drive.
Their promotional materials recommend Zyalix to men that feel like their poor sexual performance is impacting their overall life satisfaction, that believe they suffer from Small Penis Syndrome, or that view embarrassment as a major obstacle to their sexual performance. They further say that it can help men gain or regain sexual confidence and help them and their partners to get more pleasure out of their sexual experiences.
The sexual performance booster that our team has the most respect for is Viritenz. Their ingredients blend is both exceptionally diverse, using a wide range of helpful ingredients, and exceptionally potent, impacting the male sexual response system in a variety of helpful ways. Click here to read testimonials from past Viritenz users about their experiences with the supplement.
Zyalix publishes their full ingredients list, as most reputable companies do, however they do not include any dosage information with this list. That is not a recommended practice according to our team of experts, however it is sadly common amongst many supplements companies.
What is less common is that they do not even seem to list dosage information on their product’s label. Images that past customers have posted of the product clearly display the contents, but give no indications at all of how much of each ingredient is used.
This makes Zyalix particularly difficult to analyze, as their blend includes both ingredients that our team strongly recommends and ingredients that they caution readers against. It is impossible to tell if they are using effective enough quantities of their more highly rated ingredients and safe quantities of the ingredients that are more prone to causing side effects in their consumers.
According to their label, the main active ingredients found in Zyalix are as follows:
L-Arginine Hydrochloride | Asian Red Ginseng Extract (Root) | Saw Palmetto Extract (Berry) |
Ginkgo Biloba Extract (Lead) | Horny Goat Weed Extract (Leaf) | Bioperine |
L-Arginine Hydrochloride: A specific form of one of the most popular additives for over the counter male enhancement products on the market today. L-Arginine can benefit both circulatory function and testosterone production, as well as helping to regulate blood sugar and insulin levels.
Asian Red Ginseng Extract (Root): One of the most potent forms of one of the most popular herbs on the planet. Ginseng is also applicable for increasing circulation and libido, though its effects are non-hormonal in nature.
Saw Palmetto Extract (Berry): One of the most effective herbs for prostate health and wellness, saw palmetto can help men produce healthier sperm in higher quantities.
Ginkgo Biloba Extract: A mild circulatory aid that may have some benefits for erectile quality but that is generally more closely associated with improvements in memory and cognition.
Horny Goat Weed Extract (Leaf): A common, though questionably effective ingredient for male enhancement products. Horny goat weed has been associated with some possible side effects, especially when consumed in larger amounts, such as:
Bioperine: A branded form of the common supplement ingredient long pepper, which is used to help with the uptake of other ingredients.
Follow this link to see the list of the top ten male enhancement products on the market today.
Five of the six active ingredients in Zyalix are thought to be extremely effective for male enhancement supplements. One of their ingredients, however, is considered to be of a lower quality than the rest and is far more potentially dangerous, especially in large quantities.
This is especially a significant issue with Zyalix because they do not include their dosage amounts with their product. It is impossible to know how much horny goat weed users have consumed, putting them at risk for overdoses and negative interactions with other supplements, foods, and drugs that they may have consumed.
If our team could be assured that there were appropriate levels of their five helpful ingredients and only minimal quantities of horny goat weed, then it would appear to be a moderately effective male enhancement product with a limited but potent proprietary blend. There are no such guarantees that this is the case, however, and especially given the negative responses of their former customers, it seems unlikely that Zyalix is even this effective.
Zyalix is sold online on a per-unit basis through Amazon.com and several other lesser-known retailers. Their process tends to be similar to the following quote, which was taken from Amazon on the day of this article’s publication:
The official website for Zyalix, as well as all of the company’s sponsored promotional websites, do not tend to offer sales of Zyalix on a per unit basis. Instead, the only option that they present to interested consumers is a “free trial” of Zyalix, which they claim users only have to pay the shipping and handling costs of.
What these sites are less clear about is that signing up for the free trial also enrolls customers in a monthly subscription trial that automatically sends users another bottle of Zyalix every 30 days. One of the things that makes this feel like a deliberate attempt at manipulation, other than how poorly publicized the details of this agreement are, is the fact that the price that users are charged for this service is far higher than the average cost for a 30-day supply quoted above.
The terms and conditions link on Zyalix’s website discloses that their clients will be charged $89.99 per month – nearly three times the per-unit rate that other outlets charge. Legitimate subscription programs tend to offer a slight discount on their products’ prices to their regular customers, not dramatically increased rates that are far above standard market prices.
To learn how to make the most of the penile size that you have, just follow this link.
Zyalix is a relatively young company that has been in business since 2025, with addresses listed in their promotional materials for both Florida and Nevada. These are the potential methods for contacting Zyalix that our team has found online:
Phone Number: (855) 779-2101
Primary Address: 7565 Commercial Way Unit E Box 103
Henderson, NV 89011
Email: [email protected]
There has been considerable backlash against Zyalix and their business practices, particularly their “free trial offer,” which can be found online. The Better Business Bureau page for Zyalix gives them an “F,” due in no small part to the fact that they have a 100% negative customer feedback rating.
There are also open complaints pages for Zyalix on sites such as Ripoff Report, Fakespot, and Just Answer, a legal consumer protection website. There are a number of threats by past consumers that they were going to bring a lawsuit against Zyalix, however our research team could find no evidence that any official legal actions have been filed against the company at this time.
For data about the best ways to achieve maximum penile filling, click here.
The majority of comments about Zyalix that can be found online are related to the “free trial offer” and difficulties with their customer service representatives stemming from their interactions related to those charges. When the product itself is discussed, comments tend to be similar to these, which our research team pulled from various different review sites, online forums, and independent retailers’ customer response pages:
“Does nothing whatsoever. Nothing at all. Not a thing.”
“I can’t believe how hard I just got scammed. Not only are they still charging me, but I took every one of their pills and I didn’t get erection one.”
“Total ripoff! Completely worthless product! Run far, far away!
There were occasional accounts of mild stomach distress related to Zyalix, however the vast majority of complaints were by users saying that it did nothing. This is reflected on their scores from their past customers on Amazon, where one-star rankings are the most common, and on HighYa, where one-star rankings are the only responses that they have recieved.
Follow this link to read more reviews like this one from our panel of industry experts.
Conclusion – Does Zyalix Work?
Zyalix has a particularly negative reputation online that by itself would encourage our panel to warn users against doing business with them. Even with that aside, however, Zyalix does not seem to have the ability to provide the type of support that most men are looking for from a male enhancement product.
Their ingredients blend is mostly composed of effective ingredients, however given their choice not to display the dosage levels of those ingredients and the frequency of past users claiming that it had no effect, it does not seem likely that these ingredients are being utilized in their most effective amounts. Overall, it should be easy for our readers to find a male enhancement product that has a better reputation as a business and a greater likelihood of meeting their specific needs.
The supplement that our team would suggest to those individuals is Viritenz. It is the brand that was recently named to the number one overall spot on our panel’s annual top ten list of the best male enhancement products on the market.
They use an ingredients blend that has powerful effects on the body’s testosterone production and processing abilities, and it enhances blood flow to the penis in multiple different ways. Click on this link to read more about the different ways that Viritenz can help men improve their sexual performance levels.
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