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Customer Health Rating: 4.4/5


Vitakor Review – Does This Product Really Work?

Vitakor provides a rich blend of studied extracts which can aid digestion, suppress appetite, increase metabolism, and support weight loss. Each ingredient is provided in a studied amount to help maximize its weight loss potential.

What is Vitakor?

This blend of ingredients is intended to help you lose weight without any added stimulants or artificial ingredients. According to the makers the highlight ingredient is Raspberry Ketones which have had a rise in popularity due to their potential for weight reduction.

The website provides sharp images and claims to provide a genuine product made in the US certified for quality and effectiveness. This is all what is claimed however we have to distinguish if this is reality.

Let’s give this product a fair shake and see what it can do.

Who makes it?

Los Angeles based 18Nutrition provides all natural solutions to overall stimulant free weight loss.

The company has a customer support staff and offers a 100% money back guarantee for their products. Customers often leave good marks on both service and usefulness of their products.

How (and) does it work?

yellow-and-red-pillsA host of different ingredients come together. This blend features natural fruits meant to stabilize blood sugar and provide satiety to ones appetite.

Also the host main ingredient is meant to control lipids within the body which means fats are not stored but instead used as energy.

Other ingredient such as natural fiber is added to improve digestion while certain herbs are intended to improve the rate of digestion. The fact all these ingredients are lumped together is a good sign as it shows the company has an awareness for optimum metabolism and absorption of ingredients. This also makes the weight loss properties come at a stronger and more effective rate.

The company offers customer testimonials as well as impressive before and after photos that show dramatic change in a short time span. Due to all these positives it’s clear the product does have an effect on weight loss.

What’s inside of it and are there side effects?

The product is made up of naturally sourced ingredients free of any stimulants. Due to this it is a safe choice for those looking to stabilize their bodies while receiving results.

  • Raspberry Ketone: Extract found in berries which have been shown to increase lipid metabolism.
  • Fennel Seed: A mint like herb that helps prevent constipation and aids in a healthy digestive tract.
  • African Mango(Irvingia Gabonensis): Found in parts of African, it’s seeds are high in protein as well as fiber. Meant to increase overall metabolism.
  • Cascara Sagrada: Taken from a shrub that is meant to produce smooth laxative like qualities.
  • Ginger Goldenseal: An herb with long use by the Native Americans in order to handle inflammation and digestive issues.
  • Pumpkin Seed: High in minerals and used to promote an anti aging effect as well as prevent residual stress buildup.
  • Buckthorne Root: An herbal solution to helping settle digestive issues of all kinds. It is taken from a treated tree bark.
  • Acidophilus: This beneficial bacteria aids proper and healthy digestion.

Potential Side Effects: None.

What’s good about it?

Currently unlike other brands this product has a list of ingredients that actually work in great harmony. There’s digestive properties in tune with metabolism boosters, all natural fat loss sourced from fruits, herbs, and plants. This is all added to the formula in amounts that are easy to absorb.

weight-loss-pillsNot only is it sold by a company with a money back guarantee, but the company has a reputable history. This also assures customers they’re not going to support a company who only cares about a profit.

This fact is clear when you take into account the smart mixture of ingredients. Each one serves a unique purpose while still working harmoniously with the other ingredients for enhanced weight loss. It’s easy to see why these ingredients are added. It’s also easy to see that the company must have placed a great emphasis on making sure it all provides maximum effects, while still being safe.

Many products neglect to add their potential side effects in their brands. This product is effective without having any of the icky effects one may find in a stimulant fueled, or cheap ingredient containing product.

What’s bad about it?

It is only available thru their own website and apparently it is not often in stock.

Wrap Up

The amount of ingredients in here that actually work make this product a beneficial solution to weight loss. What makes this stand out even further is the combination of ingredients that work together to give a maximum effect. It’s unclear why the company does not have it available in stores, however the results are there for one to view. This all natural product comes with a money back safety and it’s manufactured thru wholesome practices. All in all it is effective, safe, and made to work.

  • Effectiveness88%4.7/5
  • Consumer reviews78%4.5/5
  • Quality of ingredients89%4.7/5
  • Cost92%5/5
  • Money Back86%5/5
  • Overall Rating89%4.6/5
Bottom Line:

A few of the positives from this product come from the effective and potent ingredients. All this encompasses not only an all natural product, but a stimulant free and most importantly effective supplement.

What separates this product from the pack is results. Finding solutions to weight loss always seems like a hard task, but now when you have products like Vitakor.

Check top 10 weight loss pills

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