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Customer Health Rating: 2.3/5


Vigorus Review (UPDATED 2025): Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

What is it?

Vigorus is a dietary supplement that claims to be able to increase the size and functionality of a man’s penis. Their advertising says that after six months of regular usage of Vigorus that men’s penis length can be increased by up to 2.6 inches.

They also say that it can have other benefits for men’s sexual abilities such as increasing the frequency, rigidity, and stamina of men’s erections, as well as boosting their libidos and seminal output. They say that they accomplish this through the use of circulatory aids, testosterone function boosters, and other natural biological effects.

The male enhancement product that our team of health and wellness products have given the most favorable reviews to is called Viritenz. It has received excellent feedback from other critics as well, and their reputation with their customers is superb. Click on this link to find out more information about the various uses of Viritenz to see if it could have applications for your personal sexual needs.

Vigorus Ingredients and Side Effects

Vigorus lists only several highlighted ingredients on their website instead of providing their full supplement facts. This means that there is no available data bout the dosage levels of any of the ingredients used in their blend, and it opens up the possibility that there are other ingredients that they use but do not choose to mention in their promotional materials. The ingredients that they do choose to mention, however, include:

L-Arginine AKG Bulgarian Tribulus Terrestris Horny Goat Weed
Epimedium Brevicornum Cordyceps Sinensis Mucuna Pruriens

L-Arginine AKG: A very effective ingredient for male enhancement products as it is thought to be able to improve both circulatory function and testosterone production. This means that it can have a wide variety of positive impacts on men’s sexual performance, making it one of our team’s most highly recommended additives.

Bulgarian Tribulus Terrestris: An extract derived from an otherwise inedible fruit that can have a positive impact on the brain’s ability to detect and respond to testosterone. Like L-Arginine, tribulus is considered to be one of the most effective non-prescription male enhancement aids on the market today.

Horny Goat Weed: A less popular male enhancement product, despite the fact that it can have some positive effects on men’s erectile function. Also known by the scientific name of epimedium sagitattum, horny goat weed has also been connected to potential side effects such as:

  • Dizziness
  • Dehydration
  • Disorientation
  • Spontaneous nosebleeds
  • Changes in blood pressure

Epimedium Brevicornum: A lesser used plant found in the same family of plants as horny goat weed. It is not generally thought to be as effective as its better-known relative, however our team was concerned by the fact that both ingredients were found in the same supplement together.

Cordyceps Sinensis: A specific type of fungus found growing out of the corpses of a breed of Chinese caterpillar that ancient lore says is potentially helpful for erectile function. There is no contemporary scientific data that supports this, however it is still a sought-after product for practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine nonetheless.

Mucuna Pruriens: A type of South American plant known as velvet bean due to the appearance of its seed pods, which are covered by a very fine hair. This is actually a form or pure dopamine, which can potentially help men take pleasure in sex, however it is not thought of as an aphrodisiac in any technical sense.

Mucuna pruriens can also be highly irritating to users, and may also have some potential long term health consequences as well. It does not tend to be one of our team of experts’ list of recommended ingredients for products of this nature.

For access to our team’s annual top ten list of the best male enhancement products of the last year, just click on this link.

Vigorus Quality of Ingredients

Vigorus makes very bold predictions about their abilities to influence men’s penis size, going so far as to present charts that make specific measurement claims. Our team of experts are extremely skeptical of these claims for a variety of reasons, most notably that it is an anatomical impossibility to increase the raw tissue size of men’s penises through drugs or nutritional supplementation.

It is possible to influence erectile ability, which can have some minor impact on overall size during sex, however this growth is nothing compared to the numbers that Vigorus predicts and these gains will recede as arousal ends. Furthermore, none of the ingredients that they list has ever been connected to penile growth like they describe, nor is our team aware of any natural ingredients, drugs, or other methods that can accomplish Vigorus’ advertising claims.

Click here to see which male enhancement products our team rates the highest for erectile benefits.

The Price and Quality of Vigorus

Currently the only available option for purchasing Vigorus is through their own home page. There used to be other options through independent retailers like, however their Amazon page has been shut down and our team couldn’t find any other active pages with any other sellers either.

The prices that were being offered by Vigorus as of the date of this article’s publication are as follows:

  • 30-day supply of Vigorus male enhancement complex: $39.99
  • 90-day supply of Vigorus male enhancement complex: $79.99
  • 150-day supply of Vigorus male enhancement complex: $119.99
  • 210-day supply of Vigorus male enhancement complex: $159.99

These prices are about average for products in this category. Without reliable dosage information, however, it is impossible to say if this is a fair price based on the expense of their various ingredients.

To read more reviews of the top male enhancement products on the market, just follow this link.

Business of Vigorus

The only information regarding their manufacturer that Vigorus provides the company name of Vigorus LLC, however our research team could find no record of an organization by this name with Manta, Bloomberg, the Better Business Bureau, or any other larger regulatory agency. The only contact information that we could find for them was the information that’s provided on their home page:

Phone Number: (877) 853-6439

Address: 3549 North Main St.

Spanish Fork, UT 84660

Email: [email protected]

With the amount of information resources available to our team, it is highly unusual for them to find so little data about a company. The most reputable organizations tend to provide a number of ways to contact them and tend to be far more transparent about their business and its practices.

EDITOR'S TIP: Check our list of approved male supplements to make a right purchase decision!
Customer Opinions of Vigorus

There are very few objective customer reviews for Vigorus available online. Their Amazon page was closed before a single review was posted, and there are no other major retailers that even have a page for Vigorus. Our team did manage to find some mentions of their product on Reddit, in several supplements blogs, and from other review sites. Here are some of the comments that were made in those forums:

“My old brand was ok, but I felt like I could do better. Vigorus’s website made it sound good, so I did their three bottle offer without ever trying it – and this was a big mistake. I knew within the first bottle that this wasn’t as good, and so now I’m stuck with two unopened bottles.”

“Ugh. Made me feel very bad. Did not make me feel sexy one bit. Not recommended.”

“No reason to waste your money on this garbage, I did that for you. $80 down the drain that I really could’ve used.”

The most common issue that came up in the comments that men made about Vigorus were that it did not work as well as they expected based on their advertisements. Often times it seems as though it did not work for them at all, and in some cases, such as the one above, users reported side effects or discomfort related to taking Vigorus.

To get more advice from our panel of experts about how to choose the male enhancement product that is going to be the most successful for you and your needs, just click here.

  • Effectiveness44%2.2/5
  • Consumer reviews40%2/5
  • Quality of ingredients44%2.2/5
  • Cost52%2.6/5
  • Money Back50%2.5/5
  • Overall Rating46%2.3/5
Conclusion – Does Vigorus Work?

Vigorus mixes some very effective ingredients with some ingredients that are not thought to be as effective and some other ingredients that may even be dangerous. Our team recommends against using epimedium in general, but they urge extra caution when there is no dosage information available for it, especially given that there is also another form of epimedium in their blend.

Our team was further concerned by the lack of available information about the manufacturers of Vigorus, the opinions of their former customers, and the general lack of transparency regarding this product. Overall, our team of experts recommends that users look elsewhere for their male enhancement products.

One option that they suggest instead is Viritenz. It is a potent T-booster and circulatory aid that has demonstrated to our panel of experts that it can be useful for a wide variety of sexual functions.

This includes erectile responsiveness, rigidity, and duration, as well as ability to recharge after orgasm, general orgasm control, and an overall increase in sexual competency. Click on this link to learn more about if Viritenz is right for you or not.

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Top Rated Male Enhancement Supplement of 2025

  • Viritenz4.9/5 stars-icon
  • Effectiveness95%4.7/5
  • Consumer reviews93%4.5/5
  • Quality of ingredients96%4.7/5
  • Cost91%5/5
  • Money Back89%5/5
  • Overall Rating95%4.9/5

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