Vigorexin is a sexual performance enhancement supplement that is designed to improve men’s libido levels and erectile functionality. It uses a variety of natural ingredients that can help men improve their testosterone production and processing, which is one of the key factors in their ability to respond in sexual situations.
Vigorexin also claims to be a circulatory function booster, which is another key to achieving and maintaining effective erections. Enhanced blood flow to the genital region allows for more complete filling of the erectile tissues in the penis, which helps men to reach their largest possible size.
The most effective male enhancement product that is available to consumers without a prescription or doctor’s consultation is Viritenz. It was our team of experts’ top choice for their list of the ten best supplements of the year, and it has received a number of other accolades from the critical community as well. Click on this link to read our team of experts’ full review of Viritenz to see if it might be effective for helping you with your specific sexual issues.
There are six main active ingredients listed for Vigorexin on the supplement facts panel that they post on their website:
Tribulus Terrestris | Eurycoma Longifolia | Horny Goat Weed |
L-Arginine HCI | Avena Sativa | Catuaba |
Tribulus Terrestris: This is by far the most prevalent ingredient in Vigorexin, with nearly as much as all of their other ingredients combined. Tribulus terrestris is an effective testosterone enhancement product that pairs well with ingredients that can boost raw testosterone levels.
Eurycoma Longifolia: A plant found growing most frequently in Southeast Asia that is frequently listed as long jack or tongkat ali. It is thought to have positive effects on testosterone production, so it is frequently found in supplements with tribulus.
Horny Goat Weed: An herb that has stimulant effects that may be able to benefit men’s erectile function. It is also thought to potentially cause side effects in some users, which may include:
L-Arginine HCI: An amino acid that can be very effective for helping men to boost both circulatory rates and testosterone production. It is one of our experts’ most commonly recommended ingredients for products of this nature.
Avena Sativa: An effective testosterone booster that is also known as oat straw. It can help men in a variety of sexual ways, as well as in other more general health and wellness respects as well.
Catuaba: A South American tree whose bark contains chemicals that, when extracted, have been shown to benefit male potency. There is some thought that it is especially effective for helping increase the quantity and the mobility of men’s sperm.
With the exception of horny goat weed, the ingredients used in Vigorexin all tend to be ones that our team of experts recommends for use in products of this nature. They are especially effective for increasing the testosterone output of men’s bodies, as well as their brain’s abilities to react to that testosterone.
This is a somewhat short list of ingredients, however, and it is not particularly diverse. There are very few circulatory aids in their blend, which limits the overall effectiveness of Vigorexin, especially among men with certain types of erectile issues.
The inclusion of horny goat weed is another issue all together. While it has some benefits for circulation and erectile function, it has also been associated with a number of potential side effects, many of them serious, and as such it is not our team’s tendency to recommend supplements that use horny goat weed in their blend to our readers.
Vigorexin is available through several different third party outlets, most notably, and is also sold through their own home website. These are the prices that they were quoting on their page as of the date of this article’s publication:
The home page for Vigorexin also offers a variety of different bonuses and incentives for first time customers and purchasing in bulk. This includes offering free bottles of their topical serum that they also claim is beneficial for erectile performance.
The manufacturer of Vigorexin is listed on their label as Advantage Nutraceuticals, however their website lists their overall parent company as XPI Supplements, LLC. The contact information that our research team found for XPI Supplements is as follows:
Phone Number: (800) 911-9111
Address: 4778 N. 300 W. Suite 120
Provo, UT 84604-6541
Email: [email protected]
XPI Supplements has a somewhat concerning reputation online, especially with many of the better-known business review sites. This includes a “D” rating with the Better Business Bureau, who list XPI Supplements as having received 100% negative feedback from their past users.
Trustwerty only gives them 1.5/5 stars, and the review analysis group Fakespot found that as many as 27.9% of the reviews for Vigorexin seen on Amazon and other third party retailers’ sites have possibly been placed there by the manufacturers themselves. This is a sadly common practice that is used by companies that want to artificially drive up their scores with these retailers.
Even if users do not factor in Fakespot’s analysis, Vigorexin has received exceptionally poor scores form their past users. This includes 53% of their former Amazon customers scoring them with 1/5 stars, the lowest possible rating that they allow. The following quotations were found amongst the specific reviews that have been left about Vigorexin:
“Made me feel lightheaded and spaced out. I’d just sit there, staring into space for long stretches. None of the benefits that they described in their ads were noticeable.”
“Did not help me in any way, shape or form. Just another get rich quick scheme by some jerks.”
“I had been taking Vigorexin for a couple of weeks and hadn’t really seen any changes when I had a bad reaction in my thyroid. It swelled up and my voice started cracking like I was in puberty again.”
Most of the comments that our research team found were simply complaints that Vigorexin did not work, or that it did not live up to the promises that were made in their advertising. There were also a number of complaints about side effects that our team saw, often times similar to the ones mentioned above.
Conclusion – Does Vigorexin Work?
Given their use of a number of well-regarded ingredients such as L-Arginine, tribulus terrestris, tongkat ali, catuaba, and avena sativa, it would seem like it is possible that Vigorexin may be able to have a positive effect on some men’s sexual performance. The men that it is most likely to benefit are those that are having specific issues with testosterone function, as that is what most of those ingredients are geared toward.
It may be able to have some minor benefits for men’s circulatory function, however it provides far less support in this area than most successful male enhancement products do. L-Arginine has some pro-circulatory effects, as does the less-respected horny goat weed, however they ignore many more effective herbs like ginseng or maca root. Our team does not tend to recommend any supplements that include horny goat weed due to its overall lack of effectiveness in relation to the potential dangers that it presents.
The comments and scores that they have received from their past users also do not paint an encouraging picture about Vigorexin’s potential effectiveness, as the majority of their responses have been critical in nature. Overall, our team feels that it will be easy for most of our readers to find a more effective male enhancement supplement with only minimal effort.
One product that our team believes has a much better chance of helping men resolve their sexual issues is Viritenz. It is a highly potent blend of some of the most effective additives for male enhancement purposes that are available without first getting a doctor’s permission.
This includes many of the more effective ingredients found in Vigorexin, but it also includes a wider variety of circulatory aids that can impact both vascular dilation and the overall quantity of blood that is pumped throughout the body. To learn more about the different ways that Viritenz can benefit users’ erectile function and other aspects of their sexual responsiveness, just click on this link.
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