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Customer Health Rating: 2.4/5


Vaso-Prophin Review (UPDATED 2025): Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Vaso-Prophin is a male enhancement product that is formulated to help its users counteract erectile difficulties. Its promotional materials say that they do this by increasing circulation throughout their users’ bodies, which can help to improve the ease with which they achieve erection, the stamina of their erections, and their ability to recharge for additional sessions.

They say that it is effective from the first time that it is used, and that each tablet remains potent for about 12 hours at a time. They further claim that it can have other secondary benefits, such as increased erectile size, sensitivity, and the overall satisfaction levels for both the user and their partner.

The nutritional supplement that our team has ranked the highest in terms of its male enhancement potential is Viritenz. It uses the top ingredients blend in the industry, and their manufacturer has a reputation for producing reliable health and wellness products of different types. Click on this link to see the full analysis of Viritenz by our experts.

Vaso-Prophin Ingredients and Side Effects

The ingredients blend for Vaso-Prophin contains some of our team’s top rated ingredients, as well as some other, lower quality additives. Here are the top active additives listed on the label for Vaso-Prophin:

Muira Puama Powder Extract Horny Goat Weed Powder Extract Que Bracho
L-Arginine Pyroglutamate Maca Bioperine

Muira Puama Powder Extract: A type Brazilian bark whose extracts are often referred to as “potency wood” due to their effects on men’s bodies. Muira Puama does not directly impact testosterone levels, however its effects on the body are very similar, including improved libido, seminal quality, and erectile function.

Horny Goat Weed Powder Extract: A common but low-rated ingredient found in quite a few over the counter male enhancement products. Horny goat weed, also often listed as epimedium or icariin, is a central nervous system stimulant that can increase heart rate.

Increasing heart rate can have pro-erectile effects due to the boost in overall circulation, however it can also potentially lead to side effects in some users. These may possibly include:

  • Increased blood pressure
  • Headaches, dizziness, or vertigo
  • Dehydration
  • Heart issues

Que Bracho: An evergreen tree found in Argentina whose bark contains yohimbine, the same chemicals found in yohimbe bark. There is the possibility that que bracho could be effective for helping to stimulate erections in some cases, however it has also been possibly traced to side effects such as:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Drooling
  • Sweating
  • Psychotic episodes
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke

L-Arginine Pyroglutamate: A form of the commonly used amino acid. L-Arginine is very popular in male enhancement products for purposes like increasing overall circulation levels, boosting testosterone production, and improving insulin function.

Maca: A South American herb that is somewhat similar to muira puama. It also has no proven hormonal benefits, and yet it has been shown to have a beneficial effect on libido, erectile function, and both the quality and quantity of the semen that men produce.

Bioperine: An extract taken from black pepper that is a common additive in supplements of all types due to the fact that it can help with the absorption of other ingredients. It has no direct beneficial effects itself, however.

Follow this link to see which brands of male enhancement products have been named to our panel of experts’ annual top ten list.

Vaso-Prophin Quality of Ingredients

Both maca root and muira puama are high-rated ingredients that have shown similar types of benefits, and L-Arginine is one of the most beneficial additives for this type of product overall. Unfortunately, these high-quality ingredients are also paired with a number of lower quality additives, including que bracho and horny goat weed.

Our team does not tend to recommend either horny goat weed or any sort of yohimbine byproduct, and especially not both together. Both substances have side effect and overdose potentials, and the combination of the two can increase those risks.

Other problems with their blend include a distinct lack of testosterone aids beyond L-Arginine, which is one of the main keys to male enhancement. They have no T-production boosters other than the arginine, and they don’t have any sort of testosterone optimizers like tribulus at all.

Overall, this means that their blend is unlikely to be effective for a certain percentage of the men that are purchasing their supplements. It will also tend to be less effective in general for most men when compared to products with more complete ingredients profiles.

For more reviews of the top-name male enhancement products in the industry, just click here.

The Price and Quality of Vaso-Prophin

Vaso-Prophin is available from several different online distributors, some of which are better known and more reputable than others. The general prices that users should be able to find for Vaso-Prophin will tend to fall into the following price range:

  • 1, 60-count (30-day supply) bottle of Vaso-Prophin male enhancement dietary supplement caplets: $28.95-$39.99

These prices are about average for this category of product. It also bears noting that some of the lower prices for Vaso-Prophin are also from their bigger-name retailers.

To learn how to maximize your natural erectile size potential, just follow this link.

Business of Vaso-Prophin

The manufacturer of Vaso-Prophin is listed as Dixie Health, Inc., a lesser-known health and wellness products manufacturer. They provide very little information about themselves, including the fact that they do not have a working webpage for their business.

Our research team found evidence that they used to have several operational websites, however none of their former URL’s are currently active. They do still seem to be an active company, however, and they maintain pages on several business database websites such as the Better Business Bureau, Yelp, and Buzzfile. The contact information that our team found for Dixie Health is as follows:

Phone Number: (770) 951-9232

Address: 2161 New Market Parkway

Marietta, GA 30067

The most common articles related to Dixie Health are news reports related to their 2025 warning letter from the FDA that found Dixie Health to be in violation of several of their rules and regulations. Most notable is the issue of making false claims about their products, especially in regards to being all natural or being able to solve any medical issues.

Vaso-Prophin in particular was mentioned in the report, which cited Dixie for claiming that it was capable of treating erectile dysfunction. Consumers should also note that Vaso-Prophin has designed their label to appear like that of a prescription drug, and they use imagery, iconography, and language that seems to further imply that they are a medical product.

Click here to gain access to our team’s library of male enhancement product reviews like this one.

EDITOR'S TIP: Check our list of approved male supplements to make a right purchase decision!
Customer Opinions of Vaso-Prophin

Reviews of Vaso-Prophin on the various sites that carry them tend to be particularly negative. This includes a 2.8-star rating on Dr. Leonard’s and a 1.8-star rating on Feel Good Store. These sites also include more specific reviews, such as the following quotes from former users of Vaso-Prophin:

“I had better erections before I started taking this stuff. Not sure what happened there, but as soon as I quit I went back to normal.”

“Plain and simple: didn’t work.”

“I started by taking this stuff like it says on the label, but I got nothing from it. Then I doubled the dose, but still saw nothing. The last half of the bottle I just ate like tic-tacs, but still: no benefits.”

The most frequent comments that our team found were that it was ineffective. They did not see any reports of side effects on any of the sites that they reviewed.

Follow this link to see how all of the top over the counter male enhancement products in the industry compare to one another.

  • Effectiveness46%2.3/5
  • Consumer reviews42%2.1/5
  • Quality of ingredients46%2.3/5
  • Cost54%2.7/5
  • Money Back52%2.6/5
  • Overall Rating48%2.4/5
Conclusion – Does Vaso-Prophin Work?

Vaso-Prophin has an ingredients blend that includes both top-rated and lower-rated additives, and overall their blend has some major deficiencies in it. The vast majority of the support that it provides is for circulatory rate, which is only one of the many ways to improve men’s sexual performance.

They only provide minimal forms of testosterone support and boosters for circulatory volume, and they have no ingredients that can help men’s bodies use their testosterone more efficiently. When this is factored in with the issues that Vaso-Prophin has had with the FDA, the limited data about their parent company, and the lack of positive responses from their past users, it becomes very hard for our panel of experts to encourage our readers to try their product.

Instead, our experts tend to suggest that men who are looking for a male enhancement product try Viritenz. It is a potent herbal blend that affects all of the key factors in male arousal, including testosterone and circulatory function.

It can help men that are struggling with issues such as depressed erectile function, orgasm control, and lack of sex drive or motivation. Click on this link to find out more about all of the different ways that Viritenz can help its users restore their previous sexual prowess or reach new heights of performance.

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Top Rated Male Enhancement Supplement of 2025

  • Viritenz4.9/5 stars-icon
  • Effectiveness95%4.7/5
  • Consumer reviews93%4.5/5
  • Quality of ingredients96%4.7/5
  • Cost91%5/5
  • Money Back89%5/5
  • Overall Rating95%4.9/5

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