These days on the weight loss market, it’s not uncommon to find supplements cramming their formulas with as many allegedly effective ingredients as possible, all with the hope of creating the most potent weight loss supplement ever. Some products, on the other hand, take a more streamlined approach, preferring to hedge their bets on a small number of key ingredients that it believes its consumers will be able to trust. ThermGenX is one of these supplements. While its formula may only contain four ingredients, ThermGenX promises that it will help you lose weight safely and quickly.
Of course, it’s nice to not have to worry about lists of ingredients that are a mile long, filled with compounds and extracts that may as well be written in a different language. But can weight loss supplements with so few ingredients really be effective? Let’s take a closer look at ThermGenX and see if it can measure up to its competition.
Who makes it?
ThermGenX is produced by an Iowa-based supplement company known as Advanta Supplements. Instead of selling their products through their own website, Advanta has a partnership with Amazon, who sell ThermGenX and other Advanta supplements through their online marketplace. Unfortunately, Advanta don’t see to be too easy to get in touch with; the contact page on ThermGenX’s official site is empty, and even Advanta’s own official page offers nothing but an email form for customers looking to contact the company. A lack of contact information is usually a red flag when dealing with supplement companies, as you should never trust a product if you don’t know from whom you’re buying it.
How (and) does it work?
The majority of official information regarding ThermGenX can be found on the product’s listing on Amazon’s online marketplace. Unfortunately, Advanta doesn’t offer too much in the form of an explanation for how ThermGenX actually helps you lose weight. Advanta simply explains that ThermGenX is capable of boosting your metabolism and burning fat more efficiently. This is accomplished through thermogenesis, a process by which your body increases its temperature to burn more fat cells, creating energy out of not only digestive fat, but fat cells stored in the body as well.
Users of ThermGenX are instructed to take two capsules per day, thirty to sixty minutes before a meal.
The majority of reviews of ThermGenX on Amazon are surprisingly positive, but negative reviews report disappointing weight loss results and describe long lists of unpleasant side effects.
What’s inside of it and are there any side effects?
As stated previously, ThermGenX only contains four active ingredients. Although ThermGenX is billed as a “revolutionary diet pill”, it’s hard not to question “why” when every one of its ingredients can commonly be found in most run-of-the-mill weight loss supplements. There is absolutely nothing unique about ThermGenX’s formula; you yourself could probably put together a similar product after only an hour’s worth researching the most popular weight loss ingredients.
All of ThermGenX’s ingredients are allegedly capable of stimulating your metabolism and promoting thermogenesis. These ingredients include green tea and coffee beans, raspberry ketone and garcinia cambogia. Consumption of these ingredients in adequate dosages will no doubt have beneficial effects on your body and metabolism, but there’s no way such a safe and standard weight loss formula is really capable of helping you lose a significant amount of weight without additional diet and exercise.
Due to the amount of caffeine present in ThermGenX’s formula, users may experience jittery side effects such as restlessness, insomnia, headaches and anxiety. Other side effects of ThermGenX reportedly include nausea, dizziness and bloating.
While use of garcinia cambogia is not known to result in any side effects, products including the ingredient have previously been linked to liver damage. It’s unknown whether or not garcinia cambogia had anything to do with this, but users are advised to ingest products containing garcinia cambogia are their own risk.
What’s good about it?
ThermGenX comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee.
What’s bad about it?
Very little is known about ThermGenX’s creators, and while they claim their product to be “revolutionary” this is nothing unique about a weight loss formula that consists of nothing but the four most popular ingredients on the market.
You can find something better on the market for the same amount of money.
Wrap up
ThermGenX is a “revolutionary” diet pill comprised of a unique blend designed to increase the amount of fat your body burns by stimulating your metabolism. Unfortunately, there is nothing unique or revolutionary about ThermGenX’s formula, which merely consists of the four most popular weight loss ingredients on the market.
Bottom line
While the product has received some positive user reviews, its blend of common weight loss ingredients just doesn’t seem powerful enough to really help you lose weight. You’d be better off looking for a more potent supplement produced by a company a little more transparent and trustworthy than the mysterious Advanta Supplements.
We strongly recommend looking into other diet pills that may be more effective and better for you.
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