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Customer Health Rating: 2.9/5


Thermadrol Review – Shocking truth about Thermadrol

What is it?

Due to the fact that many weight loss products function in similar fashions, the only way for many supplement companies to compete with each other is to claim to be the best, to offer a more efficient version of the same basic product that their competitors are allegedly not doing a good enough job with. As a result, flashy buzzwords such as “extreme” and “pro” get thrown around all too often, with the intent of convincing you that this version of a product is far more capable of boosting your metabolism that this other version of the same exact product.

Thermadrol is just one weight loss supplement that subscribes to marketing tactics. Billed as an “extreme weight loss product”, Thermadrol claims to be capable of reducing your appetite and speeding up your metabolism, to result in a whopping 600% more body fat burned than you’d see without using the product. That’s quite a claim, but let’s take a closer look at Thermadrol and see if it’s really capable of making good on such a lofty promise.

Who makes it?

PillsThermadrol seems to be produced by a supplement company known as Big Nutrition. While there does seem to be a New Jersey-based supplement company named “Go Big Nutrition”, Thermadrol is not mentioned on this company’s site and it is unclear whether this is the company in question. The only contact information available on Thermadrol’s official website is a toll-free number. The official Thermadrol website also explains that Thermadrol is not available in many retail stores due to the product’s “extreme” amount of active ingredients.

The lack of available information about Thermadrol’s creators definitely raises a red flag; you should never buy any product if you don’t know who’s selling it to you.

How (and) does it work?

Thermadrol contains a mix of ingredients designed to thermogenically boost your metabolism, meaning that more of the food you ingest is processed into energy and less of it is stored in your body as fat. Thermadrol also contains ingredients that are allegedly capable of suppressing your appetite, as well as a wide variety of stimulants to boost your energy. Users of Thermadrol are instructed to take three capsules twice a day.

What’s inside of it and are there any side effects?

Thermadrol contains a staggering twenty active ingredients. While many of these ingredients can be found in a wide variety of other dieting and fitness products due to their alleged weight loss properties, none of them have actually been clinically proven to result in significant weight loss in humans. While some of Thermadrol’s ingredients may indeed be capable of positively affecting your metabolism and appetite, it is very unlikely that Thermadrol will help you lose weight without additional diet and exercise – contrary to the claims the product makes on its official website.

Thermadrol’s active ingredients include the following: Green Tea Extract, Citrus Arantium, Garcinia Cambogia. Bioperine, L-Carnitine. L-Tyrosine, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Chromium Picolinate, Yerba Mate, Apple Cider Vinegar, Caffeine Anhydrous, Fennel Seed, Licorice Root, Pantothenic Acid, Phenylalanine, Gymnemia, Sylvestre, Cayenne Powder, Hoodia Gordonii and Ginger Root.

If you are most interested in finding a diet pill that is derived from natural ingredients, please read the top 10 list.

Thermadol warns users that side effects may include sleeplessness, nausea and jitters – all side effects common of caffeine. Unfortunately, Thermal fails to advertise if any of its other ingredients run the risk of inducing side effects.

One particularly troubling ingredient found in Thermadrol is Garcinia Cambogoia, which has previously been found in supplements linked to liver damage. While it is inconclusive whether or not the presence of Garcinia Cambogia was the cause for this liver damage, you should ingest products containing this ingredient at your own risk.

What’s good about it?

Users of Thermadrol can allegedly receive a $10 dollar reward for posting a positive review of product on a public site and emailing the company with a link to your testimonial.

What’s bad about it?

pills_on_spoonThermadrol is not available in stores and may be inconvenient to purchase. A lack of information about the product’s creators and Thermadrol’s inclusion of an ingredient that may be linked to liver damage also indicate that Thermadrol is perhaps not to be trusted.

You can find something better on the market for the same amount of money.

Wrap up

Thermadrol is an “extreme” form of thermogrenic weight loss supplement that contains a wide variety of popular ingredients allegedly capable of boosting your energy and burning fat. However, Thermadrol does not contain any weight loss ingredient that you cannot find in other supplements and is not clinically proven to result in any kind of significant weight loss at all.

  • Effectiveness56%2.8/5
  • Consumer reviews52%2.6/5
  • Quality of ingredients56%2.8/5
  • Cost64%3.2/5
  • Money Back62%3.1/5
  • Overall Rating58%2.9/5
Bottom line

Thermadrol may contain many promising ingredients, but in the end this product doesn’t really bring anything unique to the table. Thermadrol can claim to be extreme due to the sheer number of active ingredients included in its formula, but chances are that you’re better off trusting a supplement company with an actual website than whatever kind of shady and faceless operation is selling this product.

We strongly recommend looking into other diet pills that may be more effective and better for you.


Check top 10 weight loss pills

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