Stiff Bull is a combination male enhancement supplement and coffee beverage. It is designed to help boost men’s energy levels while also increasing the frequency and rigidity of their erections.
Stiff Bull is a single-use product that is said to begin working within minutes, however its benefits can potentially last for up to two days. It provides multiple forms of circulatory support, as well as potentially some degree of testosterone support as well.
The most effective way to improve erectile function that our team of reviewers has found is through the dietary supplement Viritenz. They use an ingredients formula that is able to help men maximize their natural size and performance potential, including benefits to the libido, orgasm function, and more. Follow this link to learn more about the different ways that Viritenz may be able to help you reach new levels of sexual performance.
Coffee | Tongkat Ali |
Maca Root | Guarana |
Coffee: One of the most common beverages consumed worldwide. Coffee is known most for its benefits to consumers’ energy levels, attention, and focus, as well as for fighting fatigue and helping increase endurance.
Coffee can have some minor erectile benefits based on the fact that it can increase the rate of users’ heartbeats, which naturally increases overall circulatory volume. These benefits are also offset, however, by some potential side effects which may include:
Tongkat Ali: A potential testosterone booster that was first cultivated in Malaysia, but whose use has spread across the globe as people have learned more about its possible benefits. This includes increases to testosterone production if tongkat ali is taken regularly, however its benefits are more limited if it is only consumed sporadically.
Maca Root: One of the more potent male enhancement supplement ingredients that are available to men without a prescription. It is known for its abilities to increase erectile performance, for providing non-hormonal libido effects, and as a seminal production booster.
Guarana: Another natural caffeine source similar to coffee, though slightly less potent. Guarana is not thought to have erectile benefits beyond its stimulant properties and does not tend to be one of the male enhancement supplement ingredients that our team of experts recommends.
Stiff Bull may be successful for some men and some uses, however it also may not provide all of the benefits that men expect from an effective male enhancement product. The vast majority of Stiff Bull’s benefits are related to one type of circulatory boosting effect, however it ignores most other aspects of male enhancement.
This includes providing an effective vasodilator, like L-Arginine, which can increase the possible volume of blood flow, not just heart rate. Most other top rated male enhancement supplements also use a much more effective approach to testosterone supplementation than Stiff Bull, who only provides very minimal benefits to testosterone production and no benefits to testosterone processing.
Tongkat ali is an effective testosterone aid that is used in many of the more effective male enhancement product ingredients on the market today, however it tends to be more effective when taken over time. It is hard to significantly impact testosterone production within a matter of minutes or hours, which is why the most effective testosterone aids tend to be daily nutritional products.
It also does not include any ability to change the way that men process testosterone through ingredients such as tribulus terrestris. Overall, this means that Stiff Bull only provides a portion of the different types of benefits that men have come to expect from a quality male enhancement product. It may be more effective as a short-term energy booster than as a sexual enhancement product, as it provides multiple forms of energy and endurance support.
Stiff Bull used to be more widely distributed several years ago, however after an incident with the FDA in 2025 it seems that they are now only available through their own home site. The base prices that they were quoting on their site are as follows:
These prices are very expensive, even when compared to most other single-use male enhancement products, which tend to be more expensive than daily nutritional supplements. Depending on how frequently any given user is engaged in sexual activity, these prices may be unsustainable for them based on cost alone.
Stiff Bull does not list a parent company or any affiliates on their website, and all evidence indicates that they are an independent entity. They provide very little in the way of contact information on their website. They do not list a telephone number or physical address, and instead have only an electronic contact form on their website that can be used for communication purposes.
Interested users should be aware that Stiff Bull has had some legal trouble recently related to their inclusion of an illegal ingredient that was not listed on their label. In 2025 the Food and Drug Administration found that Stiff Bull had included the prescription drug desmethyl carbodenafil in their coffee, a PDE5 inhibitor similar to Viagra.
Desmethyl carbodenafil is an intense vasodilator that can open up the width of men’s veins, allowing for more blood to flow through them at any given time. While this can have beneficial effects for some men’s erectile function, it can also be dangerous for other men, particularly those with certain types of blood pressure or heart function issues.
The practice of loading natural products with unlisted prescription drugs is sadly common in today’s market, however it is not a practice that our team can endorse. It is illegal, unethical, it puts too many men’s safety at risk, and has even led to death in some extreme cases.
Reviews of Stiff Bull from their past users are not particularly positive in general. Here are some quotations from past Stiff Bull users about their experiences with the product:
“Made me feel so sick – stomach ache, light headed, dizzy – that it totally ruined all the fun.”
“I am not sure why I thought this was a good idea. I tried making this work a few times, but it’s just impractical, nasty, and never gave me anything like the results that they promised.”
“This stuff is seriously disgusting – both in terms of taste and in terms of how it makes you feel. Some things don’t mix; just save your money.
There are not any reviews from any reputable critical organizations that recommended Stiff Bull to their readers. Our experts do not tend to recommend products that have reviews of this quality.
Conclusion – Does Stiff Bull Work?
Stiff Bull may have some uses, however it should not be put into the same class of products that more effective forms of nutritional supplementation are. It belongs more in the category of novelty coffee products, where it certainly has more erectile benefits than the average drink of this type.
It has some circulatory benefits which may have pro-erectile effects, however it is unlikely that they will be as dramatic as those of supplements that provide some degree of vasodilation. Additionally, it will not tend to be as effective as a supplement that is more suited to providing effective testosterone supplementation.
The bottom line is that Stiff Bull does not have the nutritional profile, positive customer history, or favorable reviews that would lead our team to think that it could be as potent as the majority of top rated male enhancement supplements. Our team of experts encourages our readers to pursue other options if at all possible.
The supplement that our panel of experts believes can have the most potent effect on men’s sexual performance is called Viritenz. It uses a well-rounded complex of ingredients that provide effective circulatory support and testosterone boosting properties.
It has also received excellent reviews from industry professionals and average consumers alike, which encourages our panel of experts about its potential overall potency. Follow this link to learn more about whether or not Viritenz can provide the type of male enhancement support that you’ve been looking for.
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