Not only does this product intend to help you lose weight, but it is marketed as a colon cleanser that flushes out toxins from the body. They claim to rid the body of deadly toxins all while burning calories and improving overall physical health.
Supposedly this product is used by celebrities in order to shed pounds off, however not a single named is mentioned. Already there are quite a few claims that seem to provide a lot, if they’re actually true.
Let’s investigate further and see what appears.
There is conflicting reports on the name of the company however they do offer a phone and email address for customer questions. Many customers on several websites have mentioned they’ve called to settle concerns without an answer from the company.
They do offer a 14 day trial which quickly extends into a contract. A monthly charge of $132.11 then begins each month. One still must pay an additional fee for every bottle that is needed.
One of the things offered is that they claim parasites which weaken immune function, nutrients and cell damage are wiped off which leads to an overall healthier body.
They claim that although people are living longer people are getting sicker still. Also that it is not normal to only have one bowel movement a day which they claim by association to fix.
Essentially it works as a diuretic that flushes out over 10 to 15 pounds of water in the colon.
No clinical trials were performed and no customer testimonials, opinions or real evidence is provided. Many customers have reported feeling duped because they were never directly told they would be automatically charged for membership dues. In fact no price is mentioned until after the first bottle comes and the charge appears on bank statements.
The manufacturer’s website fails to mention the strength of their ingredients. This information is necessary to track individual health and luckily it is offered by reputable vendors that can provide you with results.
Potential Side Effects: Headaches, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, itchy skin, rashes, stomach cramps, bloating, gas, difficulty swallowing, and elevated heart rate.
Does offer a list of precautions.
There are hidden fees, automatic renewal plans, lack of customer support, unknown ingredient strength, expensive pricing for the type of ingredients and several disappointed customers.
Right now this product works to lure people into their 14 day trial. Nowhere even after selecting the trial is there mention as to the price. Also not mentioned is the automatic renewal plan that forces monthly charge on unsuspecting customers.
Not one customer online has reported a positive experience, many have tried calling the company during their business hours with no resolve. Essentially many have said they continue to be charged even after trying to find a solution to quit the renewal plan.
All these considerations and the product does not offer any clinical trials or ingredient strength which is customary for potential clients. There are a lot of claims made and no support is offered to actually show why this product is useful.
So many problems come together that show just how ineffective and unsatisfying this company treats people. Not only are customers dissatisfied but they keep alleging this manufacturer is running a scam that takes advantage of unsuspecting people. No price is given until the automatic billing starts and so far not one customer has been able to get a hold of the company. At the high price of a $132 per bottle it makes it exceptionally pricey and no ingredients are fully laid out.
Bottom Line:
In search of a good all natural product you shouldn’t be dissuaded by companies like this that do not offer support or a reputable history. Instead it’s better to find the solutions for weight loss that don’t have hidden fees after the fact.
By taking part of a company that does not include their ingredients in full, and instead signs you up for unknown membership dues you are left with no positives. Making the first step is as easy as looking at the positive reviews and customer happiness offered by good companies.
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