Well known in the United Kingdom diet pill market, Slim Bomb is a product that has been around for a while, claiming that it can get users manage their weight in the most effective way possible. It does this through herbal ingredients, rather than synthetically made ones that other diet pills may use.
Being so well known and having a bit of a cult following, well that pretty much wraps up if this diet pill works or not then, right? Or perhaps there is a reason why this diet pill hasn’t been heard of outside of the United Kingdom? We decided to look into this product and find out.
Slim Bomb is manufactured by the United Kingdom based Evolution Slimming. Evolution Slimming is known for producing a variety of health and dietary supplements that are made with ingredients such as garcinia cambogia, raspberry ketones, glucomannan and acai berries to name a few. Slim Bomb can be purchased from the company’s official website, as well as third party retailers such as Amazon.com and SlimmingSolutions.com.
Slim Bomb works by not only speeding up the rate that fat is burned at, but the body’s metabolic rate is raised as well. In addition to this Slim Bomb also helps to suppress the appetite of users, to ensure that there won’t be anymore extra snacking done during the day. Lastly Slim Bomb contains green tea leaf, which has antioxidants that help keep the immune system healthy. Slim Bomb claims that it’s users can lose anywhere from 1-9 pounds in a week. All the users have to do is take 4 capsules a day, 2 around 10am and another 2 around 3pm.
While there has been some positive feedback, other users have reported that this product did nothing at all, while others reported mild side effects. Overall the reviews on this product are rather mixed.
Slim Bomb contains only 3 ingredients, all of which are known to be stimulants. If you are someone who is sensitive to stimulants, you may want to consult your doctor before trying this product out. Slim Bomb is made up of natural ingredients, which is just like diet pills on the top 10 list.
This product may cause the following adverse effects: Nausea, insomnia.
Slim Bomb is produced by a company that is well known in the United Kingdom. This makes it a much more valid product than other diet pills that come from either relatively unknown makers, or makers that try to hide who they are. Slim Bomb also has a money-back guarantee that it holds it’s word to, unlike other diet pills that may just use the words “money-back guarantee” to lure in potential buyers.
Despite the positivity of it’s claims, when it comes down to it, there is no concrete evidence that this product is truly effective in helping people lose weight. Nowhere are there any studies provided that support the assertions that the marketing of this product promotes. A bit strange that for a product that is supposedly very effective, there’s no studies done on it.
Slim Bomb contains within itself ingredients that are known to be stimulants. This may cause adverse effects in some users. People who are sensitive to stimulants would do well to consult a doctor before trying this product out. Slim Bomb also restricts it’s use to nursing and pregnant women, adolescents and people who are on strict calorie counting diet plans; in other words, this product is not for everyone.
Slim Bombs have been around for years, although that doesn’t mean the product itself is effective. It is true that the user may get an energy boost from this product, but as for weight loss, the bar needs to put at a much lower level.
Bottom Line:
Despite having all natural ingredients, there is no firm evidence to support the assertion that this diet pill is truly effective in helping people lose weight. And yes it may be true that there have been many people who have bought this product, but this still doesn’t prove anything. There are plenty of scam diet pills that can attest to this. There are more effective diet pills available on the market when compared to this one. It’s there that your attention should be based, not with this diet pill.
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