With a website featuring various smiling, thin women as well as a man wearing a doctor’s jacket, Slendatrim tells it’s users that they can now stop looking for a weight loss miracle, because here it is. Claiming to help suppress appetite, boost metabolism and energy levels as well as burn fat, it may seem that this product will leave you smiling like the models on the website.
But will it really? Can this product really get you the results you are looking for? Or is this product biting off more than it can chew with everything that it claims it can do? We decided to look into this product and find out.
Slendatrim is manufactured by the Florida based Vitegrity. A family owned and operated business, Vitegrity produces a variety of health supplements, ranging from weight loss to heart health to menopause and diuretics to name a few. Vitegrity also likes to boast that all it’s products follow the guidelines of the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). Slendatrim can be purchased on the company’s official website, it’s own website, as well as third party retailers such as Amazon.com.
Slendatrim claims that it’s combination of ingredients can help users in 5 different ways: boosting metabolism, burning fat, suppressing appetite, increasing energy levels and acting as a thermogenic agent. Slendatrim claims that this is all clinically proven to help people lose weight. To see the promised results of weight loss, users are instructed to take capsules twice a day, once before breakfast and again before an afternoon meal.
Despite it’s optimistic claims, not all users found the results they were looking for. Some users reported skin rashes, while others claimed that it did not suppress their appetite at all.
Slendatrim has a wide range of ingredients in it, with some ingredients being known to be beneficial to health. There are however, the inclusion of other ingredients, such as citrus aurantium, which may cause palpitations and high blood pressure. Also the amount of calcium included may be a bit high compared to the daily recommended dose. If you are interested in other all natural diet pills, check out the top 10 list.
There are no known side effects to taking this product, however some users have reported allergic reactions and stomach discomfort. However it should be noted that hoodia gordonii may cause skin irritations, nausea and vomiting. Citrus aurantium may also cause heart palpitations and high blood pressure in some users.
Green tea leaf, which is included in this product, is known to be an effective ingredient in helping people lose weight.
Just because this Slendatrim does have some healthy ingredients, that doesn’t mean that it is all that effective in helping people lose weight. There are also the inclusion of ingredients such as citrus aurantium and hoodia gordonii, which may cause some adverse effects in users.
The official website does try to get people to believe in this product, however the presentation is rather poor. In part of the website, a doctor can be seen, pointing down at what Slendatim can do for it’s users. However if you have seen other diet pill websites (as we have seen many) , you will see this same doctor appear time and again pointing down at text! This really makes the product feel rather fake.
Overall though the promises of this diet pill are overblown. While people may see results, they won’t be as much as was promised.
While this product does contain healthy ingredients, it may not give you the results you are looking for. True, some weight loss may happen, but it may be much less than you would like to see.
Bottom Line:
Just because a diet pill has a website with smiling, thin women and people wearing lab coats, that doesn’t mean that their product is as effective as they say it is. While this product isn’t a complete farce, it won’t get you to lose as much weight as you want. There are more effective diet pills on the market that can help you reach your weight loss goals. As it stands with this product, you might as well save your money and turn your attention elsewhere.
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