This all encompassing pill is said to promote antioxidant function, aid in detoxification, and weight management as well as providing a 90 day money back guarantee.
A suggested use of two capsules a day before meals with an 8 ounce cup of water is considered an average dose. It claims to aid in a full stomach feeling leading to reduced likelihood of overeating. Though it also mentions this must be combined with a healthy diet and strict exercise regimen.
This companies origin is from Texas based “Skinny Body Care”.
Though their namesake suggests feelings of being fit and slim they also offer one more product in the field of skin care, a product that is said to leave ones skin nourished and wrinkle free.
They offer people the ability to distribute their products as well as limited availability thru Amazon.
Combining both appetite suppressants and fiber containing enzymes that mimic a full stomach feeling, this supplement boasts the ability to not just reduce the rate of eating but to boost the body’s natural antioxidant process. No evidence is provided to support these claims however.
They have before and after stock photos but many customers on Amazon and even YouTube have claimed results are ineffective.
The ratio of ingredients list is spread out thru their website on 3 different hyperlinks. It contains active ingredients from two uncommon plants and one natural fiber without documentation of how they are sourced. On another page separate from their ingredient list it mentions it contains enzymes without stating their origin and source. If interested, there are diet pills that are derived from natural ingredients, please read the top 10 list.
Potential Side Effects: Choking hazard, stomach bloating, constipation, gas, upset stomach, dehydration, and liver failure.
There is 90 day money back guaranteed, though it is technically only 30 days for the first bottle and an additional 90 days if one purchases 3 or more bottles.
The website is vague and at times contradictory. They claim their formula leads to skinny bodies but only briefly state that it is with a combination of diet and exercise that results will occur. One of its ingredients Cha’de Bugre is claimed to be like a green tea but it does not mention if there is caffeine in the ingredients. This ingredient is lumped in with 2 others to compose of 1.16 grams, making the rate of caffeine dangerous for those with hypersensitivity.
Also the fact that there is a major choking hazard if not consumed with water can be threatening, as this point is only mentioned briefly in small print.
There are plenty of displeased customers on one of their few third party distributors Amazon, with an overwhelming 42 people opposed and only 22 who rate it as a useful supplement. Many of the 22 positive results are short quips and half of them rate it as being “decent” and “just ok”.
They claim that their studies have been supported thru double blind studies yet there are no sources to back up these claims.
Though the money back guarantee is an added plus, there is little evidence from factual sources to back up their claims. In fact many users have given an overwhelmingly negative response and no studies are shown as evidence supporting their claims.
The risk of choking seems high without proper fluids, making it a gamble since fluid retention levels change from person to person.
Bottom Line:
Shouldn’t you be able to take a supplement without worrying about choking hazards? Skinny Fiber even admits that you need to watch your diet and exercise regimen. There are plenty of products out there for the same price (or less) that are actually effective. Isn’t the point of a fat loss tool to lose fat without struggling to fit in your busy scheduling another set of problems?
There’s no evidence anywhere supporting their effectiveness. The only observable facts are the overwhelming unbiased online response declaring this product is bogus.
For your own benefit search elsewhere for results, find other diet pills that may be more effective and better for you.
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