It’s summer time, and it’s on everyone is thinking about the beach, getting a tan and looking good while doing it. Six pack abs are all the rage, if not a flat stomach. Unfortunately for many, their abdominals represent a keg more than a six pack.
That’s where Safslim comes in, a dietary supplement in liquid form that claims to be proven in the fight for a better metaphor to describe your abdominal area. But is it really as good as it says it is? Or will this product be so disappointing that it will still have you wearing a shirt on the beach? We decided to go ahead and find out.
SafSlim is manufactured by the Florida based Re-Body Inc. Re-Body Inc. also manufactures a variety of other weight loss supplements, which include products that have non- GMO Satiereal saffron extract. SafSlim can be purchased online on the company’s website, or from online retailers such as
According to the company’s website, Safslim claims that it has it’s first-ever solution that specifically targets the abdominal area and that goes after belly fat. The company sites a study done at Ohio state university where in a group of women with type 2 diabetes who experienced menopause that they say a reduction in belly fat of up to 6.3%. While this sounds good, it we reiterate that this study was done on a specific group of women in a certain demographic.
Despite it’s optimistic claims, SafeSlim did not give all those who tried it the desired reductions in belly fat that were advertised.
SafSlim is made up of a variety of acids that are supposedly used to help combat belly fat. While seeming to be effective on the surface, a closer look reveals that some of the ingredients may not be as effective as they claim, and might possibly do harm to the user.
Although no side effects are mentioned, it should be noted that pregnant women, nursing mothers and individuals under the age of 18 are not recommended to take SafeSlim.
For a list of dietary supplements with all natural ingredients, please read the top 10 list.
If you don’t like one flavor don’t worry, as there are four flavors to choose from.
It should be noted again, that the clinical study that SafSlim uses as the evidence that it works was done on a group of women going through menopause that had type-2 diabetes. While helping out this group, it is unclear and unproven if people in the general population would also have the same results as those tested.
There’s also the fact that the daily dose of SafSlim is less than the daily dose of linoleic acid and safflower oil that is recommended. SafSlim only uses half that amount. So if you do what the daily dose should be, that means that you will run out of SafSlim all the faster. If you go by what the instructions say, then it would take twice as long to see an effect, if any. And again, the studies were done on women with type-2 diabetes who went through menopause. There is no mention of how this would react to people who aren’t that.
And if after all this you aren’t satisfied with your SafSlim be aware that the manufacturer has no money back guarantee. Might as well get it from a third party retailer if you were to try this at all.
While seeming to be the belly fat reducer that everyone has been looking for, instead this is the belly fat reducer that only some people can use. You can try it for yourself if you want, but if you aren’t a woman in her fifties with diabetes, results may not be typical.
Bottom Line:
Much like a mirage created from the heat of a hot summer day, so to does this product seem appealing from a distance. Upon closer inspection however, as with any mirage, what you think you see isn’t what’s really there, if there’s anything there at all. If you want a product that is truly effective, it’s best to look elsewhere; there are plenty of products out there that are possibly cheaper and actually effective in helping you reach your goals. SafSlim takes a goal that everyone wants to aspire to; a thin toned stomach free of belly fat. Unfortunately it doesn’t follow through, like eating fast food after exercise.
We recommend trying other dietary supplements that may be better and more effective for you.
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