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Customer Health Rating: 3,2/5


PharmaFreak Test Freak Review: Is It Safe?

PharmaFreak Test Freak is a male enhancement supplement that is designed to help users have more efficient, effective workouts while simultaneously improving their performance sexually.

Its advertising heavily implies that it increases testosterone function, however it does not state that explicitly.

They say that it can help users achieve permanent gains in strength and muscle mass, even after cycling off of the supplement.

The manufacturers recommend it stacked with their other products, some of which may also be useful for customers attempting to increase testosterone.



Who Makes It?

PharmaFreak Test Freak is one of the “Freak” line of supplements from PharmaFreak, who is itself a subsidiary of the health, wellness, and fitness conglomerate SAGA Sciences. SAGA is a Canadian company that is also known for owning and operating SD Pharmaceuticals.

The reason that PharmaFreak Test Freak does not make any explicit reference to being able to increase testosterone levels directly is that they, along with several other supplements manufacturing companies, were recently the subject of a series of class-action lawsuits regarding their product claims. Specifically, the ingredient Fenugreek has come under fire after a series of tests that failed to disclose any measurable impact on testosterone function.

The FDA and their corresponding agencies in multiple other countries have issued multiple warnings and citations to PharmaFreak explaining that they cannot legally make the claims that they do about their product. They have also been in legal trouble for patent infringement against another supplements company, and their scores with review sites like Trustwerty and Fakespot are particularly low.

Fakespot also found that PharmaFreak Test Freak had an inordinately high amount of fake product reviews on their distributor’s websites, with as many as 20% of the 5-star reviews for PharmaFreak’s products being rated as “low-quality” and “unreliable”.

Follow this link to learn more about which male enhancement products are thought to be the most effective for increasing erectile size, strength, and durability.

How (and) Does It Work?

PharmaFreak Test Freak does not provide very much information about how their product works. Under the section of their website labeled “The Science” they only provide a list of ingredients, but no context for how they expect them to work.

This is again most likely the result of the lawsuit against products using testofen and claim to boost testosterone production. The name “Test Freak” even seems to imply testosterone boosting effects without explicitly saying as much.

If it is in fact a testosterone booster, then it does have the potential to be helpful for both sexual and athletic performance. Testosterone is a hormone that helps the body build muscle, generate energy, and burn fat. It also increases libido levels and the frequency with which men have sexual thoughts and fantasies, as well as seminal quality, orgasm intensity, and a variety of other beneficial effects as well.

Click on this link to learn more about how to maximize your natural size potential through nutritional supplementation.

What’s Inside of It and Are There Side Effects?

The ingredients listed on their website are:

TESTOFEN and TRIGOTEST Fenugreek Extracts: Two different forms of chemicals that are derived from the plant fenugreek. Before its recent surge in popularity, what fenugreek was most known for was its sweet taste, which, when consumed, affects the way the body, breath, and urine smell.

Then a study was conducted that claimed fenugreek contained chemicals that could increase testosterone levels, sparking an industry-wide run on the vegetable. That study never ended up finding a journal that would publish it, however, due to some methodological issues that affected the outcome of the data.

The study, which also happened to be sponsored by fenugreek supplement manufacturers, has since been discredited. All future clinical trials involving fenugreek failed to replicate their data and it is not currently believed to have a beneficial effect on testosterone levels.

Tribulus Terrestris: One of the more reliable male enhancement supplement ingredients currently in the market. Tribulus is used in many testosterone boosters not because it can increase raw testosterone levels but because it helps the brain react more efficiently to the testosterone that is already present.

Saw Palmetto Extract: A controversial ingredient in male enhancement products due to some concerns that it may cause erectile dysfunction in some men. Saw palmetto has been shown to have some benefits for prostate health, especially for helping to shrink swollen and inflamed prostates.

If the prostate swells too much it can begin to press on some of the nerves that lead to the penis, which may lead to erectile dysfunction. This is a very small percentage of ED sufferers, however, making it unlikely that saw palmetto can do any good for any given user’s sexual performance.

Stinging Nettle Extract: A flowering plant with leaves that are covered in small, sharp spines that can cause a histamine reaction in people that come in contact with it. Stinging nettle is thought to potentially have benefits for testosterone function as well.

For the most comprehensive library of male enhancement product reviews found anywhere online, just click on this link.

What’s Good About It?

Tribulus terrestris is one of the most widely used testosterone performance enhancers in the supplements industry. It is very effective when used as part of an ingredients blend that features other ingredients that increase free testosterone levels, as it helps magnify the impact of the other ingredients.

Stinging nettle has also shown that it can be a useful ingredient in products like this, although it is not thought to be as potent as tribulus. Both of these ingredients are highly recommended by our panel of experts.

What’s Bad About It?

The main ingredient in PharmaFreak Test Freak, fenugreek, is not one of the most effective ingredients on the market for male enhancement products. It has been discredited by most objective scientific studies, and lawsuits into the manufacturing claims behind fenugreek suppliers have supported the conclusion that it is not an effective ingredient for a male enhancement product.

Saw palmetto is also questionably effective and not generally recommended by our team of experts. It may help a small percentage of men that are dealing with ED induced by prostate swelling, however in other men it may actually cause issues with impotence. As such it is difficult to include in a product specifically designed to help men fight issues like that.

Finally, the quantity of legal issues and the low ratings for PharmaFreak as a manufacturer should make potential customers wary of spending money on their products. Many of their positive ratings are also thought to be unreliable, making it very difficult to trust the overall quality of their product.

To see if your sexual performance would benefit from using a male enhancement supplement, just follow this link.

EDITOR'S TIP: Check our list of approved male supplements to make a right purchase decision!
Wrap Up:

PharmaFreak Test Freak is a male enhancement product that suggests it may increase testosterone levels without actually claiming that outright. They base their ingredient blend off of one highly respected ingredient, tribulus terrestris, and another ingredient, fenugreek, that is not thought to be as helpful for testosterone function as many of its advertisers claim.

There was a lawsuit recently brought against companies that still claimed that it could increase testosterone production, which is one of the main reasons that PharmaFreak Test Freak cannot say they are a testosterone booster outright. PharmaFreak has also faced legal issues for other reasons as well, including patent infringement and violations of FDA manufacturing standards.

Click here to see our experts’ top ten list of the most effective erectile aids, testosterone boosters, and male enhancement products on the market today.

  • Effectiveness62%3.1/5
  • Consumer reviews58%2.9/5
  • Quality of ingredients62%3.1/5
  • Cost70%3.5/5
  • Money Back68%3.4/5
  • Overall Rating64%3.2/5
Bottom Line

The bottom line is that it is very hard to trust that PharmaFreak Test Freak can actually be an effective testosterone booster on its own. They suggest stacking it with several other products from PharmaFreak, which may be a more effective approach but will also be more expensive. It would also not be necessary if it were just an effective product on its own.

Tribulus terrestris is an excellent additive for male enhancement products, and stinging nettle may have some applications as well. Both of these ingredients are readily available in many different products, some of which have much better track records of success than PharmaFreak Test Freak does.

While it is possible that some users could experience positive benefits from taking PharmaFreak Test Freak, it is not as potent as it advertises and there are certainly better products that are available to the majority of consumers. PharmaFreak Test Freak is not recommended by our team of experts.

The supplement that has garnered the most positive attention within the industry is Viritenz. It is a male enhancement product that has been shown to be exceptionally potent for improving its users’ testosterone functions, as well as their circulation and blood flow.

This in turn has a number of benefits for male erectile performance, libido, orgasm, quality, and even building muscle and burning fat. Click on this link to see the full nutrition information panel and dosage information for Viritenz.

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Top Rated Male Enhancement Supplement of 2025

  • Viritenz4.9/5 stars-icon
  • Effectiveness95%4.7/5
  • Consumer reviews93%4.5/5
  • Quality of ingredients96%4.7/5
  • Cost91%5/5
  • Money Back89%5/5
  • Overall Rating95%4.9/5

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