No longer available on the market, Mitrotropin marketed itself towards the bodybuilding crowd, and those out there who were looking to get to the next level of physical fitness. Giving it’s users a ton of energy, this product was perfect to take before a morning workout.
Ultimately however this product found itself discontinued. Currently any information on the product can only be found from dated online forums. So what was this product, and why did it think it was so special? In the following article we will brake it down.
Mitotropin was manufactured by a company known as Gaspari Nutrition. The company’s official website is currently down, but it is known for producing various fitness and health related products.
Mitotropin capsules came with 3 separate complexes that were designed to help it’s users burn fat and lose weight. The proprietary blend is as follows:
The Mitotropin Uncoupling Complex: A blend of ingredients made to boost the mitochondria into overdrive so the user will have more energy during physical exercise.
The Thermophoric Lypolytic Accerleration blend: A combination of stimulants and mood enhancers.
The Free Radical Attention Matrix: A mix of antioxidants used to further thermogenesis.
In addition to this, Mitotropin also came with Peak Condition capsules for when the cycle was finished. This acted as a diuretic to get rid of extra water weight.
Despite many favorable reviews for this product, it should be noted that this was geared towards athletic people. If the potential buyer was overweight and looking for a diet pill, this product was clearly not for them.
Mitotropin included 3 different blends that were claimed to help it’s users lose weight in an efficient fashion. The following list was found through third party sources, as there is no official site for this product anymore.
Mitotropin uncoupling complex:
Side effects from this product included following: Nausea, restlessness, insomnia and mood swings.
Unlike other companies that hide their identities because of their shady business practices, Gaspari Nutrition is a rather reputable name with a proven track record.
Mitotropin contained synephrine, which is also known as bitter orange. Bitter orange has a history of negative adverse effects among it’s users, such as cardiovascular issues that may escalate to the level of a heart attack.
Also included were 3,3-diiodo-L-thyronine and 3,5-diiodo-L-thyronine, which have been linked to thyroid suppression.
There were some good aspects of this product, and there were even many positive reviews, especially in regards to it’s thermogenic agents. Too bad it’s no longer available.
Bottom Line:
Ultimately Mitotropin was discontinued, for reasons that are not too certain. Unlike other products with ingredients like ephedra or 1, 3 diethylamine, there was no call from the FDA; it just vanished into thin air. And in it’s place, there are always be better, cheaper products. With some research you may be able to find this on the internet, but as it’s stands, it’s just be easier to find something else entirely.
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