Lipodrops is a weight loss product in the form of a droplet administered thru a vial. Their patented formula is intended for those looking to be free of stimulants and it’s even activated by a single drop on the tongue. Their marketing seems to target older women and it is unclear whether or not men can achieve results with this product.
This brand is recommended and marketed by two Doctors, one of which is a self proclaimed “Hip Hop Doc”. It’s a unique approach to weight loss but just how effective is the formula?
No information is provided as to the company’s origins. Lipodrops, INC does have attention focused on the brand but not company practices. However one of the Doctors who endorses this formula is a family practitioner and it is unclear how that is related to weight loss formulas.
Even stranger is the other Dr. J. Goldklang who has a background in chiropractic medicine. No explanation or science is offered that tells of how this product was tested or how these doctors of an unrelated field came to produce a weight loss supplement.
There’s zero mention on the website as to the strength of their ingredients or what exactly they do. There are vague descriptions of this product being able to reduce weight without exercise with no explanation as to how that is possible.
There are claims of fat loss but it is suggested without any explanation as to how quickly, or even what the formula is meant to do. This is concerning seeing as how it is recommended by two medical Doctors and no clinical trials or proof is provided.
There are 3 customer testimonials on the website who claim fat loss but customers on other sites beg to differ. It’s common for people to mention that even with the nutrition plan included there were no noticeable changes. Also a common complaint is that although it’s one drop it tastes awful and has an unbearable potential throat clenching feeling.
Currently there is no mention as to what the exact dosage of ingredients are. To counteract this you do have opportunities for weight loss that are easily found.
Potential Side Effects: Difficulty with focus, mood swings, excessive bathrooms trips, diarrhea, upset stomach, gas, bloating, vomiting, heartburn, and irritability.
30 day refund for unopened products, half a refund for opened products within 30 days.
There’s just not enough evidence to justify usefulness or its incredibly high price of $39.95 for a 30 day supply.
At the very least one would like a hint of evidence especially considering Doctors are pushing it. It becomes questionable as to why Doctors that do not have a background in supplements or weight loss would act as if their medical backgrounds were relevant.
It’s hard to justify purchase when even on their own website where customers can offer reviews there are major complaints. Often the case comes up with unsatisfied customers left with unchanged weight. The offered nutrition plan is a bonus but if many customers experience no change then it all seems rather pointless.
Too many variables and not enough evidence provided make this a hard to appreciate supplement. It all appears like a gimmick, adding support from a duo of Doctors yet they don’t offer their own evidence to back up claims. After delving into the ingredient list it becomes apparent that many of the additives can be easily found thru foods. The real clinical trials have shown there isn’t much offered with the ingredients listed in terms of guaranteed weight loss.
Bottom Line:
There’s too many unanswered questions that leave much to be desired. To combat this you now have choices available that are all natural and meant to enrich your lifestyle.
Instead of having to toil with companies that do not provide any evidence beyond just catchy premises; you can look at viable alternatives. Making an informed decision is much easier and readily available for your fat loss demands.
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