In today’s fast paced world, it can be hard to pay attention to exactly what you are eating. With so many easy food options, from burgers to pizza to a variety of other processed foods, our diet has become overly saturated in fats and calories. Lipoblock however, claims to be the cure to this.
Lipoblock claims to block fat from these unhealthy foods from being absorbed into the body. Lipoblock also claims many additional health benefits as well. So is this the super pill that so many have been waiting for? Is this product really as effective as it claims? We decided to find out.
Lipoblock is manufactured by the Japan based AFC Japan. AFC Japan is housed under another company called the Lifestream Group, that has it’s headquarters in Singapore. Founded in 2003, the Lifestream Group has been known for it’s quality health and wellness products, or so their official website claims. Like other products that the Lifestream Group produces, Lipoblock is meant for the Asian and south east Asian markets, and is not available in the United States.
Lipoblock works by reducing the amount of excess fat and calories that would otherwise be absorbed into the body. Lipoblock is also claimed to help keep general cardiovascular health and blood lipid levels in healthy shape. In addition to this, Lipoblock aids in the growth of good bacteria in the body, as well as helping with bowel movements. To achieve these desired effects, consumers are instructed to take 4-6 tablets 15 minutes before high fat meals. This may be lunch, dinner or both depending on your regular diet. It is also recommended that users drink at least 8 glasses of water a day as well.
Despite these claims, there have not been many independent reviews on this product, so we can’t verify these claims as valid.
Lipoblock contains only 3 ingredients, yet it is claimed that these can help with weight loss, help the cardiovascular system, blood lipid levels, help with stomach issues as well as bowel movements. Even though these claims are pretty great, the fact is that there have been no clinical studies done on Lipoblock to verify any of this. This is unlike top 10 diet pills, which are all verified as effective.
If you aren’t allergic to shellfish, chitosan can help with weight loss as well as lower cholesterol levels.
While full of positive benefits, Lipoblock is not for everyone. Because it contains chitosan, people who have allergic reactions to shellfish are not recommended to take this product. This also includes pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding.
On this note of who is excluded from this product, it’s also important to mention that this product is not for people with weight issues, as specified by the company itself. Being made in a foreign country, the audience intended was not one with an obesity problem such as our own.
This isn’t mentioning that the product itself has virtually no independent reviews. So who is to say that the product is even any good, other than the makers of the product? It’s hard to trust when all you have to go on is advertising copy.
In regards to the side effects, those can be pretty bad as well. Heart disease and diabetes, not to mention erectile dysfunction just to name a few possible adverse effects. You really need to ask yourself if you want to try a product that can potentially harm you in such a variety of ways.
Lastly while it can be found on foreign websites, there is no listing of it’s availability in the United States.
If you are obese and looking to lose weight, you might as well look elsewhere, because the makers of this product specify this is not for you. Anyway it’s not available in the United States, so more reason to stay away.
Bottom Line:
While boastful in it’s claims it needs to be pointed out that there have been no studies preformed to say that any of this is true. In addition to this, it’s not like this product is for obese people trying to lose weight. There are plenty of other diet pills out there that are better suited for you, all it takes is some time in an internet search bar to find them. Since this product isn’t intended for the same audience as American markets, it’s best to look elsewhere for a product that is more suited to your needs.
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