Libimax Plus is a single-use male enhancement pill. It is designed to be taken directly before sex for greatest effectiveness, however their advertising says that it can be effective for up to 12 days.
The benefits that they claim for Libimax Plus include heightened libido and improved orgasms, however it is mostly advertised as a pro-erectile product. Their labeling says that within one hour it can make men’s erections larger, harder, and more responsive. The male enhancement product that has the best reputation within the health and wellness industry is Viritenz. It is an all-natural blend of well-regarded ingredients that all have established clinical records. Click here to read our team’s full review of Viritenz to see if it’s right for your needs.
Libimax Plus uses a highly unusual blend of ingredients for a mass-marketed product of this nature. They do not use many ingredients that have well-demonstrated clinical histories, and the ingredients that they do use tend to be more popular in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) than with the western medical establishment.
The key ingredients that are listed on the label of Libimax Plus include:
Dismutase | Proprietary Formula |
Cordyceps Sinensis | Pueraria Lobata |
Dismutase: An enzyme that is found occurring naturally in the body’s cells. It is odd to see it in the ingredients for a male enhancement product, as it has no record of providing sexual benefits of any sort.
It is also difficult for the body to absorb, and as such tends to be injected rather than ingested. Dismutase is an animal extract and may carry with it the risk of communicable disease.
Proprietary Formula: This is an incredibly confusing entry, as it appears in the list of ingredients in their proprietary blend. It is unclear if this is merely a typo or if it refers to an ingredient that they are deliberately choosing not to name. Either way, that is not an encouraging sign for the quality of Libimax Plus.
Cordyceps Sinensis: A type of fungus that grows out of the corpses of the larvae of a specific species of moth. There is no clinical data that suggests that it could be effective for male enhancement purposes, however it is prized by practitioners of TCM for many different purposes, some of them sexual.
Pueraria Lobata: A creeping vine better known as kudzu. Kudzu has not been connected to improved sexual performance by either western science or TCM. There are also some concerns that our panel of experts has about potential side effects related to kudzu consumption, particularly its long-term effects on the liver.
Libimax Plus claims that taking a single pill is effective for 12 days. Given everything that we understand about these ingredients and the way that the body works, there is almost no chance that this is accurate.
It is possible that this is just another typo and they actually meant 12 hours, or it could potentially be a deliberate attempt to deceive consumers. There is no real way to tell, however our team of health and wellness experts do not believe that it is possible that Libimax Plus will still be effective for most users more than a week after ingesting.
Libimax Plus is available from Amazon, as well as through several other less-reputable distributors, such as Best China Pills. The prices that were being quoted on Amazon as of the date of this article’s publication are as follows:
This price is exceptionally high for products of this nature, however it should be noted that if Libimax Plus is effective for 12 days as they claim, then this is a large enough supply for up to 268 days. They have a zero-star rating with the online business honesty evaluations group Trustwerty and an “F” rating for many of their products on Fakespot.
Interested customers should know that in addition to the many complaints about the product itself, there are quite a few complaints related to the sales, shipping, billing, returns, and customer service of Rhino, including the difficulty that customers have had getting responses from them when they have complaints.
To see our team’s full library of male enhancement products, just follow this link.
The packaging for Libimax Plus lists Rhinomax as their parent company, however both brands are just subsidiaries of a larger Chinese conglomerate of brands that have a dubious reputation within the supplements industry. These include all of the different Rhino brands, as well as Premier Zen Red, King Kung, and a number of other lower-quality labels.
The Rhino manufactures do not provide very much in the way of contact information, and this may be an intentional strategy. The only way that our researchers have found to contact them is through a customer comment forms on their distribution websites, however there seems to be very little guarantee that these messages will be read and responded to.
Readers should be aware that the Rhino brands have faced a variety of legal issues over the years, most of them related to the use of unlisted and often illegal additives. The FDA has fined the company, asked retailers to stop distribution, and issued cease and desist letters to the rhino manufacturers on multiple occasions, which is one of the reasons that they change the brand names of their products so frequently.
The complaint of using unlisted ingredients has been made about Rhino 7K 9000, Rhino 7 Platinum 5000, Triple Premium Zen Gold, Rhino 9 Premium 3500, Rhino 8 Platinum, and many others. What they are generally accused of is using a generic version of sildenafil or tadalafil, the main active drugs that are found in Viagra and Cialis.
This is a practice that our team strongly discourages, as it puts users’ health at risk and has even led to a number of customers’ deaths in the past. If users do not know that they are ingesting these drugs it puts them at risk for medicinal interactions, blood pressure issues, and even serious health events like heart attacks and strokes.
The reviews from past customers do not paint a very flattering picture of Libimax Plus’s potential effectiveness. There are negative accounts of experiences with their products found on the pages of their independent retailers, blogs and critical reports, and consumer rights websites. Here are some of the things that people that have used Libimax Plus have said about its effects:
“Headache, heartburn, nausea, diarrhea. No sex though – hard to get excited when you feel this bad. Shockingly expensive for something so nasty.”
“Took this as my girl and I were getting ready to get frisky… next thing I knew she was standing over me trying to revive me after I passed out. It was scary – I threw the rest of them away.”
“Total scam! I wish I read about these guys before I took this stuff. I had a terrible reaction, and after learning more about their practices, I’m not surprised.
There are a wide variety of side effects and unpleasant side effects that are reported by past users. They include gastrointestinal issues, blood pressure issues, fluctuations in temperature, lightheadedness, headaches, and occasional loss of consciousness.
Conclusion – Does Libimax Plus Work?
Libimax Plus does not provide a reliable account of their contents, and the ingredients that they do list are not thought to be effective for male enhancement purposes. Our team does not approve of the single-use pill model of male enhancement in general, and they find it especially unlikely that it could be effective for twelve days after consumption.
Additionally, our team does not approve of the company’s record of including unlisted prescription drugs in their products. It is a dangerous practice that they have been found guilty of far too many times. Overall, there are very few reasons to think that Libimax Plus could meet even the basic standards required of an effective male enhancement product.
The supplement that has the most complete, diverse, and potent ingredients blend on the market is Viritenz. It utilizes only additives that have a well-established clinical history of effectiveness in products of this nature, such as L-Arginine, maca root, and tribulus terrestris.
Viritenz is manufactured by a company that is trusted by critics within the industry and that has an excellent track record with their former customers. Click here to learn more about the different ways that Viritenz can improve men’s sexual performance.
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