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Customer Health Rating: 2.2/5


HT-Rush Review (UPDATED 2025): Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

HT-Rush is a male enhancement product that is formulated to help increase men’s overall testosterone performance. The HT in their name refers to high testosterone, and they say in their promotional materials that it is able to help men increase both their raw quantities of free testosterone, as well as their body’s testosterone processing abilities, which can have sexual, athletic, and general health and wellness benefits for their users.

Testosterone (T) is central to the sexual arousal process, and men with higher T have been shown to have higher sex drives, more frequent sexual thoughts, and more intense and satisfying orgasms, as well as improved erectile frequency, rigidity, and durability. It is also key to athletic performance in that it helps men build lean muscle while also burning fat, and it increases energy levels overall.

The male enhancement product with the most applicability for the highest percentage of men is Viritenz. It is a circulatory aid and testosterone booster that is able to help men that have a variety of needs, including erectile improvement, enhanced orgasm control, and size maximization. Follow this link to get more data about all of the different ways that Viritenz can help men to increase their overall sexual performance abilities.

HT-Rush Ingredients and Side Effects

Some of the ingredients found in HT-Rush are well regarded by our team of experts, whereas other lack the type of clinical backing that our team is looking for in the ingredients that they suggest. The top additives listed in their proprietary blend include:

L-Citrulline Fenugreek Tribulus Terrestris
Nettle Leaf Panax Ginseng Cordyceps Sinensis

L-Citrulline: A somewhat effective amino acid that can be helpful for both testosterone function and circulation, though not as much as some other aminos that are commonly found in male enhancement products. L-Citrulline is a precursor to arginine, a more potent amino acid that is frequently used instead, because of its increased potency.

Fenugreek: A leafy vegetable that is believed by some to have pro-testosterone effects, despite the fact that most current data does not confirm this.

Tribulus Terrestris: A testosterone processing aid that can help maximize the effectiveness of men’s natural T levels.

Nettle Leaf: A urological function booster that can help improve men’s erectile function in the long run.

Panax Ginseng: An herb that is used by humans for a variety of beneficial functions, including boosting erectile performance and potentially libido levels as well.

Cordyceps Sinensis: A fungus that grows out of the corpses of a specific breed of caterpillar. It has not been shown to have any real sexual benefits.

Click here to see our team’s top ten list of the best male enhancement products on the market.

HT-Rush Quality of Ingredients

Our team approves of the usage of tribulus terrestris, nettle leaf, and ginseng in products of this nature, and they also see the utility of L-Citrulline, though in general they would recommend users use L-Arginine instead of or in addition to it. Our team has much less faith that fenugreek and cordyceps sinensis can be useful for very many men.

Fenugreek was briefly popular after a single study showed that it could increase T levels in mice, however that study has since been discredited due to methodological issues. Cordyceps sinensis is used in Traditional Chinese medicine as an aphrodisiac, however TCM as a practice has been largely discredited, and our team could not find any evidence of a single laboratory study that was positive about the fungus’ sexual benefits specifically.

Overall it seems possible that HT-Rush could have some mild benefits for male enhancement, including potentially helping testosterone processing and circulation somewhat. There seems to be very little chance, however, that it will have as significant an impact as male enhancement products with more complete and efficient ingredients blends.

Follow this link to read more information about the best ways to increase your testosterone levels with natural supplementation.

The Price and Quality of HT-Rush

The pricing and sales methods for HT-Rush are not as simple as they are for most products. They have an Amazon page, as most top tier brands do, however these are the prices that HT-Rush was being sold for at the date of this article’s publication:

  • 1, 60-count bottle (30-day supply) of HT-Rush All Natural Testosterone Booster for Men dietary supplement: $122.69

This price is far above what our team would consider standard for even the most expensive male enhancement supplements on the market, and even surpasses the cost of quite a few prescription pills. It is not the only sales option for HT-Rush, however their other sales method is also somewhat questionable.

The official website for HT-Rush does not have a way to purchase the product on a per-unit basis, as the Amazon page does, offering instead the option of a free trial of their product. This is somewhat misleading wording, however, as instead of simply shipping the customer a one-time trial of their product, they are instead entered into a monthly subscription program that charges them $88.69 every 30 days.

While this price is less expensive than Amazon’s price, it is still far higher than almost every other product on the market. There are also a number of individuals that have felt like the free trial program was intentionally poorly publicized in an effort to manipulate consumers.

Business of HT-Rush

The manufacturer of HT-Rush is a company named Site Central, Ltd. They have their main base of operations in Cardiff, Wales, however they list contact details for a New York based office as well:

Phone Number: (888) 895-5092

Address: 7 East 8th Street

New York, NY 10003

Email: [email protected]

Despite their seeming international status, there is very little that would point to Site Central being a top-tier supplements manufacturer. They do not list any other products under the Site Central brand, and they lack many of the accreditations that the top manufacturers have.

They are listed by the Better Business Bureau, however they have a 100% negative customer satisfaction rating and have received multiple formal complaints about their business in the last few years. They also received only 2/5 stars from Trustwerty, a site that measures the honesty and reliability of web-based retailers.

Many of the formal complaints that they have received are related to the “free trial offer” mentioned above, with other issues including the quality of their products, their treatment by customer service and management representatives, and difficulties with getting them to honor their refund guarantee. Overall, these are not the types of reports about a business that make our experts eager to recommend their products.

Click here to get advice from our team about which male enhancement products can help you increase your size to its maximum potential.

EDITOR'S TIP: Check our list of approved male supplements to make a right purchase decision!
Customer Opinions of HT-Rush

The reviews for HT-Rush on Amazon have been particularly negative, with over 70% of their past customers giving the product one star out of five, the lowest possible rating on the site. They have also left some specific negative comments as well, including the following quotes taken from the online reviews of HT-Rush:

“Terrible product, ripoff, scam – whatever you want to call it, just stay away. I have low T and so I was monitoring my levels while taking this stuff, and it actually went down! I’d give it a minus five stars if I could.”


“Typical junk product that promises that it can do everything but really does nothing. Spend your money on a gym membership instead.”

The most concerning comments, such as the one above, that our research team found were the ones claiming that it actually made their testosterone levels go down. It is typical for any supplement to be ineffective for some users, however it is unacceptable for any product to actually create or contribute to the issues that they are being taken treat or prevent.

To read more reviews of the top male sexual support products on the market today, just click on this link.

  • Effectiveness42%2.1/5
  • Consumer reviews38%1.9/5
  • Quality of ingredients42%2.1/5
  • Cost50%2.5/5
  • Money Back48%2.4/5
  • Overall Rating44%2.2/5
Conclusion – Does HT-Rush Work?

Our team has certainly seen worse ingredients blends than HT-Rush, however it does not seem as though it is capable of providing the same level of boosting power as most of the top-rated supplements that our team has reviewed. They use too many discredited or filler ingredients and not enough of the top-quality additives that our team tends to look for specifically.

Additionally, our team is confused about the exceptionally high price for HT-Rush, which is far above the cost of most products of this nature, and they also encourage our readers to look over the terms and conditions for their free trial offer in detail before committing to it. Overall, there were far too many questions regarding both the formula for HT-Rush and their business practices for our panel to feel good about encouraging its use.

The supplement that they have recommended the most times is Viritenz. It has applications for men that are dealing with reduced erectile performance, orgasm difficulties, or that are simply looking for a boost to their abilities in general.

It has shown applications for helping men athletically as well as sexually, and may help with building and repairing muscles, stamina, and endurance levels. Follow this link to read our team’s full review of Viritenz.

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Top Rated Male Enhancement Supplement of 2025

  • Viritenz4.9/5 stars-icon
  • Effectiveness95%4.7/5
  • Consumer reviews93%4.5/5
  • Quality of ingredients96%4.7/5
  • Cost91%5/5
  • Money Back89%5/5
  • Overall Rating95%4.9/5

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