Final Trim is a weight loss supplement meant to diminish hunger cravings as well as provide detoxification.
These gelatin capsules are known for their ability to be easily digested and efficiently processed inside the human body. There are no mentions of how their product works exactly other than a quick description on a non affiliated site declaring it as a fat loss aid.
The creator of Final Trim is Original Organics, there is no official website and information of the companies origin or even where it is located is not displayed anywhere. These products can be viewed on small retail websites but there is no indication of an official money back guarantee or safety guarantee by the manufacturer.
In combination with natural antioxidants such as green tea and a high fiber source, this brand is intended to reduce hunger and keep one satiated for a long time while replenishing the body.
Various customers reported a lack of progress and have noted contact with a trusted source is currently unavailable.
There are no official statements of the contents inside but one retailer noted it combines the konjac root and other additives. No a statement of the exact amounts or if they come regulated and tested for safety have been shown. If interested there are diet pills out there sourced from natural ingredients, feel free to read the top 10 list.
Retail websites offer same day shipping.
There is no company website or even a dedicated website for the brand by the manufacturer. No information comes from the manufacturer themselves either. Without a description of how it works exactly and no indication of the amount in each ingredient, it is entirely left up to the buyer to find out accurate dosing.
On several consumer report websites there are over 50 cases of the company not being held accountable for customer’s lack of progress. In fact no testimonials exist and the customers that have tried it say there is no benefit.
There have been numerous reports of no product shipping dates and many customers have paid money and have received no products.
With no way of finding out where their product is made, how it’s made, how it works, or even any direct line beyond a phone number it is risky to deal with this business.
Most of the information online is customers railing of unshipped merchandise and lack of progress. Without a way to hold this company accountable, you are taking a leap of faith into something that isn’t proven to work.
Bottom line:
Why would anyone put something into their bodies without being told what they are taking and the safety of it? This company refuses to promote its own product and instead is shielded away from verifying its own usefulness. You’re able to find products out there that actually have websites and are proven to work.
For your own sake, look at other diet pills that are better suited for you and that are actually effective.
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I bought this and all ingredients are natural….. the key is drinking 64 oz at least a day. I would consider it a good product.