Fat Fighter is a weight loss supplement designed to benefit your body in multiple ways. It is one of several supplements currently on the market that contains high doses of fiber and other fiber-based ingredients. While it may be a good source of fiber, Fat Fighter really only contains one ingredient that can help fight fat on a biological level. Usually, weight loss supplements need to contain a mix of fat-burning ingredients or appetite-suppressants in order to help you lose weight, so Fat Fighter does not strike us as the most promising diet pill on the market. We looked into Fat Fighter and here’s what we learned.
A supplement company known as Only Natural manufactures Fat Fighter. Fat Fighter does not have its own website, but you can learn about the product on Only Natural’s official website. It is always a good sign to see a company be transparent and post information about their products. The official Only Natural website also offers contact information such phone numbers and email addresses for customers looking to get in touch with the company.
We were surprised to learn that the Fat Fighter regiment recommends users take six pills a day, as most other diet pills only call for users to take one, two or three pills. Only Natural apparently recommends this many so that users get proper amounts of fiber throughout the day. They claim the amount of fiber delivered by this many pills will be enough to make you feel full. This way you eat less and lose weight.
Fat Fighter also contains an enzyme known as L-Carnitine , which transports protein to parts of the body that can transform it into usable energy. If you increase how much L-Carnitine in your body can allegedly improve this process, leading to easier weight loss.
Unfortunately there are some bad reviews for Fat Fighter. You can find plenty of these negative reviews on websites that sell the product, like the popular online marketplace Amazon. Many people who have tried Fat Fighter have been disappointed and unsatisfied by how many pills they’ve had to take a day or how little weight Fat Fighter has helped them lose. Needless to say, weight loss results do not seem to be guaranteed.
Most of what makes up Fat Fighter is a special blend of select brans and fibers, as well as other ingredients to support your physical health, like minerals and vitamins. We were disappointed to learn that Fat Fighter only actually contains one ingredient that has anything to do with weight loss. The name of this sole weight loss ingredient is:
L-Carnitine: an enzyme found naturally in the body. L-Carnitine plays an essential role in transporting the protein you ingest to parts of your body where it can then be processed and turned into energy. It sounds like the more of these enzymes that you have, the better, right? Unfortunately, if you have too much L-Carnitine in your body, dangerous things might happen. You actually shouldn’t be taking a supplement with L-Carnitine in it if your body isn’t already low on it.
Because it’s mainly comprised of fiber, using fat fighter probably won’t result in any nasty side effects. However, Fat Fightr also contains L-Carnitine, an enzyme that’s already present inside your body. If you build up too much L-Carnitine, it can turn into intestinal plaque. This plaque can then harden in your arteries and cause all kinds of complications.
You can buy Fat Fighter directly from the source, an official website maintained by Only Natural.
You shouldn’t be taking a supplement with L-Carnitine unless your body already has an enzyme deficiency; which means that you probably shouldn’t be taking Fat Fighter.
There are better products the market for the same amount of money.
Fat Fighter is a weight loss supplement produced by Only Natural. It features a fiber-heavy proprietary blend that comes in pills that you take six times a day. Fat Fighter also contains a natural enzyme L-Carnitine, which helps improve the way protein travels through your body to places where it can be turned into energy. However, if there’s too much L-Carnitine in your body, it could cause artery damage, so taking a supplement that contains L-Carnitine is usually not a good idea.
Bottom line
All things considered, we just don’t think that Fat Fighter’s ingredients are effective enough to actually help you lose weight. Plus, taking diet pills that contain L-Carnitine could cause some serious health issues with your arteries. You can easily find a diet pill that will help you lose weight without messing up your body. It just isn’t this one.
Take a look at diet pills that may be more effective and better for you.
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