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Customer Health Rating: 3.2/5


Extagen Review (UPDATED 2025): Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

What is it?

Extagen is a mass-marketed male enhancement pill that men have taken in order to increase their penis size and sexual performance. Their advertising claims that it is able to improve the quality and the duration of their customers’ erections, as well as offering secondary benefits to their sensitivity, orgasm quality, and seminal production.

Their promotional materials say that it has applications for improving their users’ circulatory rates, which can have a direct impact on their erectile abilities, as well as their testosterone production, which impacts the entire sexual response process from arousal to climax. They say that it is capable of improving the users’ overall sexual performance, as well as the sexual satisfaction of both the user and their partner or partners.

The single male enhancement supplement that our panel of experts in the health and wellness field recommend the most highly is Viritenz. It has the most impressive ingredients profile of any non-prescription male enhancement product, and they have an excellent reputation both with industry critics and their past customers. Click here to read our review team’s complete write up of Viritenz to see if it could be useful for helping you reach your personal needs and goals.

Extagen Ingredients and Side Effects

Extagen has a proprietary blend of ingredients that features many of our team’s most well-regarded additives, as well as some ingredients that they do not recommend as strongly. These are some of the key ingredients in Extagen’s blend:

L-Arginine Yohimbe Bark Extract Ginseng Blend

L-Arginine: An amino acid that has been shown to have beneficial effects on both the body’s blood flow and its testosterone production. These dual beneficial actions make L-Arginine one of the more potent ingredients for male enhancement supplies that are available without having to first get approval from a medical professional.

L-Arginine can be consumed from outside sources, but it is also naturally manufactured within the body, which means that it is very rare that anyone will have a negative effect on any given user. It tends to be well tolerated by the majority of people and is strongly recommended by our review team for use in products of this nature.

Yohimbe Bark: A stimulant derived from the bark of an African tree, despite the fact that it has been connected to a number of potential side effects, some of them serious. Yohimbe bark extracts contain yohimbine, a controlled substance that is not available in its purest form without a doctor’s prescriptions.

Yohimbe is known primarily as a central nervous system stimulant that increases the body’s circulatory rates by increasing the frequency and intensity of its heart beats. While this can have a beneficial impact on the blood flow to the genitalia, it is a more stressful way to accomplish this than through vasodilation, such as L-Arginine uses.

The main issue with this is that it can have some potential negative impacts on the heart, blood pressure, and other biological functions. Specific side effects that can potentially result from yohimbe use can include:

  • Rapid or irregular heart beat
  • Paralysis
  • Lupus-like autoimmune symptoms
  • Kidney failure
  • Seizure
  • Heart attack

Yohimbe can also potentially make some preexisting conditions worse, including schizophrenia, where it has been connected to an increased chance of users experiencing psychotic episodes. WebMD considers yohimbe possibly unsafe for human use, and our experts do not tend to recommend any supplements that use yohimbe in their blend.

Ginseng Blend: Extagen uses a number of different ginseng and pseudo-ginseng products in their mixture. This includes Panax ginseng, also known as “true” ginseng and the most potent form of the herb, its slightly weaker yet still potent relative American ginseng, and the herb Siberian ginseng which is not actually related to ginseng at all.

Siberian ginseng is actually known as acanthopanax obovatus or eleuthero, and it’s called a ginseng because it has some similar effects on the body. The effects that these herbs share include slight stimulation of the central nervous system, improved circulation, increased libido, and higher frequency of sexual thoughts and fantasies.

Despite the varying qualities of these three herbs, they are all thought to be potentially beneficial for male enhancement purposes. Our team approves of their usage, both individually and when taken together.

Follow this link to see the top ten male enhancement products on the market today.

Extagen Quality of Ingredients

It should first be mentioned that Extagen’s advertising strongly implies that it is able to increase the size of their users’ penises. The reason that they do not state this outright is because it is not possible for an herbal supplement to grow the size of the tissue of the penis. It is possible to attempt to maximize the size potential of the tissue that you have, however it is unreasonable to expect that taking an herbal supplement will lead to any sort of permanent gains in the length or girth of the penis.

That said, it is not unreasonable to expect that Extagen will be able to have some benefits for the user, specifically in terms of erectile quality. It uses multiple different effective pro-erectile ingredients, and there is a good chance that many men that are experiencing circulatory-based erectile difficulties will see some improvement in their performances.

One of the problems with Extagen, however, is that their testosterone blend is not nearly as potent, which limits both its overall impact and the number of people that it will be able to benefit. Another weakness in their blend is they choose to include yohimbe bark extracts, which have been connected to too many potentially serious health issues for our team of experts to consider recommending them to our readers.

Business of Extagen

Extagen is one of the better-selling male enhancement products of all time, having sold over 20 million units, according to their website. They were more visible throughout the early 2000’s based on a high-profile series of advertisements on late-night television, however their fame has decreased as word of their product’s inconsistency spread.

Extagen is manufactured by their own company, Extagen Products. They do not list any parent companies on their website, however they do mention that any data that their customers supply will be shared within their affiliates. The contact data that Extagen provides is as follows:

Phone Number: (888) 317-8510

Address: 6635 W Happy Valley Road Suite A 104-219

Glendale, AZ 85310

Email: [email protected]

As a company they have a 3.5/5-star rating with Trustwerty, which is somewhat below the level for the companies that our review team likes to recommend. There is no indication that have violated any FDA regulations or been involved in any legal actions as of the date of this review’s publication.

For more data about the best ways to naturally increase your sexual performance without using surgery or prescription medications, just click here.

EDITOR'S TIP: Check our list of approved male supplements to make a right purchase decision!
Customer Opinions of Extagen

Quite a few former Extagen users have posted about their experiences online, and reading those accounts does not inspire confidence in our review team that it could be a top-quality product. In addition to many claims that it just does not work, our team also found some more concerning posts about side effects and other negative experiences with Extagen, such as these:

“I didn’t see anything in their warnings about full body rashes, but that’s what happened to me every time I took it. Sent the product back and asked for a refund.”

“Made me crazy light headed. Had to just lay down and not move, and there was no way I could have sex like that. I was too scared to try it again.”

“Having a good date, I took Extagen after dinner right before we headed back to my place. By the time we got there though I was sweating and I had to go to the bathroom really bad. My date got grossed out and left, so I was just stuck there alone and sick – thanks Extagen.”

It should be noted that Extagen has received extremely poor reviews. The most common rating that they have received on is one star, the lowest possible mark on the site.

This is combined with the fact that as many as 10% of their reviews could be planted by the manufacturers of Extagen in order to drive up their ratings, according to the online review site Fakespot. If 10% of Extagen’s ratings are in fact false, as Fakespot believes, their overall rating would be somewhere between two and three stars, which is exceptionally bad for products of this nature.

Follow this link to see which male sexual performance products are the most respected within the industry.

  • Effectiveness62%3.1/5
  • Consumer reviews58%2.9/5
  • Quality of ingredients62%3.1/5
  • Cost70%3.5/5
  • Money Back68%3.4/5
  • Overall Rating64%3.2/5
Conclusion – Does Extagen Work?

There is a very good chance that men who have experienced weak or inconsistent erections due to circulatory difficulty will see improvement from regular usage of Extagen. It will not be as successful for men whose issues are more related to testosterone or libido deficiencies.

They also use extracts taken from the bark oh the yohimbe tree, which is considered possibly unsafe by many medical experts and is not something that our panel would ever suggest to any of our users. For these reasons, it is impossible for our team to recommend Extagen to our readers.

Instead, the product that they suggest men try is Viritenz. It does not use yohimbe, horny goat weed, or any of the other common, low quality ingredients that are found in less-respected male enhancement supplements.

Instead, they use an all-natural blend of herbs, amino acids, and basic vitamins and nutrients that helps boost the body’s natural sexual response systems. Click here to read testimonials from previous Viritenz users.

Please Share:

Top Rated Male Enhancement Supplement of 2025

  • Viritenz4.9/5 stars-icon
  • Effectiveness95%4.7/5
  • Consumer reviews93%4.5/5
  • Quality of ingredients96%4.7/5
  • Cost91%5/5
  • Money Back89%5/5
  • Overall Rating95%4.9/5

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