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Customer Health Rating: 2,8/5



What is Excellean?

 Claiming to be full of all natural ingredients, Excellean comes in soft gel capsules that are supposed to suppress appetite, as well as provide heart healthy antioxidant protection for it’s users. Excellean markets itself to be a jack-of-all-trades, helping body health in more than one way.

But does that necessarily mean that the product is effective in regards to weight loss? Sure things included in Excellean like omega-3s are always good for the body, but what can they do about burning fat? Are these other health additions just a way to cover how ineffective this product is in helping losers keep the pounds off? We decided to find out.

 Who makes it?

 pills_on_spoonExcellean is manufactured by the Miami, Florida based SEI Pharmaceuticals. SEI Pharmaceuticals is also known for producing other weight loss, as well as general health supplements. The company however, has had a history of complaints from the FDA in regards to it’s standard operating procedures, as well as it’s quality control. Excellean can be purchased from 3rd party retailers, such as

 How (and) does it work?

 Excellean claims that it can not only help suppress appetite, but reduce fat around the abdomen as well. In addition to these it’s weight loss properties, Excellean also includes ingredients that are full of antioxidants and that can help improve heart health. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) helps with weight loss. Other ingredients, such as fish oil, include omega-3 fatty acids that help with heart health as well. All ingredients are claimed to be natural and free of stimulants.

Despite it’s promising claims, users have made reports that are less than stellar.

What’s inside of it and are there side effects?

Like diet pills on the top 10 list, Excellean includes within it only natural ingredients. However it should be noted that just because an ingredient is all natural, that doesn’t necessarily mean that it is effective in helping with weight loss. The only ingredient in Excellean that is proven to help with weight loss is conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), with all the other ingredients effectiveness being questionable at best.

  • Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA): While known to help with fat burning, studies that were done on this ingredient were done with test subjects who were already physically fit. Average users may not see the same results.
  • Organic flaxseed oil: Known for it’s medicinal properties, it has been used to help with constipation and high cholesterol. Other uses of this ingredient include treatment of arthritis, ADHD, diabetes and heart disease to name a few.
  • Fish oil: Full of omega-3 fatty acids, this ingredient has been known to help prevent heart disease and low blood pressure, among other ailments.
  • Evening primrose oil: Used for the essential fatty acids it contains, this ingredient has been known to treat ailments such as acne and eczema. Is also believed to help with weight loss and obesity issues.

Adverse effects from use of this product may include: Nausea and stomach pains.

 What’s good about it?

 Excellean contains omega-3 fatty acids, which  can help prevent arthritis, heart conditions as well as depression.

 What’s bad about it?

 medical pillsExcellean does include an ingredient known for weight loss, which is CLA. The problem with CLA however, is that studies have shown that it has helped with weight loss in individuals who were already fit. To the crowd of people who have not reached a level of fitness they are happy with, results may not be typical.

It should be mentioned once again, that there is only one proven ingredient in Excellean that can help with weight loss. While the other ingredients are helpful for general body functioning. There are no metabolism boosters included in this product, neither are there thermogenic agents, stimulants, diuretics or laxatives that other diet pills may include. So in the end, only one ingredient out of the four is being counted on to solely help with weight loss.

And all this coming from a company that the FDA has had a history of issues with. It’s always important to remember things such as a company’s track record, because if the results you were seeking did not end up coming to fruition and you already knew there were problems with the company, you can’t really be surprised.

 Wrap Up

 While it does claim to help with weight loss, the fact of the matter is that if it does, it will only work in modest amounts. If anything, this product is more geared toward people who are already fit, not those who are obese and trying to get thinner. People who are not already fit may not see the results the expect to see.

  • Effectiveness54%2.7/5
  • Consumer reviews50%2.5/5
  • Quality of ingredients54%2.7/5
  • Cost62%3.1/5
  • Money Back60%3/5
  • Overall Rating56%2.8/5
 Bottom Line:

If you are already physically fit and are looking to get to that next level of physical fitness, this product may be for you. However if this does not sound like you, you may as well look elsewhere. This product was not meant for weight loss on a large scale, or for obese people. That job is left to other weight loss pills. There are no clinical studies that have been done on this product to prove it’s effectiveness. Why buy an ineffective diet pill?

We recommend looking into other, more effective diet pills.

Check top 10 weight loss pills

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