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Customer Health Rating: 2.9/5


Easy 100 Review – Does This Product Really Work?

What is it?

While many of the claims made by weight loss products can seem outlandish and unrealistic, the results promised by Easy 100 may just take the cake. Not only does Easy 100 promise to help you lose weight without the help of additional diet and exercise, but its creators even claim to pay everyone who uses Easy 100 five dollars for every pound they lose! Easy 100 may just be the first weight loss product on the market that’s desperate enough for you to use that it’s willing to actually pay you money.

Unfortunately, if something sounds too good to be true, it usually isn’t. Easy 100 may promise some miraculous results, but there’s absolutely nothing on the product’s official website that explains what’s in the product or how it’s designed to work. It’s generally unwise to trust products that come across as this unbelievable and shady, so let’s take a closer look at Easy 100 and see if we can discover anything about whether it works or not.

Who makes it?

PHARMACEUTICAL_CapsulesPillsEasy 100 was produced by a company known as Skinny Nutraceuticals. Skinny Nutraceuticals does not seem to have an official website, but their contact information can be found on the company’s Skinny Nutraceuticals also has its own page on Better Business Bureau page, which lists several complaints made against the company and gives Skinny Nutraceuticals a C on the Bureau’s A-F scale.

The official Easy 100 claims that the product is doctor approved, but lists no further information than this. Reports online explain that previous versions of the Easy 100 website named this doctor as Dr. Caroline Brown, but that picture accompanying this information was discovered to be a stock image of a female doctor used to promote health and nutrition products all over the internet. This should be a huge red flag to people who demand a certain level of trustworthiness from the companies and products they rely on when it comes to their health and wellness.

How (and) does it work?

Unfortunately, Easy 100’s official information does not explain how the product works in your body at all. The product’s website only describes the several different weight loss regimens users of Easy 100 Slim should stick to. Easy 100 can be taken over a two, four, six or eight week course. Users should take two capsules of 100 Slim before breakfast each morning for six days.

There are several positive user testimonials that all report seeing tremendous weight loss results from use of Easy 100, but reviews provided by weight loss companies themselves can often be biased or entirely fabricated. Given Easy 100’s untrustworthy track record, it would not be hard to believe that the photos accompanying the product’s officially sanctioned testimonials are nothing but stock images found online.

Unbiased reviews of Easy 100 that can be found in various online weight loss communities are largely negative of both the product’s results and its business practices, detailing difficulties both obtaining the product itself and the refunds that Easy 100’s website guarantees.

What’s inside of it and are there any side effects?

Just as Easy 100’s official information does not explain how the product works, it does not list or describe the ingredients found in the product either. Easy 100’s official website simply explains that the product contains “the most powerful calorie and fat burners.”

If you are most interested in finding a diet pill that is derived from natural ingredients, please read the top 10 list.

As we have no way of determining what is inside Easy 100, it’s impossible to determine what side effects use of Easy 100 could possibly result in. You should never take any form of medication or supplement without knowing what effect it may have on you.

What’s good about it?

Anything good that can be said about Easy 100 seems to have some kind of catch. The product offers a money back guarantee, but reports of this process that can be found online imply that it’s very difficult and perhaps even possible. Easy 100 makes the miraculous claim that it will pay users who provide positive testimonials five dollars for every pound they’ve lost, but these testimonials must be reviewed by an independent committee before they are published and users receive payment; this vague qualifier almost implies that Easy 100 reserves the right to pay none of the money they promise users.

What’s bad about it?

Bottle with falling out pillsJust as it’s difficult to find anything good to say about Easy 100, it’s hard to find something that isn’t bad about it. There is no information about Easy 100 available to potential users, regarding either the product’s ingredients or how it works. Easy 100’s creators have proven themselves untrustworthy by publishing misleading information and making promises that they have excused themselves from delivering, so why should we believe them when they say that Easy 100 actually works?

You can find something better on the market for the same amount of money.

Wrap up

Easy 100 is a weight loss product that claims to be able to help you lose weight without additional diet or exercise. Even more outlandishly, they promise to pay users who submit positive testimonials five dollars for each pound they’ve lost! Unfortunately, there is virtually no official information about Easy 100 available online, so it’s impossible to tell what’s in the product or what it’s actually supposed to do. Easy 100’s creators have proven themselves to be untrustworthy through shady business practices, so it’s not really a product you want to invest in on a whim, either.

  • Effectiveness56%2.8/5
  • Consumer reviews52%2.6/5
  • Quality of ingredients56%2.8/5
  • Cost64%3.2/5
  • Money Back62%3.1/5
  • Overall Rating58%2.9/5
Bottom line

While Easy 100 bills itself as an effortless way to lose weight, it seems to be one of the least trustworthy products on the market. There doesn’t seem to be a single reason why you should trust or try this product, which means you that you should probably stay far away.

We strongly recommend looking into other diet pills that may be more effective and better for you.

Check top 10 weight loss pills

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  1. Susanne Miller says:

    Easy 100 has worked great for me. My weight was stuck and I lost 7 pounds in 1 month taking 2 a day and did not change diet or exercise. I wish I could buy it on line again

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