Featuring several products that are meant to not just reduce a waistline and in turn bring down weight, but also makes stress less of an issue. Currently 3 products are available in the lineup, one with added nutrients, another which works especially fast and the basic formula.
Apparently the manufacturers claim that weight gain is not someones fault but cause of overactive stress. They intend to manage this stress which would make it easier for the body to reduce weight, especially when taking these products with the added ingredients beyond stress management.
Stress relief does lead to a better and healthier metabolism but just what does this specific product provide?
The answer to that question is found underneath.
California home bound CortiSLIM International Inc. has developed weight loss and nutritional type products.
2025 marked the end of a FTC investigation over allegations of false advertising. Apparently there was no evidence showing that their lineup of products prevent cortisol buildup. They also claimed that this fact was backed by science which government officials found out to be a lie. After the company settled a $12 million dollar lawsuit they restructured their marketing to not include all the false promises made.
Depending on the brand some are meant to first tackle stress thru an herb and an amino acid. This is meant to let the body not have to deal with tackling cortisol build, cortisol of course being a stress hormone. This overproduction of cortisol leads to a host of physical issues as well as a slowed down metabolism.
Another blend added has thermogenic effects that come from caffeine and other stimulants. This is commonly added in weight loss products and most of these ingredients in the blend can be found for cheaper or in more wholesome doses like that which are found in coffee.
Finally the Insutrol blend works to bring the rate of blood sugar down. All this is explained by the manufacturers and in fact they mention all this was scientifically proven. The only issue is they do not cite their studies. In fact no mention is offered in terms of clinical studies on people to test how this specific product works. Instead they talk about how beneficial it is to reduce stress and what causes stress. They talk about how it works but not how useful it is and how they came to these conclusions.
Long term effects on metabolism are not reached with the caffeine added. Some may experience short term caffeine boosts to metabolism.
Caffeine can be found inside which is combined with other stimulants. In order to lose weight one does not need these potentially risky ingredients. Products without stimulants are available for you to enjoy for peace of mind and a confident body.
-Caffeine Anhydrous: Caffeine free of liquid.
-ThermoDiamine: Found in evodia fruit, it is a patented extract added to produce thermogenic effects aiding metabolism.
-Chamomile Flower Extract: Herb often brewed in tea to promote less inflammation and to provide sedation.
-L-Theanine: Amino acid that reduces stress of all kinds specifically when combined with caffeine.
-Banaba Leaf Extract: Crepe myrtle tree meant to decrease blood sugar in those with diabetes.
Headache, insomnia, difficulty concentrating, nausea, irregular heartbeat, dry mouth, fatigue, anxiety, mood swings, depression, muscle cramps and vomiting.
3 varietals are offered and when buying 2 bottles one comes free.
It’s a plus the manufacturers mention how this product works, however since they claim it is scientifically formulated one would expect proof. No evidence of clinical trials exist at all and instead they single out certain ingredients who have a intended purpose. This does not do enough to satisfy curiosity for real effects and potential side effects.
Also what is inside should be of concern due to the caffeine present. Any type of caffeine can produce the same effects and though one can experience a metabolism change, this is often short lived. Currently the caffeine added is inside a proprietary blend which makes it impossible to know how much you are actually taking.
A section of the company website spends a lot of time on exercise and diet. It’s unknown just how much is needed in order for the reported weight loss effects to kick in. This once again calls into question just how much research was applied to these products.
Considering the history of lies that resulted in a federal investigation and lawsuit, it’s impossible to know what this company is capable of. They claimed their product was proven to work thru science yet this was quickly found out to be untruthful. Trusting a company with this type of history is a risky approach.
While the company does have a lot to say about how weight loss can happen they’re missing key facts. They offer no explanation as to how their product works together to lead to weight loss. It’s full of unnecessary ingredients such as caffeine that while it does produce an effect, it isn’t a long term solution. Also one cannot neglect the history of major lies that the FTC documented and struck down. Without knowing the accuracy of truth provided, there’s plenty of doubt surrounding CortiSlim.
Bottom Line:
Looking at all the promises without evidence makes it a clear choice. There’s no need to dive into a bunch of uncertainty when customers rate these other supplements in a much more favorable light.
By having products without stimulants and unnecessary additives like caffeine, you allow yourself a real weight loss solution. All natural, wholesome, and customer approved weight loss is ready and easy to take in.
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