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Customer Health Rating: 3.1/5


Bulgarian Tribulus Review (UPDATED 2025): Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Bulgarian Tribulus is a single-ingredient male enhancement product that is used to help men improve their testosterone functions. It is not considered a testosterone production booster when used by itself, however it may be able to increase the overall potency of men’s existing testosterone supplies.

This may be able to help men improve their sexual performance levels, including raising their libido, increasing their erectile functionality, and helping to improve both the quantity and the quality of the sperm that they produce. It also has a number of applications for increasing athletic performance, including increasing the rate at which men generate new muscle and repair old and damaged tissues.

The male enhancement product that our team has found to have the most potential for improving men’s sexual performance overall is called Viritenz. It uses a well-rounded blend of ingredients that work together to maximize men’s sexual potential. Follow this link to find out if Viritenz may be able to help you achieve your specific sexual goals.

Bulgarian Tribulus Ingredients and Side Effects

Bulgarian Tribulus uses several inactive ingredients in their pills as filler material, however it has only one active ingredient in its capsules:

Tribulus Terrestris Extract (Fruit)

Tribulus Terrestris Extract (Fruit): A powerful ingredient found in many male enhancement products due to its beneficial effects on the body’s ability to detect and respond to its existing testosterone levels. Tribulus terrestris cannot, as many manufacturers dishonestly promote, increase raw testosterone production, however it has been shown to help maximize all of the many benefits that testosterone can have on a man’s body.

It does this by helping to improve the sensitivity of the part of the brain that is responsible for responding to testosterone. This makes tribulus an excellent ingredient in many male enhancement products due to how closely tied to sexual performance testosterone is.

Testosterone is considered the male sex hormone, and it plays a role in almost every phase of the arousal process, from helping to stimulate the first sexual thoughts a man may have to improving the quality of and control that men have over their orgasms. Men with higher T levels tend to have more erections that also tend to be more rigid, longer in duration, and that recharge faster.

Click here to see our experts’ top ten list of the best male enhancement products on the market today.

Bulgarian Tribulus Quality of Ingredients

Tribulus terrestris is considered one of the highest quality male enhancement supplements on the market, however it is not necessarily as well regarded when it is taken on its own. Tribulus tends to be most successful when paired with a testosterone production booster, such as L-Arginine or tongkat ali. This is due to the fact that many men with low T may not get as much out of a tribulus product as men with higher T levels.

Additionally, when it is being used for sexual performance enhancement specifically, tribulus may not be as effective as a blended product because by itself it cannot provide any form of circulatory support. Most effective male enhancement products can help both the circulatory rate and the overall circulatory volume that their users are capable of due to the beneficial effects that it can have for increasing erectile size, rigidity, and duration.

Circulatory issues are also one of the main causes of erectile dysfunction, and tribulus terrestris will not be of much use for these users, limiting the size of its potential customer base. In general, tribulus terrestris is very highly regarded by our team of experts but on its own it is limited in both the number of men that it will be able to benefit, as well as the overall potency that it can have for any given user.

Follow this link to see which male enhancement products are the most effective at helping to combat erectile dysfunction and impotence.

The Price and Quality of Bulgarian Tribulus

Bulgarian Tribulus is sold through the website of their manufacturer, Ultimate Nutrition, as well as through a variety of other third party retailers both online and in person. The base rates for Bulgarian Tribulus that are quoted by Ultimate Nutrition’s website are as follows:

  • 1, 90-count bottle (45-day supply) of Bulgarian Tribulus male enhancement dietary supplement: $28.95

This price is relatively low when compared to male enhancement products with more complicated blends. It will generally also be less effective than more diverse and balanced blends, however many men may choose to take additional tribulus as a method of boosting the effectiveness of their other product.

This method is far more expensive, and may be cost prohibitive for many users. It may also not be that much more effective than using a male enhancement blend by itself, especially if the blend already has some degree of tribulus in it, which many of them do.

For more reviews of male enhancement products, click here.

Business of Bulgarian Tribulus

The manufacturer of Bulgarian Tribulus is a sports nutrition products company called Ultimate Nutrition. They are a mid-level. US-based business founded by the late professional bodybuilder Victor Rubino.

The only option for contacting them that the website for Bulgarian Tribulus offers is an electronic submission form. Our research team, however, was also able to find the following contact information for Ultimate Nutrition from third party sources online:

Phone Number: (860) 409-7100

Address: PO Box 643

Farmington, CT 06034-0643

Ultimate Nutrition has had a number of legal issues over their 37 year history. Most notoriously they’ve been sued by several different professional athletes on the grounds that Ultimate Nutrition spiked their products with unlisted ingredients. This include US Olympic swimming hopeful Kicker Vencil and Austrian skier Hans Knauss, both of whom filed suits against the company alleging that it caused them to test positive for banned substances and leading to sanctions within their sports.

Other lawsuits that Ultimate Nutrition have faced include allegations that they engaged in protein spiking, and that some of their products did not contain all of the nutrients that they claimed to. Both the nature of these allegations, as well as the sheer quantity of legal issues that Ultimate Nutrition has faced, make our team of experts reluctant to encourage our readers to use their products.

To see which supplements have the best reputation within the industry, just follow this link.

EDITOR'S TIP: Check our list of approved male supplements to make a right purchase decision!
Customer Opinions of Bulgarian Tribulus

Bulgarian Tribulus has mixed reviews online from their past users. Many men have said positive things about their experiences with the supplement, however others have been more negative, such as the former users that left these quotations online:

“I don’t get it. I’ve used other tribulus products and have gotten good results, however this particular brand doesn’t seem to be as effective.”

“Got nothing out of this stuff – zero, nada, NOTHING. Either it didn’t react well to my meds, or maybe there’s just something wrong with my body chemistry; I don’t know, but I’m personally not going to be reordering.”

“Heard good things about tribulus, but this was a huge disappointment. Save your money for something that’s going to actually work.”

Bulgarian Tribulus is listed as having a somewhat mediocre 4/5-star rating on Amazon, however this number may not be accurate. The review analysis website Fakespot found that as many as 20% of the posts that claimed to be customer reviews for Bulgarian Tribulus were actually placed by the company themselves.

In addition to dragging down their already unimpressive scores, this also does not paint a favorable picture of Ultimate Nutrition as a company. When this report is combined with their other legal issues, it appears that Ultimate Nutrition has established a pattern of deceitful behavior over their history, which is not a practice that our team is able to endorse in any way.

Click here to learn more about the best ways to improve your sexual satisfaction levels, as well as those of your partner.

  • Effectiveness60%3/5
  • Consumer reviews56%2.8/5
  • Quality of ingredients60%3/5
  • Cost68%3.4/5
  • Money Back66%3.3/5
  • Overall Rating62%3.1/5
Conclusion – Does Bulgarian Tribulus Work?

If users were restricted to using only one ingredient in a male enhancement supplement, then tribulus terrestris would be one of the more potent choices that are available. Realistically, however, there are no such limitations that are placed on consumers, and so there is very little reason that they would want to confine themselves to a single ingredient product such as Bulgarian Tribulus.

As potent as tribulus is, it cannot provide any of the circulatory support that our team needs to see in order to recommend a male enhancement product to our readers, and it’s only capable of improving one facet of the testosterone support. Overall, Bulgarian Tribulus may be useful to some men as a complimentary product to a more complete male enhancement blend, however it should probably not be counted on by itself.

The supplement that our tem believes can provide the most well rounded form of support for men’s needs is Viritenz. It uses two forms of circulatory aids, several different T-boosters, and also includes tribulus to help optimize its effects.

Overall, it is one of the most potent sexual performance products that men can find, with or without a prescription. Follow this link to learn more about how Viritenz has performed when compared to other leading brands of male enhancement products.

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Top Rated Male Enhancement Supplement of 2025

  • Viritenz4.9/5 stars-icon
  • Effectiveness95%4.7/5
  • Consumer reviews93%4.5/5
  • Quality of ingredients96%4.7/5
  • Cost91%5/5
  • Money Back89%5/5
  • Overall Rating95%4.9/5

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