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Black 3K Review (UPDATED 2025): Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Black 3K is a one-time use sexual performance enhancement pill. It is designed to help men achieve larger, harder, more functional erections within an hour that they say can last for up to a full day.

They describe their pill as a circulatory enhancement tool that can help improve the amount of blood that can flow to the penis, which is one of the key factors in achieving successful erections. Other potential benefits that are listed on their label and in their promotional materials include increased energy, staying power, sex drive, and seminal production.

The product that our team of experts recommends to our readers the strongest is an all-natural dietary supplement called Viritenz. It is a blend of some of the most potent over the counter performance aids that are known to science, and includes additives that can improve circulation, testosterone production, and other key factors in men’s sexual performance. Click on this link to learn more about which sexual issues Viritenz may be able to help men to overcome.

Black 3K Ingredients and Side Effects

Most of the ingredients found in Black 3K are substances that are popular in Traditional Chinese Medicine but that lack the clinical pedigree from Western science that our team prefers to see in products that they recommend to our readers. The ingredients that are listed on the packaging for Black 3K include:

Go Ji Extract Deng Sen Extract Panax Ginseng
Cordyceps Sinensis Atractylodes Rubus

Go Ji Extract: A fad superfruit that has some antioxidant properties. Go ji is more commonly spelled as goji and is not typically known for having any proven sexual performance abilities.

Deng Sen Extract: This is a mystery ingredient that has appeared in the Rhino line of products but that is not found anywhere else. There do not seem to be any other products that use it, nor is there any information about it online, either in more mainstream forums, such as WebMD or Examine, or in forums specifically dedicated to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Panax Ginseng: A well-regarded herb that helps increase mental performance, circulation, and has shown potential benefits for increasing libido as well.

Cordyceps Sinensis: A fungus that is used in TCM as an aphrodisiac but that has not ever been able to back this use up clinically.

Atractylodes: Extracts taken from a flower in the sunflower family. Despite their name, atractylodes are not thought to have an aphrodisiac or erectile benefits.

Rubus: A family of plants that includes raspberries, blackberries, and other similar fruits. This listing is incredibly unspecific, however there are no known plants in the rubus family that have demonstrated any form of concrete sexual benefits.

Follow this link to learn which products were named to our research team’s list of the top ten brands of male enhancement supplements on the market today.

Black 3K Quality of Ingredients

Many of the ingredients used by Black 3K are lacking in the type of clinical background that would lead our experts to believe that they could have a positive impact on users’ erectile abilities. TCM is a tradition that has been largely discredited by Western science, and our panel of experts do not subscribe to any of their core beliefs.

Panax ginseng is one of the few ingredients used in Black 3K that has had its uses confirmed through laboratory testing and is considered an effective erectile aid and libido booster by our team of experts. Other than that, they do not seem to have any noted circulatory aids, nor do they use any testosterone function boosters. As such, it seems unlikely that if this ingredients list is accurate that Black 3K will be able to have a significant impact on their users’ sexual abilities.

The Price and Quality of Black 3K

Black 3K used to be cheaper and much widely available before they were busted by the FDA, and so now it is rare that it can be purchased in stores and the only online dealers that carry it are the lesser known and potentially less trustworthy sites. Interested consumers should also know that there seems to be a problem with counterfeit Black 3K products being sold online, so they should take care to screen their retailers as thoroughly as possible.

Given its scarcity, the price of Black 3K varies greatly depending on the source that it is purchased from. Here are the prices that were being quoted at the time of this article’s publication on, one of the better-known dealers that still carries Black 3K:

  • 2 single-use Black 3K male enhancement pills: $7.98
  • 5 single-use Black 3K male enhancement pills: $17.45
  • 10 single-use Black 3K male enhancement pills: $29.90
  • 20 single-use Black 3K male enhancement pills: $49.80

These prices are slightly higher than the majority of single-use pills, and that may owe to their rarity. They are also considerably more expensive than a daily nutritional supplement would tend to be, especially for individuals that plan on having intercourse regularly.

To learn more about all of the most effective male enhancement products on the market today, just follow this link which will take you to our full library of reviews.

Business of Black 3K

Black 3K is part of the Rhino brand of sexual performance enhancement pills, a notorious manufacturer that has been cited by the FDA many times for numerous different violations of their codes. The most common issue that the Rhino brand pills have been found committing is the practice of including unlisted prescription drugs in their pills, a citation that they have received many times for many different products, Black 3K included.

Black 3K specifically was found to have the prescription male enhancement medication sildenafil in their pills. Sildenafil is the same active ingredient that is found in Viagra and is not legal to purchase or distribute without the proper authorizations in most parts of the world.

The Rhino brands also fail to provide any significant forms of contact information, especially given that they tend to operate under a variety of different company names and product distributors. The packaging for Black 3K, however, provides even less information than most of the Rhino brands, as it doesn’t even list a distributor or website, let alone an address, email, or telephone number.

They do not have a valid page with the Better Business Bureau, Manta, or Bloomberg, however there are hundreds of complaints about the Rhino products that can be found online on various sites like Ripoff Report, Scambook, and Fakespot. Overall, they do not have the profile of a business that our team would recommend, especially given their dangerous and illegal habit of including unlisted drugs in their products.

Click here to get advice from our health and wellness experts about how to maximize your natural penile size.

EDITOR'S TIP: Check our list of approved male supplements to make a right purchase decision!
Customer Opinions of Black 3K

Reviews of Black 3K are not particularly positive overall. They have lower than acceptable ratings with a number of their distributors, and past customers have left a number of unflattering comments about their experiences online, including the following quotations:

“Had a bad reaction to this stuff. I read the ingredients, and it all seemed like it should be ok, but my heart was racing and it felt like I was going to pass out. Not fun, not sexy.”

“I would not recommend Black 3K to anybody unless I hated them and was trying to punish them for something. Not an effective sex pill though.”

“Made me feel like I had the flu, and the girl that I was with that night just went home. I’ve hit her up a couple of time since, but she hasn’t called me back.

The two most common kinds of complaints were that it caused side effects in users, such as in the reviews above, and simply that it did not work.

Follow this link to see which male enhancement products are best for helping men to increase the intensity, pleasurability, and control that they have over their orgasms.

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Conclusion – Does Black 3K Work?

If the ingredients list printed on the label of Black 3K is accurate, then there is very little chance that it could be effective for male enhancement purposes. They do not have an ingredients blend that uses top-tier ingredients and instead focuses on discredited additives that are only popular with practitioners the highly questionable TCM.

There is also a risk, however, that these ingredients are not accurate and Black 3K could contain illegal, unlisted ingredients, such as those that they have been busted for including in the past. If they do, then they may be more effective, however they would also be illegal and far more dangerous for users that do not have a prescription for such drugs. In either scenario, our team is not able to recommend Black 3K to our readers.

The product that they do recommend instead is Viritenz. Viritenz uses only ingredients that have long clinical histories of success, and they use a diverse ingredients blend that provides multiple forms of both circulatory and testosterone support.

This includes ginseng, but it also pairs the herb with top rated aminos like L-Arginine, other natural additives like tongkat ali and maca root, as well as basic vitamins and minerals that support the body at the core level. Click here to learn more about all of the ways that Viritenz can impact men’s bodies.

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