Biotin is a B vitamin that allows cells to grow while breaking down the use of fats and amino acids so they are better used by the body. It also works by regulating blood sugar which in turn can diminish hunger and fatigue.
Though Biotin exists in foods it is often added to supplements in order to further progress of the above mentioned positives. Does this ingredient serve a purpose that can’t be gained in food?
To answer this question we’ve managed to pull all the necessary information.
Let’s see what Biotin can do.
Biotin is found in many foods such as nuts, eggs, oats and salmon. Often in supplement form Biotin is offered in 5000 micrograms. Many generic versions of this ingredient exist and they are available in most stores that sell supplements.
While many brands sell this product there is concern over the quality and the actual amounts listed. Often generic supplements have been reported to actually have less amounts of the ingredients they list. It’s important to find products with a GMP certification and good company history.
According to companies who manufacture this extract, this ingredient works to metabolise carbohydrates,proteins, and fats in turn using all three as an energy source. This in turn is said to help in weight loss by not having it stored within the body.
Bacteria in our intestines feed off Biotin and in fact it is removed from our bowels and in turn reused for the body to use. Our body makes use of all the Biotin found in our bodies and even recycles it even when we run low.
There’s claims of it being able to support healthy nail and hair growth as well. While this is true in food form not enough evidence supports this idea in supplements and in fact no known studies actually support this allegation.
Fortunately for us the case of Biotin deficiency is extremely rare and in fact our bodies naturally reuse old stores of Biotin. So far the medical community agrees Biotin supplementation is only necessary for those with rare cases of deficiency. This deficiency is possible for people who for months on end eat raw egg whites or those with serious genetic issues. Even in these cases a medically trained professional is often needed to accurately measure dosage strength. Biotin supplementation is not seen as useful in the medical community for fat loss.
Since Biotin is recognized as only being needed in extreme cases, it does not make much sense to supplement with it any further. Our bodies naturally recycle it, however in the search of weight loss solutions, there are real solutions not already supplemented in the body.
Potential Side Effects: Skin rashes and acne, decreased reaction with medications, miscarriage, allergies, and negative blood glucose interaction.
Tends to be harmless in small amounts.
There isn’t much reason to supplement with this product, it just doesn’t demand extra supplementation unless in very rare cases.
While this product is relatively harmless it is also majorly pointless to supplement with. There’s no need to take this when the body actually finds it thru many sources of food. To take this product for weight loss would not have any measurable difference. As it stands no known dietary professionals actually recommend it for changes in weight.
It’s confusing when you first read about this ingredient. This product does help aid in metabolizing substances in the body but only in food form. When you take it as an extract it then becomes easy to understand why it isn’t really needed. Our bodies don’t require any more Biotin and a supplement would be bad money investment.
While Biotin can make improvements in rare cases, the average person would see no benefit in terms of weight loss. Other alternatives would actually serve a purpose and it would save you money instead of investing in an already naturally produced vitamin. Our bodies don’t need the extra supplementation since the body makes use of old Biotin left in the body. It ends up being a waste of your time and money when other alternatives actually work.
Bottom Line:
Finding a solution to all natural weight loss is easy when you consider the supplements our bodies don’t already make. All natural solutions to real sustained weight change is easy to find now.
Since this ingredient isn’t in demand from your body, we recommend you look elsewhere for substantial change. Look at the actually beneficial supplements that can provide you with results.
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