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Customer Health Rating: 2.3/5


Biolean reviews: Is it safe?

What is Biolean?

Instead of just a normal weight loss pill, Biolean markets itself as a weight loss “system”. Due to the inclusion of key ingredients in Biolean’s formula, the drug is allegedly capable of helping you burn fat by boosting your body’s metabolism and energy levels while suppressing your appetite so that you can eat less and exercise more.

That all sounds promising, but the results Biolean claims to be capable of are hardly unique in the weight loss world. Why use a seemingly complicated weight loss “system” when you can get the same results from taking one pill or drinking a shake? Let’s take a look at how Biolean’s weight loss system works to see if it offers anything to distinguish itself from the competition.

Who makes it?

pills-06Biolean seems to lack an official website, but the product appears to be produced by a wellness company known as Win Worldwide.  Win Worldwide’s website also seems to be incomplete; a “Frequently Asked Questions” section is “coming soon” and the only forms of contact offered are a phone number and email form. The website offers no physical address, but the company’s Twitter account lists the address as Plato, Texas.

How (and) does it work?

As there is no official Biolean website, it is difficult to obtain instructions on how the drug is supposed to be taken. Fortunately, some of the third party sites that sell Biolean offer reproductions of the product’s label, which instruct users to take one Biolean packet, consisting of three green tablets and one white tablet, in the morning with a low-calorie meal. The label also recommends that new users should ease into taking Biolean, gradually increasing each day’s amount of tablets.

Biolean is designed to curb users’ appetites by providing a healthy sense of fullness, while affecting your metabolism to enhance the way your body utilizes fat and produces energy. The ingredient found in Biolean that lends the drug its metabolism boosting properties is known as Advantra-Z, a popular weight loss ingredient derived from bitter orange.

As there is no official Biolean website, you don’t have to worry about combing through officially endorsed positive testimonials that are likely fake and biased. User reviews posted on other sites describe mixed results, with some users finding the product to be effective while others were very disappointed by a lack of results.

What’s inside of it and are there any side effects?

Like Biolean’s instructions, the products can be found on the reproduced versions of Biolean’s label that can be found on some third party sites. In addition to Advantra-Z, Biolean’s green tablets contain a proprietary blend of caffeine, schizandra berry, gymnema sylvestre leaf, roots such as hawthorne, alisma, codonopsis and rehmannia, jube jube seed, Angelicae dahuricae, epemidium grandiflorum and panax notoginseng Radix. Biotin’s white tablets contain the amino acids L-Carnatine Bitartrate, L-Phenylalanine and L-Tyrosine.

If you are most interested in finding a diet pill that is derived from natural ingredients, please read the top 10 list.

Biolean does not advertise any side effects that may result from use of the product, but users have reported experiencing excessive urination and irritable bowel symptoms, as well as feverish hot flashes and dizzy spells while exercising.

What’s good about it?

Biolean comes with a 30 day money-back guarantee.

What’s bad about it?

The fact that Biolean does not have an official website, and that the website of its parent company is lacking a decent amount of important information, it’s hard to believe that Biolean comes from a trustworthy source. While Biolean does contain some good ingredients, results of taking the product have apparently been mixed, with some users believing that any weight loss was due to an increase in exercise or a better diet. Biolean also fails to advertise some unpleasant side effects that may result from use of the product, such as dizzy spells, hot flashes and irritable bowel symptoms.

You can find something better on the market for the same amount of money.

Wrap up

Biolean is a “weight loss system” comprised of a daily regimen of four pills, three of which contain a proprietary blend and one of which contains amino acid. The product is designed to act as an appetite suppressant while simultaneously stimulating your body’s metabolic functions to enhance the way your body utilizes fat and burns energy. There is very little official information regarding the product and its parent company online and reviews of the product seem to be a mix of satisfaction and disappointment. Use of Biolean may also result in some unpleasant side effects.

  • Effectiveness44%2.2/5
  • Consumer reviews40%2/5
  • Quality of ingredients44%2.2/5
  • Cost52%2.6/5
  • Money Back50%2.5/5
  • Overall Rating46%2.3/5
Bottom line

It’s hard to recommend Biolean when it offers as little information about itself as possible; it’s usually a bad idea to buy any product from a company that seems content to lurk in the shadows. Based on contradictory reviews of the product, it’s even unclear if Biolean really works. If it doesn’t, you may experience the unpleasant side effects that some users report and not even lose any weight. There is surely a more dependable product on the market to help you meet your health and fitness goals.

We strongly recommend looking into other diet pills that may be more effective and better for you.

Check top 10 weight loss pills

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2 thoughts on “Biolean reviews: Is it safe?

  1. Samantha Kirby says:

    This company is in it for the money only. I ordered their free trial and found out you are automatically enrolled in a monthly membership at $80 a month. Not to mention the fine print link to opt out of adding on items on their website, when you click next it automatically adds product to your order and you don’t know until you receive the confirmation email after payment has been taken. When you cancel that membership during the trial you have to return the trial bottle they sent you because as they say it is not free. They do not pay return shipping fees.

    1. Velma Lewis says:

      Wow! I have experienced the very sad thing. Not good! I never even open their products. Very unhappy!

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