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Customer Health Rating: 3.1/5


Apidexin Review – Does This Product Really Work?

What is Apidexin?

Apidexin knows the audience it’s trying to talk to. It’s the people who are sitting in front of their computer screens, eyes glazed from staring so long, back feeling sore from prolonged sitting, girth ever widening as the months and years pass. There’s an unhappiness in the current self that this audience shares. Apidexin knows this.

Apidexin makes promises of weight loss, promises of a boosted metabolism and a decreased appetite. The audience wants to believe it’s true, believe it’s real. If you believe in something hard enough, can’t an idea become reality? Apidexin’s marketing says it’s possible, it’s just a credit card payment away. So is it really true?

Who makes it?

medical pillsApidexin‘s website is vague about who it’s creator is. On the homepage it is mentioned that there is an Apidexin Research & Development team” but it doesn’t get much farther than that. Further research however reveals a company by the name of Timaru LLC, a company that has faced numerous complaints in regards to their customer service, delivery and return policy to name a few.

In addition to Apidexin, the company produces other products with the Apidexin name, such as Apidexin Super Shredded, Apidexin PM and Apidexin 72 Hour Cleanse. You can buy this product and it’s siblings on the company’s website, as well as retailers like

How (and) does it work?

A quick look at Apidexin‘s webpage and you will see before and after pictures; wider version of the selves on the left, accompanied by a thinner, smiling versions on the right. Appetite suppression, fat burning, metabolism boosting; Apidexin claims that it can do all three of these things. Yet no where on the company’s website does it even mention how it is supposed to go about this, what breaks down and is supposed to do what.

All that is mentioned, is to take 1 capsule with water 30 minutes before breakfast and another capsule 30 minutes before lunch. Because of the caffeine content in Apidexin, it is recommended that people take only one pill at first, and to never take more than three a day.

What’s inside of it and are there side effects?

Apidexin makes bold claims about it’s product. It’s effectiveness supposedly comes from the ingredients that make up Apidexin‘s capsules. Even though the company’s website does go into detail on some of it’s ingredients, it doesn’t do so with all of them. Why the selectivity? Diet pills that make top 10 lists don’t do that. And sure there are graphs on the webpage showing how effective certain ingredients are, but none of these are sourced. So really, how would you know the difference if this was just advertising copy and if this was actual fact? You wouldn’t know.

  • Caffeine anhydrous: Essentially coffee in powdered form, helps raise the metabolic rate and help with mental focus and clarity.
  • Phosphatidyl serine: Helps with mental focus and clarity.
  • Green coffee bean extract: Containing caffeine, this ingredient is known to push metabolism up a level or two.
  • Tonalin: An ingredient that is believed to help with weight loss.
  • Irvingia gabonesis: Coming from a fruit that is similar to the mango, this ingredient is believed to help lower cholesterol.
  • N-Acetyl L-Carinite HCI: Claimed by Apidexin to be a safe way to boost the metabolism that helps with immediate weight loss.
  • Green select phytosome green tea: A common ingredient found in diet pills. Full of catechins and polyphenols that keep the metabolism up as they fight off free radicals.
  • Coenzyme Q10: Helps turn fat into energy. Cells also already contain this ingredient within them.

As one user on Apidexin‘s website put it, she got no “side affects” from using this product. Nowhere else on the company’s webpage does it mention anything about side effects. Isn’t that just great? A product with no side effects?

It is good to remember however, that this product is full of caffeine, so much so that the company warns not to take more than 3 capsules a day! Side effects from caffeine can include: Headache, dizziness, jitteriness, rapid heart rate among others.

What’s good about it?

If you buy two bottles on the company’s website for a price of $79.95, you get free shipping. The same is true if you buy three bottles for $109.95.

What’s bad about it?

pills_on_spoonApidexin likes to claim that it’s product is proven to work. At first it seems like the studies it supplies would back up the claims that this product works. However upon closer inspection one can see that the studies aren’t showing that Apidexin itself works, but that the individual ingredients inside Apidexin work. While in theory this sounds good, the fact of the matter is that there is still no concrete evidence that Apidexin itself is successful in weight loss.

Reviews of this product have generally been negative, from those who have happened to try it not seeing any real results. There have been reports of issues with delivery, as well as returning the product back. Since Timaru, the company that manufactures Apidexin, isn’t accredited by the Better Business Bureau, this really shouldn’t come as much of a surprise. The writing on this is all over the internet. It’s not just us claiming this.

Wrap Up

Apidexin’s website boasts thin smiling faces and eye catching graphs that claim to show the effectiveness of the product advertised. However great these claims may look, there is no validity to any of it.

  • Effectiveness60%3/5
  • Consumer reviews56%2.8/5
  • Quality of ingredients60%3/5
  • Cost68%3.4/5
  • Money Back66%3.3/5
  • Overall Rating62%3.1/5
Bottom Line:

Weight loss, if only it were so simple. If only it were so easy. Apidexin pretends that it’s a miracle product, that the virtual medals on it’s website’s front page actually amount to the same as real ones. But when you click on the medals, nothing happens; you can’t see exactly what the award is, you can’t even make out the text of who or what it’s for. Virtual medals don’t really mean anything, they just hide you from cheaper, more effective diet pills. Don’t always believe everything that you see. Apidexin is nothing more than a facade.

We recommend you look into other more effective dietary supplements.

Check top 10 weight loss pills

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