Androzene is a male enhancement supplement designed and marketed by former Olympic strength and conditioning coach John Abdo. It is promoted as both a workout booster and a sexual performance aid.
The promotional materials for Androzene claim that it stimulates testosterone production, which is tied to both muscle development and male libido and erectile responsiveness. Their advertisements say that Androzene is specifically effective for men over 40 whose testosterone production has started to slow.
The top male enhancement aid for men of all ages is Viritenz.
It has been shown to help older men regain previous sexual performance levels while helping younger users reach new heights. Click here to see all of the effects that Viritenz can have for their users.
Androzene is product of Health Club Diet, LLC, a lesser-known pharmaceuticals and supplements distributor that is directly affiliated with Mr. Abdo. They are based out of Beverly, Massachusetts and are accredited or validated by any outside agencies or consumer protection organizations.
Androzene is one of the most expensive male enhancement products on the market, retailing at $147.48 for a single bottle of pills. There are less expensive options available when purchasing in bulk, however Androzene at its least expensive still costs more than the vast majority of male enhancement products on the market today.
Click here to see the top ten list of all of the male enhancement products on the market today.
The promotional materials for Androzene talk more about its effects than its process. They do not disclose any of their ingredients and they make very few claims about the biological effects that they have on the body.
Their advertising says that it is beneficial for muscle development, fat burning, and general athletic performance. It also claims that it can help replace slowed sexual function in older men, implying that it is a testosterone booster, however their advertising does state this explicitly.
They say that there is outside data that corroborates their claims about the effects of Androzene, however they do not provide any links to this data, nor could any of it be found by our expert research team.
Androzene avoids making any specific statements about what goes into their products on their website. They describe its many potential beneficial effects, but the only ingredient that they actually mention by name is AndroPhase.
What’s odd about this is that AndroPhase is not an ingredient but rather another supplement that’s produced by Health Club Diet. The promotional materials for AndroPhase are equally as ambiguous, and list no specific herbs, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, or drugs in their proprietary blend.
Fortunately for consumers, several watchdog sites have posted images of the legally-mandated nutrition panel on the back of their bottles. While their dosage levels are still left off of the label, thanks to these consumers we do know the contents of Androzene.
Follow this link to find out how to choose the male enhancement product that is right for your needs.
The ingredients posted by previous customers are:
Guarana Seed Extract: Chemicals taken from the fruit of a South American tree’s seeds that acts as a natural form of caffeine. Guarana is a central nervous system stimulant that causes the heart to pump faster, which in turn increases circulatory rates.
Better circulation is helpful for achieving and maintaining erections due to the sheer quantity of blood necessary in order to reach optimal rigidity. Guarana has no other sexual or aphrodisiac benefits.
Yohimbine: Another CNS stimulant that helps erectile quality. Yohimbine is extracted from the bark of the African yohimbe tree and is highly controversial.
Yohimbine is a controlled substance in many countries (including the United States) due to the many negative health effects that can potentially stem from its usage. It is not legal to possess without a prescription and, like guarana, is not thought to have any sexual benefits beyond increasing circulation.
Epimedium Extract: A Chinese herb also known as Horny Goat Weed. Like yohimbine and guarana, epimedium is a stimulant with no other aphrodisiac qualities.
Saw Palmetto Extract: A North American tree that has giant fan-like leaves with jagged, saw-like edges. Saw palmetto is used typically for shrinking the prostate, which in some rare cases can cause erectile dysfunction.
Tribulus Terrestris: A type of tree also known as puncture vine due to the spiny exteriors of its fruits. Tribulus terrestris is popular in male enhancement products due to its ability to increase the sensitivity of the brain’s androgen receptors, which are used to respond to testosterone.
Our experts were very concerned about the potential side effects of Androzene. Its blend includes quite a few different stimulants, which can be dangerous for people with sensitive systems, weak or damaged hearts, or high blood pressure concerns.
Possible issues with overstimulation can include strokes, heart attacks and even death. Yohimbine regulations were put into place after several deaths were traced back to yohimbine usage, and it is potentially illegal to purchase Androzene in some countries due to these regulations.
Tribulus terrestris is one of the more highly recommended ingredients for male enhancement products, according to our team of experts. It helps improve the potency of the body’s existent testosterone, which is key to a variety of sexual functions.
The extreme stimulation of Androzene will also be helpful for, if nothing else, increasing circulation rates in their users, which can have beneficial effects for men suffering with specific types of erectile dysfunction.
Many male enhancement products use one of the multiple stimulant products that Androzene uses in their blend, however it is very rare to see all of them appear in the same product. This is an unnecessary and potentially dangerous amount of stimulation, which may even start to compromise some of the product’s effectiveness and safety.
This is especially and issue given that there is no dosage information available for Androzene. Users should always be aware of what they are putting into their body, especially when the side effects can be as serious as the ones that can stem from overuse of these products.
It is also a concern to our staff that yohimbine is used at all. Yohimbine has been banned or at least regulated in the United States, Canada, the UK, Germany and Australia. Yohimbine is not thought to be particularly effective for male enhancement, however it is potentially dangerous for many people.
Androzene is a blend of several central nervous system stimulants and herbs that are rumored – though not necessarily proven – to benefit male sexual performance levels. The overall stimulant level may be higher than many consumers are comfortable with, and there is a limited selection of non-stimulant ingredients with proven benefits.
It may not be legal for purchase for many consumers, depending on where they are trying to get the product shipped. Androzene says that there is scientific data that supports their advertising claims, however there is no actual evidence that these studies exist or what their exact findings were.
The fact that they do not publish their ingredients is also concerning. It took consumers themselves posting the nutrition label online in order to find out the actual contents of Androzene, which is not generally a good sign for a product’s effectiveness.
More reputable products are eager to publicize their ingredients because they view that as a good advertisement of their effectiveness. This allows consumers to compare between different products and select the one that they believe will work best for their needs. Companies that have less effective blends often try to avoid this comparison.
The customer backlash against Androzene has been considerable. 69% of their reviews on Amazon gave the product one star, eventually leading to its removal from the site. Here are some of the things that past customers have posted about their experiences with Androzene:
“Save your money! Took Androzene for three weeks and all it did was give me insomnia. I never saw any sexual benefits at all.”
“I seriously thought I was going to die. It felt like I was going to have a heart attack and I almost passed out. Never again!”
“Sure, go ahead and buy this garbage if you want to really make sure you never have sex again.”
There were also some very concerning reports from ex-employees of the company that posted about some of the marketing practices of Health Club Diet. They allege that the company directly avoids customer contact in order to get out of paying refunds to consumers, that they will sell users’ contact information to other companies, and that they make fraudulent and inaccurate claims about its safety and effectiveness.
Bottom Line
Overall, Androzene is more of a stimulant than an aphrodisiac product. They do not have an ingredients blend that inspires confidence in our experts that it could have many aphrodisiac qualities, however it does look like it could lead to some possible serious side effects in some users.
The company itself does not have a good reputation, and the responses of previous customers are extremely negative. It also should be noted that Androzene may not even be legal for many of their potential customers.
The most powerful erectile aid on the market is Viritenz. It can help increase the size, stiffness, and longevity of users’ erections, as well as helping them avoid premature ejaculation.
Viritenz is 100% natural and is backed by a 30-day money back guarantee. Click here to read our experts’ full review of Viritenz.
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