Alpha T is a male enhancement supplement that advertises itself as a natural testosterone complex and features a variety of different T-boosters and optimizers. They say that this can help their users’ increase their libido levels and erectile function, as well as a variety of other secondary sexual functions.
Improved testosterone function can also help men that are looking to improve their energy levels, muscle development and the overall effectiveness of their workouts. They recommend their product both to men that are experiencing a decline in testosterone due to age, as well as those that are simply looking to boost their sexual and athletic peak performance levels.
The supplement that our team has recommended to the most men overall is Viritenz. It has an ingredients profile that utilizes many of the top-rated additives on our team’s list without compromising its overall effectiveness or integrity by cutting them with less recommended substances. Follow this link to find out more data about the different ways that Viritenz can impact any given man’s body.
Alpha T uses a number of top rated male enhancement ingredients in their proprietary blend, however they also feature several additives that our team does not tend to recommend to its users. The top listed ingredients on their label are as follows:
D-Aspartic Acid | Fenusterols | Tribulus Terrestris |
Maca Root | Horny Goat Weed | Eurycoma Longifolia |
D-Aspartic Acid (DAA): By far the most plentiful ingredient in Alpha T, with over 1500mg used per serving. This is an exceptionally large dose of DAA, which is an aromatase inhibitor that has the potential to lead to serious side effects like organ damage, especially if taken over the long term.
Fenusterols: A chemical derived from the vegetable fenugreek. Fenusterols recently became a fad ingredient for testosterone boosters based on a study that has since been largely discredited. They are no longer considered to be effective for these purposes according to most health and wellness experts.
Tribulus Terrestris: An herb that is frequently paired with raw T production boosters due to its effects on the brain’s androgen sensors. It is one of our team’s most highly rated additives for use in products of this nature.
Maca Root: A Peruvian herb that is not thought to affect testosterone levels, though its effects can often appear similar to those of a T booster.
Horny Goat Weed: An herbal stimulant that doesn’t affect testosterone levels but that may have some pro-erectile qualities. Our team does not tend to recommend it to our readers due to its potential for causing side effects, some of them possibly serious.
Eurycoma Longifolia: A Malaysian herb that is effectively used as a testosterone booster. Also known as tongkat ali, eurycoma longifolia is well regarded within the industry for inclusion in products of this nature.
Our team strongly recommends the use of several of the ingredients found in Alpha T for male enhancement purposes. Maca root is an excellent aphrodisiac and energy booster with applications for helping erectile function, and both tribulus terrestris and eurycoma longifolia are useful testosterone optimizers when taken separately, but they can be especially effective when paired together.
Unfortunately, Alpha T compromises their blend by also using some ingredients that can be effective but that may have a history of increasing the potential that users will experience serious side effects. Our team does not recommend either DAA or horny goat weed in male enhancement supplements, especially at the dosage amounts that Alpha T uses.
Additionally, Alpha T only provides one form of circulatory support while ignoring others. They do have some circulatory rate boosters, however they do not include any ingredients that are capable of increasing the width of the veins, and thus the overall amount of blood that is circulated at any given time. This tends to be a valuable component of most top over the counter male enhancement products, and the fact that Alpha T ignores it means that it may be less potent than other brands on the market currently.
It appears that Alpha T used to be more widely available than it is today. They do not have a homepage that sells their product, and many of the retailers that used to carry them no longer list the product as in stock. The only notable retailer that our team could find that still actively carries Alpha T is Amazon, who was charging the following prices for it at the time of this article’s publication:
Given that each bottle is approximately a two-month supply, these rates are actually considerably lower than most other products with similar profiles. There is no information provided by Alpha T or Amazon about why their prices are so much lower than expected.
The manufacturer of Alpha T is a health and wellness supplements company named Advantage Nutraceuticals. Strangely, they do not seem to have a publically accessible website, however our team was able to find the following contact information for them through other business review sites online:
Phone Number: (801) 598-7287
Address: 4778 N 300 W Ste. 120
Provo, UT 84604-6541
The Better Business Bureau has received 100% negative customer feedback for Advantage Nutraceuticals over the last three years. This means that in that time they have not received a single positive review of their products or services.
They have also been formally warned by the Food and Drug Administration about their business practices, particularly in regards to the accuracy of their product labeling. The FDA listed over 18 products produced by Advantage that had inaccurate or unethical claims on their labels, however Alpha T was not among the products mentioned by name in the FDA’s official letter.
Click here to gain access to our team’s library of male enhancement supplement reviews.
By far the two most common ratings for Alpha T on their Amazon page are five stars and one star. This may be somewhat misleading, however, as the website Fakespot has found that up to ten percent of the products’ reviews are planned by the company themselves, and as such it is possible that there are far more one star ratings than any other score for Alpha T.
The specific comments seem to bear this out, as many of the one-star reviews also contain some very specific negative comments. Here are a few of the things that past users have written about their experiences with Alpha T:
“This product caused heartburn and acid reflux, but it did absolutely nothing good for me. I would not recommend this stuff to anyone; save you money.”
“Totally ineffective. I feel no different, my workouts have not improved, and I’m also not seeing any of the other type of benefits that they promised either.”
“Product did not work, so I tried to get a refund. All that ended up happening was I got the run-around from their people and never saw my money again.”
Our team did not find any critically serious reports of side effects from men that tried Alpha T. The most frequent type of complaint by a wide margin were issues with the potency and effectiveness of the product, followed next by complaints about their business practices and customer service.
Conclusion – Does Alpha T Work?
Our team of experts has recommended a number of products in the past that combine tribulus terrestris, tongkat ali, and maca root. These products can work together to have some positive effects on men’s testosterone and sexual functions in particular, as well as a number of other general benefits for the body overall.
The downside of Alpha T, however, is that in addition to these useful ingredients they also feature a number of less recommended ingredients, including one, DAA, that they use in exceptionally large quantities. They also ignore some other key facets of effective male enhancement supplements, have a spotty history with the FDA, and overall do not seem as though they are able to compete with most of the top brands on the market today.
The product that our panel of experts believes has the most effective ingredients blend overall is Viritenz. They feature tribulus terrestris, tongkat ali, and maca root, but they also combine them with other top additives, such as L-Arginine, ashwagandha, and muira puama.
L-Arginine is especially important in products like this as it is both a vasodilator that improves circulation and a helpful testosterone function booster. For more information about the ingredients in Viritenz, how they work together, and the types of results that users have seen in the past, just click on this link.
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