Alpha JYM is a male enhancement product that claims to be formulated to improve testosterone function in its users. They say that they do this by encouraging the production and release of testosterone while simultaneously preventing the body from eliminating its existing testosterone levels.
The results of increased T can include more intense drives toward sex and sexuality, greater frequency and rigidity of erections, and improved seminal and orgasm functions. Athletically it can help users work out longer and more intensely, as well as decreasing their recovery times after those workouts. It may also help men burn fat more rapidly, prevent the degradation of existing muscle tissue, and feel more energetic throughout the day.
The supplement that our team believes can be the most effective for men’s overall needs is Viritenz. It can help men that are dealing with andropause or lower T levels boost their production and performance, as well as helping improve circulation and libido levels non-hormonally. Follow this link for more specific information about the types of results that Viritenz users have seen in the past.
The ingredients list for Alpha JYM includes some effective ingredients and some ingredients that our team does not tend to recommend. These include:
Fenugreek Seed Extract | Damiana Leaf Powder | Ashwagandha Root Extract |
Diindolymethane | Tongkat Ali Root Extract | Quercetin |
Fenugreek Seed Extract: A vegetable that is most known for its sweet taste and odor which some find pleasant and others often do not enjoy. It was thought to have some potential as a testosterone booster several years ago, however more recent studies have cast some doubt on its actual effectiveness for use in this type of supplement.
Damiana Leaf Powder: An herb that is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for a variety of purposes, including for treating the symptoms of PMS and menopause. It is not thought to be effective for male enhancement purposes according to our research team.
Ashwagandha Root Extract: An Ayurvedic herb that has shown some applications for improving testosterone function. It is one of the ingredients that our team tends to recommend most frequently for products of this nature.
Diindolymethane: A chemical frequently listed as DIM that is found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables that may reduce the body’s ability to convert testosterone into estrogen. While this method may be effective for increasing free testosterone levels in some users, it also has the potential to lead to some negative health effects, which may include:
Tongkat Ali Root Extract: A species of shrub that is used in Malaysia as an energy booster and aphrodisiac. It is thought to help increase the body’s rate of testosterone production.
Quercetin: A plant polyphenol that many supplement companies have claimed can have some potential health benefits. There is no reliable data about quercetin’s effects, however, especially in regards to male enhancement purposes.
Click here to see reviews of the top ten male enhancement products on the market.
Alpha JYM uses some ingredients in their blend that our team believes can be effective for many men’s sexual performance needs. Ashwagandha and tongkat ali are both considered potent testosterone boosters that can help impact men’s libidos, energy levels, erectile function and other biological functions.
Unfortunately, these useful ingredients are surrounded by both less proven ingredients and ingredients that our team directly recommends against. Most notable is DIM, which has some applications for boosting free testosterone levels but that is considered too risky in regards to long term health effects for our team to be able to recommend its use.
While DIM may prevent the conversion of testosterone into estrogen, that testosterone still has to be processed out of the body somehow, and this tends to fall on the liver and kidneys. Over time, this may cause permanent damage to the organs, potentially even leading to failure in the most extreme cases.
Alpha JYM is sold through the homepage, as well as through a variety of other websites that carry products of this nature. It may be carried in some supplement specialty stores in the United States, however this will depend on regional availability. is the official retailer for the full line of JYM products, and the price that they charge for Alpha JYM is as follows:
This price is about average for products of this nature. Prospective users should note that even though the standard bottle of Alpha JYM is 180 capsules, that is still just 30 days’ supply due to the high number of capsules that are supposed to be ingested per day. Some past users have complained about this high volume of pills.
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The manufacturer of Alpha JYM is a workout and wellness products company called JYM Supplement Sciences. JYM was founded by a semi-celebrity in the health and wellness industry named Jim Stoppani, and the brand is now run by a combined effort of and, the well-known supplements distribution and workout advice website. The following contact information, which was found on the Alpha JYM website, is for
Phone Number: (888) 557-7774
Address: PO Box 4125
Westlake Village CA, 91359
Email: There is no email address for customers listed, however they do have an electronic messaging form on their contact page that can be used for these purposes.
There has been a considerable amount of controversy involving JYM Supplement Sciences, Dr. Stoppani, and recently. Dr. Stoppani has come under fire for a series of claims that he made on his social media accounts recently that were proven false by a number of his competitors.
Furthermore, Stoppani and were involved in a series of lawsuits against each other over who controls the JYM brand name. They currently seem to have settled on joint control of JYM, however there is very little public information about the specific terms of that agreement.
Recently, another suit has been brought against Dr. Stoppani and JYM for making false claims about the contents of their products. This case is still under review. In addition to the formal legal complaints filed against these companies, there are also a number of individual complaints registered with consumer protection groups like the Better Business Bureau, Fakespot, and Trustwerty.
To see more data about the best ways to increase your sex drive and libido levels, just click here.
There are hundreds of negative comments regarding Alpha JYM that can be found online, from reviews left on and other distributors’ websites, to mentions of the product in forums, chatrooms, and blogs. Here are some of the specific remarks that our team has found about Alpha JYM:
“I trust Dr. Jim and have used his products before, so I was pretty surprised that Alpha Jym didn’t work for me. I used the whole bottle though, and didn’t get anything from it.”
“To be honest, I didn’t like it. Didn’t make me feel good and didn’t seem to do anything. Maybe other people would be different, but I didn’t reorder after finishing the bottle.”
“Got lightheaded and dizzy every time I took it, then after about a week it started to get worse. Started getting tired and feeling feverish and flu-like. Quit taking it and all the symptoms went away.”
There were quite a few other posts that mentioned side effects symptoms similar to the ones listed in the above quotations. The most common responses, however, seemed to be that Alpha JYM was ineffective for the users’ needs.
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Conclusion – Does Alpha JYM Work?
Alpha JYM’s ingredients list is considered substandard by our panel of experts due to the fact that they have far more ingredients that our team does not recommend than ingredients that they do. Ashwagandha and tongkat ali are excellent additives for use in products of this nature, but it is easy to find others supplements that use them in their blend.
Additionally, the ownership and management of their brand has had some conflicts and been involved in some controversies, some of them potentially serious. This all makes Alpha JYM difficult to recommend to our readers, especially when there are so many more reliable products that are readily available to most consumers.
The best example of this is our team’s top-rated male enhancement product Viritenz. It uses both ashwagandha and tongkat ali, however the rest of their blend is reliable and thought to be particularly potent.
Potential benefits that past users have seen are an increase in erectile frequency, erectile rigidity, sex drive, seminal health, and other key parts of the sexual performance process. Follow this link to find out more information about all of the different types of effects that past Viritenz users have seen.
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