This brand is self described as being able to tackle ADD like symptoms as well as increase fat loss. According to the makers this product will help you focus, gain energy, all while helping you shed pounds off.
They also claim this product to be a natural over the counter alternative to ADHD medication. Often on their website they mention this is as good if not better than prescription ADHD medication.
This product seems to cater specifically to certain types of customers, let’s see if it’s effective to those targeted.
Rooted in New York, Addrena, LLC has another fat burning supplement also available.
They offer no company history and the only way to reach them is thru a Yahoo email.
Energy set to be provided by nootropics that make the brain feel reenergized and focused. The herbs and stimulants also support energy though there is caution to watch out for overstimulation; currently the manufacturers claim one should watch their dosage of this.
Also the ingredients provide thermogenic properties thu the stimulants which can help burn off fat and quench appetite.
Receptors in the brain that support Dopamine are ignited in turn leading to a better mood and increase attention spans.
While all this is mentioned there still isn’t any clinical trials to support this belief. They offer their own testimonials but outside reviews that most likely don’t have bias do not exist.
Found inside are several stimulants and no way of knowing how much is inside. Finding these important details is essential as to avoid any potential complications. We recommend stimulant free weight loss that does not have a risk of overwhelming.
Potential Side Effects:Diarrhea, vomiting, stomach issues, elevated heart rate, depression, dehydration, fatigue, hyperactivity, indigestion, muscle soreness and inability to concentrate.
Warning signs clearly mention who should not supplement with this product. Purchase is made available directly thru manufacturers.
The product claims to be just as powerful as ADHD medication while providing fat loss, and this may become a problem.
This product does have a recommendation to be only used in close watch of a medical supervisor. While alarming the product does claim to be a safe option which contradicts their warning.
It’s worth considering that they do not disclose their full ingredients and in fact according to other websites there are other ingredients they fail to mention such as caffeine. They only give a brief explanation of whats inside without listing the strength. Due to the addition of caffeine and bitter orange it becomes increasingly important to know how much exactly is inside. Even to those with a high tolerance for these stimulants it still can cause potential detrimental side effects.
Since this product is a self described stimulant it’s important to watch out for any negative effects associated. They recommend to not take this if suffering from any afflictions such as anxiety and high blood pressure as it may increase these problems. Just because the product is legal does not mean it’s automatically a safe choice, and the makers acknowledge to watch out for any negative symptoms. It’s important that since this product claims to be like medication that it should not be taken lightly.
Though the company has been around since 2025 there aren’t very many official reviews outside their own website. It’s hard to take it seriously if no one is talking about how this product works.
A self described stimulant that’s a substitute for ADHD should be taken with much precaution. The makers do offer the notice to be careful and to discuss intake with a medical professional. With the rate of potential ingredients and unknown amounts of stimulants it further raises questions on potency. While this product is said to work there are no studies performed and customer support is lacking.
Bottom Line:
There are issues present when a company offers a product that is said to be an alternative to medication. Not only is it loaded with stimulants but there are unknown quantities of these stimulants. Take advantage of fully displayed ingredients and effective solutions to your weight loss.
Finding the alternative solution free of these issues is very important for effective weight loss. To help you reach these goals we recommend wholesome, stimulant free and safe weight loss products.
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