Weekend Warrior is a male enhancement pill that is designed to give its users short term erectile performance benefits. They say that it can begin working in less than an hour after consumption and that its effects can last up to two days, hence the product’s name.
Weekend Warrior’s advertising claims that it can help men improve their blood flow, especially to their genitals, which plays a major role in the ability to achieve and maintain an effectively rigid erection. They also say that it may be able to help boost users’ libido levels and interest in perusing sexual intercourse, as well as their stamina, sensitivity, and overall sexual performance levels.
The product that has the best reputation within the supplements industry itself is Viritenz. It’s a daily nutritional aid that is able to help encourage the body’s natural arousal processes. Follow this link to find out more about how Viritenz works.
Weekend Warrior does not publish their full nutritional facts panel, nor do they even highlight any specific ingredients in their product. Their promotional materials list only their advertised effects and do not at all explain how they hope to achieve them. Fortunately, several independent review sites have published some of Weekend Warrior’s ingredients, which they say include the following:
Tribulus Terrestris | Ginger Root | Cnidium Monnieri |
Tribulus Terrestris: A well-respected ingredient that’s used as a testosterone optimizer in a number of effective male enhancement products. Tribulus does tend to be more effective when taken over time than when ingested sporadically, and it may not be reasonable to expect it to have an immediate impact after a single dose.
Ginger Root: Extracts taken from the common food product. Ginger is known for its distinctive flavor and its benefits for digestion, however it is not generally thought of as a sexual performance booster. It may have some potential antioxidant properties or benefits for blood sugar levels, but these will generally be undetectable by the average user.
Cnidium Monnieri: An herb that has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for hundreds of years, mostly as a treatment for skin conditions. It is occasionally mentioned as an aphrodisiac, however there is insufficient evidence to make any legitimate claims about its potential effectiveness.
While in some senses it is difficult to effectively analyze a supplement that refuses to publish their full ingredients, in other ways that choice alone can be an indicator of a product’s potential effectiveness. The vast majority of reputable brands of supplements publish their full ingredients, dosage information, and suggestions for use as they want to encourage interested consumers to purchase their products.
The choice not to publish one’s ingredients is often done out of a fear that if consumers were to be able to see exactly what was in a product beforehand then they may not want to purchase it. While it is impossible to say if this is the case for Weekend Warrior, the fact that the ingredients that our team was able to uncover do not match with their descriptions of the product’s effects does not make our team particularly optimistic.
The only ingredient that our team found in Weekend Warrior that they do encourage the the use of is tribulus terrestris. Tribulus, however, tends to be far more effective when used on a daily basis as part of a well-rounded supplement blend. Overall, our team saw very little evidence in their research that suggested that Weekend Warrior would be an effective long tem solution for most men’s issues, and it may not even be effective in the short term either.
Weekend Warrior used to be much more widely available than it is today. There is evidence that they previously had an operational website, Amazon page, and were carried by other reputable supplements distributors.
Now, however, these previous pages have been shut down in the wake of a scandal involving the FDA finding unlisted ingredients in Weekend Warrior’s pills. The only sites that currently carry their pills are somewhat less established distributors like VitaDigest, who was quoting the following prices for Weekend Warrior:
Users who need regular erectile support will generally not find single-use pills to be as cost effective as daily nutritional supplements, however these prices are far higher even than most other single-use products. Given their lack of published ingredients it is difficult to say why Weekend Warrior is so expensive or if it could be in any way justified.
Weekend Warrior does not list any parent company or affiliates, the web page they list on their label is no longer operational, and they do not publish any form of contact information of any type. This is a highly irregular practice in this day and age, and not a behavior that more reputable or successful companies tend to engage in.
It makes it difficult for consumers with questions, complaints, or that experience issues with Weekend Warrior to get answers to their questions or seek a refund. This lack of transparency is coupled with some serious issues that Weekend Warrior had with the FDA regarding the use of unlisted prescription drugs being used in their pills.
In 2025 it was discovered by FDA supplement testing officials that Weekend Warrior was using thiosildenafil on their products, a medication similar to the main active ingredient found in Viagra. Thiosildenafil is not legal for sale or purchase without the appropriate licensing and prescription information, in part because of the side effects risks that it poses.
Thiosildenafil can have dramatic effects on the heart and blood pressure that can lead to serious health issues in some men, especially those with preexisting heart and blood pressure conditions. Users have died from taking products that contained unlisted doses of thiosildenafil and other similar drugs, and as such this practice is strongly condemned by our team of experts.
Our research team uncovered a number of complaints from users that experienced adverse effects related to their use of Weekend Warrior online. Here are some samples taken from those users’ accounts of their experiences:
“I thought I was going to pass out and eventually we had to stop just so I could keep it together. My girlfriend kept asking if I was ok because I guess I looked as pale as a ghost.”
“I thought maybe I could impress this girl that finally agreed to come home with me by taking Weekend Warrior for an extra little boost. Man, that was a mistake. Ended up totally ruining the night.”
“This stuff was supposed to work for the whole weekend, but it didn’t even work for a single night.”
The reviews from before 2025 tend feature more complaints similar to the first two above, whereas later reviews tend to be more similar to the third quotation. It is possible that his may be related to their usage of thiosildenafil, however that is purely speculation.
Conclusion – Does Name of Product Work?
Weekend Warrior is a male enhancement product that has a variety of issues with their brand that get in the way of our team’s ability to recommend it to our readers. Most significantly are their legal issues with the FDA, who found out that Weekend Warrior was dosing their products with controlled substances to make them more potent.
Without these drugs, it seems highly unlikely that Weekend Warrior can be effective at all, and with them they are both illegal and dangerous. When this is factored in with their lack of a trustworthy web presence and the issues that previous customers have had with their brand, our team cannot encourage any users to seek out this product directly.
Instead of less-reliable single use pills, our team tends to encourage our readers to try using a daily nutritional product such as Viritenz. These types of supplements help to encourage the body’s natural processes over time instead of only having a dramatic short term effect.
Viritenz is thought to have short-term boosting effects as well as long-term ones, including increased erectile performance and heightened interest in sex and sexuality. Follow this link to find out more about how Viritenz works in order to see if it could be an effective option for your specific needs.
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