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Customer Health Rating: 3.2/5


ViSwiss Review (UPDATED 2025): Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

What is it?

ViSwiss is a male enhancement product that advertises itself as being able to correct erectile dysfunction and enhance libido. They claim that it can improve erection rigidity, sensitivity, and even that it has some benefits for straightening men’s penises.

They also say that it can increase the size of men’s penises, adding both length and girth to their base size. ViSwiss’ promotional materials further state that it can increase sexual overall satisfaction levels for both the user and their partner. The male enhancement product that has developed the best reputation within the supplements industry at large and with our reviewers in particular is named Viritenz. They have an ingredients profile that can help resolve a variety of different sexual issues while also boosting performance ability in a number of different categories. Click here to see the full contents listing for Viritenz, including dosage amounts and other vital supplement information.

ViSwiss Ingredients and Side Effects

ViSwiss provides concerningly little data about their actual contents. Their website lists several ingredients that are found in their blend, but they do not show the actual product’s label, nor do they list any sort of dosage information for their contents.

This is an issue because in addition to making the quality of the product hard to judge, it also does not prove that there are not any less reputable ingredients that are also found in their blend. The ingredients that ViSwiss actively promotes on their website include:

Ginkgo Biloba Korean Ginseng
Maca Saw Palmetto

Ginkgo Biloba: A towering tree originally cultivated in China that is thought to have a variety of benefits for the body. Ginkgo is most famous for its benefits to memory and cognitive function, however it is a mild circulatory aid that can also have some applications for erectile health.

Korean Ginseng: A Chinese herb that has become one of the most frequently consumed herbal aids in the world. It has a number of benefits for the body, but sexually it has shown an ability to stimulate both blood flow and mental activity, which can have benefits for both erectile and libido health.

Maca: A cruciferous root vegetable that is used to improve potency and libido. Maca has been shown to help both the volume and the quality of men’s erections, as well as providing non-hormonal benefits to their sex drives.

Saw Palmetto: One of the most popular herbs for prostate health on the market, but not necessarily an effective product for male enhancement. A very small subset of men with certain types of prostate issues may see erectile benefits from taking saw palmetto, however this is uncommon.

Click on this link to see the top ten list of the best male enhancement products in the industry.

ViSwiss Quality of Ingredients

Our review team had a number of issues with the claims that ViSwiss makes about their product in their promotional materials, especially in light of what we know about their contents. Their main issue was that ViSwiss claims, without qualification, that it corrects erectile dysfunction.

While many cases can be resolved or at least improved with herbal supplementation, others may still require surgery or other more radical forms of treatment. ED is a medical condition that occurs for a wide variety of reasons, and it is irresponsible for any product, let alone one that is not being prescribed or recommended by a medical professional, to claim that it can cure it in all cases.

Even the most successful herbal products will not work for every individual, simply for the fact that every body is different, with different needs and a different chemistry. Promises like that are not just reckless and manipulative, they are also illegal in many countries, depending on their advertising laws.

Other claims that ViSwiss will have difficulty backing up include that it can make men’s penises larger, and that it can cause them to become straighter as well. Both of these issues would involve actually changing the physical structure of men’s penis tissue, which is not generally something that can be accomplished through herbal supplementation.

None of the ingredients listed in the advertising have the ability to make permanent increases in men’s penis size, and our entire panel of men’s health and wellness panel has never heard of any herbal ingredients, prescription drugs, or any other safe, healthy way to add more tissue to the penis. ViSwiss is also the first herbal product of any sort that our experts have heard of that claims to be able to straighten men’s penises. This is also not thought to be scientifically possible.

There are some reports from previous users that ViSwiss may contain yohimbe. Our team could not find any concrete evidence of this, however there were multiple blog posts and industry critics that noted this as well.

If this is true, it is very concerning. Yohimbe is not one of our experts’ recommended products as it has the potential to induce serious side effects in its users, and has even been fatal in some cases.

This is one of the reasons that our team has reservations about recommending any product that does not display their full ingredients list. Disreputable manufacturers try to sneak ingredients like yohimbe into their products, which may endanger some users’ health. If ViSwiss does contain yohimbe, our team finds that unacceptable for a number of reasons.

Follow this link to learn how to choose the male enhancement product that is right for your particular needs.

The Price and Quality of ViSwiss

ViSwiss is sold exclusively through the Nathan’s Natural website. Many former users have reported issues with purchasing through this site, however there do not seem to be any other legal alternatives. The price that Nathan’s Natural quotes for ViSwiss is:

  • 1, 30-count bottle of ViSwiss capsules £37.99
  • 3, 30-count bottles of ViSwiss capsules £75.98
  • 5, 30-count bottles of ViSwiss capsules £113.97

Interested consumers should note that these prices are listed in British pounds, though their website claims to accept credit cards of all nationalities. International shipping rates may also apply for some consumers, and ViSwiss may also have some legal restrictions placed on it depending on where you live.

For more data about which male enhancement products are the most effective at boosting libido and sexual interest levels, click here.

Business of ViSwiss

The company that distributes ViSwiss is a UK-based supplements manufacturer known as Nathan’s Natural. Their website’s contact page lists the following contact info:

Phone Number: (800) 051-3910

Address: ViSwiss does not provide any form of physical address as a part of their contact information.

Email: [email protected]

It should be noted that Nathan’s Natural does not have a very good reputation online with many of the larger business review websites, including an “F” rating with the Better Business Bureau and active pages on Complaints Board, Complaints Desk, and Ripoff Report.

EDITOR'S TIP: Check our list of approved male supplements to make a right purchase decision!
Customer Opinions of ViSwiss

There are a variety of complaints about both ViSwiss and Nathan’s Natural that can be found online. Many of them are related to issues with Nathan’s Natural’s business practices, however others are directly related to consumers’ experiences with the product itself. Here are some of the comments that have been left on various different consumer rights websites and other online forums:

“Didn’t notice a difference after taking about half a bottle, so I tried to return it, and they just ignored me. I’m so frustrated right now.”

“I tried taking ViSwiss four or five times, but each time I ended up feeling terrible. I spent all night in the bathroom instead of the bedroom – not what I was hoping for, to say the least.”


There are also quite a few reports of people that ordered the product and did not receive it and other shipping and billing issues. The website Scambook reports over 500 different complaints lodged against Nathan’s Natural, with an average cost per complaint at over $672 per customer.

To read more reviews from our experts about the top male enhancement products on the market, just follow this link.

  • Effectiveness62%3.1/5
  • Consumer reviews58%2.9/5
  • Quality of ingredients62%3.1/5
  • Cost70%3.5/5
  • Money Back68%3.4/5
  • Overall Rating64%3.2/5
Conclusion – Does ViSwiss Work?

Our team is unable to recommend ViSwiss to our readers for a number of reasons. One is that they do not recommend any product that does not disclose their full ingredients. To do so opens them up to the possibility to ingesting lower quality, more dangerous ingredients such as yohimbe, which may be an unlisted ingredient found in ViSwiss.

Nathan’s Natural also has a very bad reputation with their former customers, and have developed a particular reputation for taking their customer’s money and never even shipping the product. Even the ingredients that they do disclose are limited, and ViSwiss provides almost no testosterone support.

Lastly, they make a number of claims that they do not seem to be able to back up, including that it can make men’s erections larger and possibly even straighter. Overall, there are very few reasons that someone would want to take ViSwiss and quite a few reasons why they should not.

The product that our team of experts recommends instead is Viritenz. It has a much longer, more complete ingredients list than ViSwiss, and they are fully transparent about their ingredients, dosage amounts, and manufacturing procedures.

Viritenz is distributed by 18nutrition, a trustworthy company that has an excellent reputation for reliability within the industry. Click here to read our team’s full review of Viritenz.

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Top Rated Male Enhancement Supplement of 2025

  • Viritenz4.9/5 stars-icon
  • Effectiveness95%4.7/5
  • Consumer reviews93%4.5/5
  • Quality of ingredients96%4.7/5
  • Cost91%5/5
  • Money Back89%5/5
  • Overall Rating95%4.9/5

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