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Vacurect Review: Is It Safe?

Vacurect is a penis–pump system that is used for erectile aid and male enhancement. It is designed to help increase penis size and erectile quality without the use of any drugs or herbs.

The pump helps draw blood flow to the penis, encouraging erectile function through physiological, rather than mental or chemical, stimulation. Their advertising highlights the benefits of this method as being less invasive chemically, which may be beneficial for men that have experienced certain kinds of reactions in the past.

The most effective method of male enhancement that our experts have found is daily nutritional supplementation with a product called Viritenz. It increases both testosterone function and circulatory levels, leading to an overall boost in sexual performance levels. Click here to read our experts full review for Viritenz and to see if it would be an effective option for you and your needs.

Who Makes It?

Vacurect is manufactured by the Georgia-based medical supplies company BONRO Medical, Inc. They are a midlevel manufacturer of sexual aids and other personal care products including lubricants, incontinence solutions, and a variety of models of penis pumps and accessories.

They have mediocre ratings with most of the distributors that carry their products, including on where the most frequent score that Vacurect has received is one star out of five, the lowest possible score on the site.

They also have a 100% negative customer feedback rating with the Better Business Bureau, and the watchdog site Fakespot has found that up to 10% of the positive reviews for their product have been faked. Not only does this further lower their already unflattering scores, but it does not say good things about their organization and its ethics.

Vacurect tends to retail for around $200, plus shipping and handling. It is possible that some men with medically documented cases of erectile dysfunction will be able to get their insurance to pay for this device, however the vast majority of customers end up paying for it out of pocket.

Click here to see how male enhancement supplements can help you maximize your erectile potential.

How (and) Does It Work?

Vacurect is a penis-pump system that is designed to draw blood to the penis to help improve erections. Penis pumps have been shown to be effective in some senses and totally inadequate in others.

Penis pumps are composed of a small tube that houses the penis, which is connected to a hand pump that is used to draw air out of the tube. This creates a vacuum effect that naturally helps to encourage blood to flow to the penis. Users then usually use a rubber constriction ring at the base of the penis to ensure that the blood remains in the shaft, usually resulting in a semi-hard penis that is occasionally functional for sex.

There is a mistaken belief amongst some people that using penis pumps can increase the size of men’s penises. While it can temporarily make them larger due to the increased blood flow, there are no permanent size changes that can be affected through pumping technologies.

As much as the promotional materials from penis pump companies make it seem like the erection that they help encourage is just as good as the biologically induced version, this is not actually the case. For one thing, penis pumps do not have any effect on libido or arousal, which means that the neurons and muscles in penis are not engaged in the same way that they would be under ordinary circumstances.

The blood that flows into the penis due to the vacuum effect is not trapped there as it would be during natural arousal, which necessitates the use of the constriction ring to trap the fluid in the penis. It also results in an unevenly-filled penis that rarely ever achieves the degree of rigidity that is ideal for sexual function.

Often times the penis retains more flexibility than is desired, especially at the base of the shaft, which may compromise the usefulness of the organ. It is far more difficult to retain a pump-induced erection throughout intercourse, and it may require more pumping mid-intercourse in order to retain viability.

Follow this link to see our expert’s top ten list of the best male enhancement supplements on the market.

Are There Side Effects?

Even though Vacurect and other penis pump systems do not have the same kinds of side effect, allergy, and medicinal interaction risks that nutritional supplements can sometimes pose, that does not mean that they are totally safe and without the potential for failure.

Increasing the blood flow to the penis like that also increases the risk of a bleeding injury to those tissues. Bruising and tissue damage are also possibilities, and in the most serious of circumstances it is possible that penises can be permanently warped or disfigured.

The physically somewhat harsh treatment can damage nerves and create scar tissue, both of which can actually cause the various functionality issues that users may be trying to solve. Regular usage can lead to penile atrophy and the permanent loss of erectile function in some rare cases.

Customer Opinions

There are quite a few revises from past Vacurect users online, however many of them have some very negative things to say about the product. Here are some responses from users that have previously tried the product:

“You call THIS an erection? My penis is lumpier, and kinda squishy, but I sure would not describe it as “hard.”

“Bought this for my husband to maybe help with his ED, but he was too embarrassed to try it in front of me. Once he did use it, the results were not good. Tried to get a refund, but they refused to take back the pump once it had been used. What a waste of a couple hundred bucks.”


For the most comprehensive library of male enhancement product reviews found anywhere online, click on this link.

What’s Good About It?

Some people have found penis pumps to be a useful method of encouraging erectile function after experiencing nerve damage, heart, or circulatory issues. Many of those people cannot safely use medication or other supplements that could have a detrimental effect on their blood pressure or heart health, and so penis pumps are a less-invasive alternative that presents no risk to the heart.

What’s Bad About It?

Penis pumps rarely ever lead to the types of erections that they brag about in their promotional materials. Pump-induced erections do not tend to be as rigid, they tend to fill unevenly, and in general they are less functional than most naturally occurring erections.

Our experts also had some concern about the long-term damages that can be done with excessive pump usage. Not only can too much negative pressure in the tube hurt the tissues of the penis, but too-frequent usage can also hurt the penis’ ability to function normally in the long-term.

One of the other major issues with penis pumps is that many men find them to be embarrassing. Surveys have shown incredibly low levels of patient and partner acceptance of the procedure, with many men complaining that since it is cumbersome, time consuming, and awkward that it makes achieving an erection even more difficult.

Also, Vacurect is expensive. It costs well over $200 for one of their pumps, which is far more than the cost for any herbal products on the market today.

Click here to see which male enhancement products have proven themselves to be the most effective for the largest number of users.

EDITOR'S TIP: Check our list of approved male supplements to make a right purchase decision!
Wrap Up:

Vacurect is a vacuum-based pump system that is designed to encourage the flow of blood to the genital region. While it is somewhat successful in accomplishing this, it has also shown that its results are inconsistent and often unusable.

There are some health concerns related to using penis-pumps, most notably the risks of over pumping and of damaging the penis long-term, either in terms of its ability to properly fill itself or in terms of physical damage to the tissues of the penis.

  • Effectiveness62%3.1/5
  • Consumer reviews58%2.9/5
  • Quality of ingredients62%3.1/5
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  • Overall Rating64%3.2/5
Bottom Line

There are some men that suffer from very specific forms of ED that may be able to use Vacurect to simulate, at least to some degree, what it is like to have a functional penis. There is very little chance that a penis pump will ever give a man the same quality of erection that they can get through effective herbal supplementation.

Penis pumps are not recommended for the vast majority of our readers. For men that have had issues with heart health, circulatory issues, or nerve damage, then Vacurect may be an acceptable option. For all other men, our team of experts encourages them to look elsewhere for erectile help.

The daily nutritional supplement that is the most effective for the highest percentage of men is called Viritenz. The erections that are induced by Viritenz are more rigid than an average aroused penis, and far, far more rigid than an artificially pumped up one.

It has been shown to help men with all variety of erectile and arousal issues, and it is exceptionally effective at raising overall testosterone levels. Click here to read more about all of the possible benefits that Viritenz can offer.

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Top Rated Male Enhancement Supplement of 2025

  • Viritenz4.9/5 stars-icon
  • Effectiveness95%4.7/5
  • Consumer reviews93%4.5/5
  • Quality of ingredients96%4.7/5
  • Cost91%5/5
  • Money Back89%5/5
  • Overall Rating95%4.9/5

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