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Customer Health Rating: 2.8/5


Scorch Diet Pill Review – Does This Product Really Work?

What is Scorch?

Scorch is a weight loss supplement designed to help energize your work out and boost your metabolism to help you burn more fat and lose more weight than you ever thought possible. However, while the creators of Scorch seem more than happy to devote large portions of their official web store to discussing the ingredients and benefits of their products, they fail to explain how their supplements deliver their promises and overlook some of the serious side effects that may result from using some of their ingredients. Let’s take a look at Scorch and see if we can put together a clear picture of what the supplement may or may not be capable of.

Who makes it?

diet-loss-medication-pill-weight.2The name of the company that makes Scorch is Metabolic Augmenting, Nutrition or MAN. MAN does not maintain a website for Scorch, but they do sell it, along with the rest of their products on their own official site. MAN seem a little reluctant to reveal anything about themselves, as there’s nothing resembling any information about how the company works on their website. Most supplement companies will at least offer you a history of the business or how they make their products. The only information on MAN’s website that’s related to the company itself is the company’s contact information.

How (and) does it work?

Scorch’s formula consists of several ingredients popularly used to boost the human metabolism. Your metabolism is what turns the food you eat into the energy you use. If you eat more food than you do exercise, the food you eat isn’t turned into energy. Instead it’s stored in your body as fat. By boosting your metabolism, you can help it turn all of that food into energy, making you more energetic and preventing fat from forming. Ideally, a metabolism that’s been sufficiently boosted can even turn already-stored body fat into energy.

If you want to read reviews written by people who have actually tried Scorch, there are plenty to choose from. You may be disappointed by what you find, though. While Scorch has allegedly helped some people lose weight, others haven’t found the product to be effective. It may not be effective for you either, and we don’t like to recommend taking chances and wasting money.

What’s inside of it and are there any side effects?

Green and Oolong Tea: two very popular weight loss ingredients. It’s pretty much universally accepted that Green Tea can boost your metabolism, while Oolong Tea is allegedly capable of improving your immune system.

Raspberry Ketones: this weight loss ingredient is also featured in lots of different products. It can allegedly give your metabolism a boost.

Synephrine: We were disappointed to discover this ingredient in Scorch’s formula, as it is actually potentially dangerous. Synephrine is closely related to Ephedrine, which is a controversial, prescription-strength weight loss ingredient that was banned by the Food and Drug Administration following their discovery of the ingredient in supplements that have killed people by causing them to experience stroke or heart attack. Some believe Synephrine to be a safer alternative to Ephedrine, when in reality it has been known to result in the same exact negative side effects. You should be very careful consuming this ingredient.

Consult our top 10 list for an assortment of supplements with natural ingredients.

Are there any side effects?

Scorch contains a lot of caffeine, so it might give you the jitters. Synephrine is also a dangerous ingredient that may result in the same conditions that were behind the banning of Ephedrine in the first place, such as stroke and heart attack.

What’s good about it?

The official creators of Scorch offer a 100 money-back guarantee if you purchase products directly from them.

What’s bad about it?

yellow-and-red-pillsOne of Scorch’s ingredients is potentially dangerous. While many claim it to be safer than Ephedrine, Synephrine has been known to result in similarly deadly side effects. We cannot recommend using a supplement if there’s even the slightest chance that it might be bad for your health.

Try looking for something better for the same cost.

Wrap up

Scorch is a weight loss supplement produced by Metabolic Augmentic Nutrition. It is intended to boost your metabolism. This will help you lose weight via exercise more easily and more quickly than you would without it.  While most of Scorch’s ingredients are harmless staples of the weight loss market, one of them is also Synephrine, a potentially dangerous Ephedra substitute. This ingredient has been linked to such dangerous side effects as heart attacks and strokes. As a result, we simply cannot recommend Scorch.

  • Effectiveness54%2.7/5
  • Consumer reviews50%2.5/5
  • Quality of ingredients54%2.7/5
  • Cost62%3.1/5
  • Money Back60%3/5
  • Overall Rating56%2.8/5
Bottom line

You should never choose to ingest a supplement if you know that its ingredients can potentially harm you. Even if Scorch is effective and powerful, the presence of an ingredient as controversial as Synephrine means that cannot advise that you try this product.

It would be a much better idea to find a diet pill that is safer for you.


Check top 10 weight loss pills

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