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Saba Diet Pills Review: Is It Safe?

What is Saba?

There is little available information about the Saba ACE weight loss pill, so it is easy to assume it may not be safe. The pill is part of a 60-day program advertised on Saba’s website, meant to help users lose weight over the course of two months. Whether the Saba ACE weight loss pill is meant to burn fat, boost energy, or increase metabolism is a mystery. With this little information provided about the supplement, it is easy to assume it may not be the healthiest weight loss pill.

Who makes it?

Saba is a company with a 60-day weight loss program. They make a wide variety of products that can allegedly help users lose weight. Other products on their website include stress-relief pills and cosmetics. According to multiple online reviews, their weight-loss program is not only ineffective, but sometimes dangerous. A simple online search for Saba reveals news stories about liver failure caused by their supplements. Because the company does not offer much information their own website, it is hard to believe their weight loss promise.

How (and) does it work?

diet-loss-medication-pill-weight.2Saba ACE is allegedly part of a 60-day program to help you lose weight. But what are the real methods Saba uses? The Saba ACE pill claims to help with appetite control, energy, and weight management. According to a look at the ingredients, the weight loss may be encouraged by a lot of chemicals that create the effects of high doses of caffeine. This can be a good way to increase body temperature, but too much of that can be dangerous. There are diet pills made especially to help burn fat, and some of these other diet pills look more affordable and healthier!

What’s inside of it and are there side effects?

What exactly is in Saba that helps a user lose weight? The website does not provide the full amount of each ingredient, so it is hard to say whether or not these amounts are healthy. Saba does provide this list of contents.

  • Chromium: A metal often used to fight diabetes by maintaining blood sugar levels.
  • Vanadium: A mineral with similar properties to Chromium, often used to treat low blood sugar.
  • Garcinia Cambogia Extract: The garcinia cambogia is a nutrient-rich fruit that is healthy when eaten but potentially harmful when extracted. The extract is believed to contain hydroxycitric acid, which is dangerously toxic.
  • Green Coffee Bean Extrac: The extract from unroasted coffee beans is high in caffeine, which can boost energy and suppress appetite.
  • Konjac (Umbrella arum Root): A plant root extract thought to fight cholesterol, studies have also shown it can have serious side effects to digestion if taken in too high of a dose.
  • Raspberry Ketone: A chemical version of the compound that gives raspberries their scent, this new trend in diet pills is thought to help the body burn fat, though very little research has been able to prove this. Not enough is known about how healthy or harmful raspberry ketone is for the body.
Potential Side Effects:

Like some other questionable fat-burners, Saba includes a level of caffeine-like ingredients that can lead to levels of jitteriness, sleep deprivation, or more serious heart problems. But it’s the more experimental ingredients in Saba that pose a worse possible threat. Garcinia Cambogia Extract has been shown to have dangerous levels of toxicity. Mixing ingredients like these together can lead to liver failure or even death. Because Saba does not disclose the amounts of each ingredient, it may be dangerous to consume this pill.

What’s good about it?

Saba ACE is just one supplement in part of a larger 60-day plan encouraged on the Saba website. When taken in safe amounts, a diet pill supplemented by a large fitness plan can be a very successful way to help lose weight. There are better options online for nutritional supplements that can help you lose weight.

What’s bad about it?

Generic-pillsSaba ACE contains ingredients that are possibly too dangerous to be ingested by even a healthy adult. The experimental ingredients like Garcinia Cambogia Extract and Konjac Root Extract have not been proven to help weight loss, but they have been shown to have potential dangers. Because Saba does not provide a full list of ingredients and their amounts online, it is impossible to know if the levels of these chemicals are safe for consumption.

Wrap Up

With so many options for more nutritional weight loss supplements, Saba is a potentially dangerous gamble. Due to its possibly toxic ingredients and incomplete online information, the Saba ACE pill seems like a possibly harmful drug. While it may be part of Saba’s alleged 60-day weight loss program, there is little reason to believe the pill can actually help you lose weight.

  • Effectiveness60%3/5
  • Consumer reviews56%2.8/5
  • Quality of ingredients60%3/5
  • Cost68%3.4/5
  • Money Back66%3.3/5
  • Overall Rating62%3.1/5
Bottom Line:

Because there are ingredients in Saba ACE that have proven to be harmful, and no clear information on how much of them are in each pill, there is a possible danger in using Saba for your weight loss plan. With so many options for nutritious, proven weight loss supplements, steer clear of Saba and its potential risks.

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