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Customer Health Rating: 2.9/5


MHP XPEL Review: Is It Safe?

What is MHP XPEL?

This product is said to be a natural diuretic that works quickly in the body to remove water. Though it heavily markets towards women who want to “look good in revealing clothing” it is apparently useful for men.

Also mentioned is the ability to reduce toxins and flush out the system. Included is the supposed ability to increase muscle strength and even fullness though it is uncertain what they mean by fullness.

This all seems like a good deal but what does the evidence have to say?

Who makes it?

diet-loss-medication-pill-weight.2Maximum Human Performance has a line of products, many of which have proprietary blends. Unfortunately these blends do not accurately measure exact dosage strengths which may lead to complications.

How (and) does it work?

By ridding the body of water found underneath the skin and in turn potentially removing up to 20 pounds of unnecessary water.

Is marketed  unto bodybuilders or people who want to look good and get rid of stubborn water weight. Unlike other diuretics it claims to not reduce muscle function or lead to cramping.  The herbs found inside also present a youthful look while ridding the body of unnecessary pounds.

It’s important to know though it offers a scientific explanation as to how it works there is no clinical trials offered. If there was science to back up claims one would assume proof would be presented. Many of the ingredients have either not been tested or have limited testing on safety and effectiveness.

What’s inside of it and are there side effects?

There is the possibility for dehydration and this product warns of taking in sufficient water. Supplements do exist that do not lead to potential extreme dehydration.

  • Vitamin B6: Works by aiding glucose metabolism and lipid metabolism.
  • Magnesium:A mineral that maintains healthy blood sugar.
  • Calcium: An essential mineral needed for healthy bones.
  • Potassium: A mineral that promotes healthy heart and liver function.
  • Buchu Leaf (Barosma betulina): An Asian plant meant to cleanse bladder infections.
  • Cornsilk Stylus (Zea mays): Found inside corn husks, this works as a diuretic.
  • Couchgrass Rhizome (Agropyron repens): A grass often used in Asian culture as a kidney and urinary cleaner.
  • Hydrangea Root (Hydrangea arborescens): A plant intended to work for bladder infections.
  • Juniper Berry Fruit (Juniperus communis): Used by native americans for its appetite increasing and diuretic effects.
  • Uva Ursi Leaf (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi): A plant that is used to remedy urinary infections.
  • Dandelion Root 5:1 Extract (20% taraxasterol and 3% choline):An herb with the stated ability of increasing urine flow.
  • Horsetail Extract (7% soluble silica)(whole plant): A plant meant as an anti inflammatory. It is used to reduce water retention and cleanse the bladder.
  • Calcium Carbonate: A readily available form of calcium that is supposed to help the kidneys.
  • Magnesium Oxide: A form of magnesium that supports healthy bowel movements.
  • Potassium Citrate: Used to treat kidney stones and provide ample urine production.
  • Calcium Gluconate: Set to improve plasma movement in the kidneys.
  • Green Tea Leaf Extract & Guarana Seed Extract (providing 75 mg caffeine): The caffeine laden ingredients. Green Tea is said to provide antioxidants while Guarana provides caffeine thru its all natural fruit.

Potential Side Effects: Hyperactivity, reduction of vitamin and mineral absorption, dehydration, fatigue, stomach pain, bloating, constant bathroom trips, and headaches.

What’s good about it?

Third party sellers offer this for $5 less.

What’s bad about it?

PillsCurrently there isn’t enough evidence to support the use of most of these ingredients. This is unfortunate as there are claims of it being scientifically tested  yet no evidence is cited.

The long term effects of taking in so many supplements intended to rid the body of water is also a risky endeavor. One may end up losing essential water soluble vitamins and experience a fit of dehydration. Though this brand recommends plenty of water no one human is the same and complications may arise.

This product is marketed towards bodybuilding types in competition and people wanting to look good, but it’s unclear if that means only extreme weight lifters. This is such a small part of the population that treats exercise as a full time job. The average person was not intended to rake in as much benefits. It’s unclear looking at their marketing if this product can work on everyone.

This product is also not a long term solution as use is recommended to be discontinued after 10 days. Also mentioned is 6 to 8 glasses of water a day which seems like a rough estimate. You’re better off finding more long term solutions rather than this unproven  fix.

Wrap Up

With unknown amounts of ingredients and without any clinical trials or even individual trials for most of these ingredients its unclear if progress is actually possible. Also necessary is a surplus of time with only short term results offered. These results seem more catered to hardcore weight lifters and not the average person. With no way to solve these problems it’s unclear if anyone not extremely dedicated to weightlifting would earn results.

  • Effectiveness56%2.8/5
  • Consumer reviews52%2.6/5
  • Quality of ingredients56%2.8/5
  • Cost64%3.2/5
  • Money Back62%3.1/5
  • Overall Rating58%2.9/5
Bottom Line:

Though this product features a lot of interesting and unique ingredients, the results are only attainable to a small sect of people. For all around weight loss supplements  we’ve compiled a comprehensive list for you to view.

With many offers on the market it’s hard to distinguish what works. Instead of dealing with all these variables makes the choice that best suits you.

Check top 10 weight loss pills

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