Claiming to have been around for nearly 20 years, Metabolite says that it can help it’s users manage their weight. Working mainly through thyroid support, Metabolite tells it’s users that weight loss is a much more realistic goal than they would have thought it would have been.
So does Metabolite really help people lose weight? Or is it just making promises that it can’t live up to? We decided to look into this very blandly labeled product to see if it is the real deal.
Metabolite is manufactured by the Utah based 4Life Research. 4Life Research produces a variety of other health and wellness products, some of which include products that not only help with weight loss, but cleansing and detox, brain health, as well as animal health. 4Life Research is also known as a multi-level marketing company. Metabolite can be purchased on the company’s official website, as well as third party retailers such as
Metabolite is incredibly brief in explaining how it works to potential users. The product description contains a single sentence, stating that Metabolite helps with thyroid functioning to ensure that metabolism and cellular efficiency are healthy. The bladderwrack is used to help the thyroid while other ingredients such as papaya help support the digestive process. Sage and Hawaiian spirulina are used to give cells nourishment. To see results, users are instructed to take one capsule with 8 oz. of water with every meal.
While there have been a few positive reviews, results have not been seen as typical with everyone who has used this product.
Metabolite contains bladderwrack, which is used to help support the thyroid. In addition to this there are various other ingredients that are designed to act as laxatives. Metabolite also features ingredients that are known for the vitamins they carry. Much like diet pills on the top 10 list, Metabolite is also full of all natural ingredients.
There are no reported side effects from use of this product.
Metabolite can be purchased on for the relatively low price of $20.95, which is pretty cheap in the diet pill world. Also when purchased on Amazon, free shipping is included as well.
Unlike other products that have full web pages dedicated to descriptions about themselves, Metabolite is very sparse in the things it has to say about itself. Very short descriptions are provided about Metabolite, making it’s claims feel rather questionable. This may turn some potential users away, as people might not be as sure if this is a legitimate product or not.
There is also a lack of scientific evidence to support that Metabolite is indeed, effective in helping people lose weight. True, it may contain some ingredients that are known to be effective, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the product as a whole works. The only evidence we are given to show that this product works are the few short sentences that are provided by the company. That and nothing more.
It should also be noted that 4Life Research is a multi-level marketing company (MLM). Multi-level marketing companies are known to produce goods that may very well sound great, but in the end are nothing more than a passing fad. The fact that there is no money-back guarantee with Metabolite seems to confirm our suspicions that this product isn’t everything it says it is.
There is just not enough evidence to back up the claims that this product is effective in helping people lose weight. True, there are some healthy ingredients, but that still does not mean this product works as advertised.
Bottom Line:
Featuring a bland label with very little information about itself, Metabolite did not lead up to the expectations we had of it. There’s no scientific evidence available that proves that this product can actually help people lose weight. Superior diet pills are available that can be verified as effective in helping people shed off extra pounds. With this product however, you get none of that. Better to ignore this product entirely.
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