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Lepidium Meyenii Review – Does This Product Really Work?

What is Lepidium Meyenii?

Plants come and go as being touted as the next potential weight loss tool that momentarily spur up customer curiosity. This plant is unique in that it takes approximately two years to grow and it was first found in the high andes mountains of Peru.

It’s being touted as a natural solution to weight loss through its unique properties and amount of healthy aminos and fatty acids. Though so far it has had acclaim as a new solution, just how effective and are there results?

To figure this out we’ve dissected this plant down fully. Let’s see what springs up!

Who makes it?

818pillsA few companies offer this ingredient in their brands though usually it is added to libido enhancing supplements meant to trigger arousal.

Typically sold as a root extract or powder and often touted for its positive effects on vigor and energy. Most studies in fact have tested for this yet its effects on weight loss are still unknown. As an energy enhancer there are still not enough reliable studies offered to showcase these results either.

How (and) does it work?

Due to Maca being mostly carbohydrates with 19 amino acids and a bit of minerals, this is supposed to provide a bit of supplementation to the body. Also found inside are 1R-3S which is meant to stimulate the central nervous system.

Apparently this product works to help support regular thyroid function thru iodine which in turn helps deal with a healthy metabolism. However since this is all speculated and no testing has been done to this, it remains to be seen if any of  this is true.

Anything with amino acids and carbohydrates can provide energy, so whether or not this ingredient is superior still remains a mystery.

What’s inside of it and are there side effects?

Due to the lack of known effects it’s hard to know if this product will do anything useful in the body. For time tested and customer supported supplements for positive change, there are reliable supplements made available.

  • Lepidium Meyenii: A plant traditionally eaten as a way to provide energy and enhance sexual vigor.

Potential Side Effects: Deregulated hormones, insomnia, indigestion, mood swings, irritability, headaches, heartburn, high blood pressure, hot flashes and irregular heart beat.

What’s good about it?

Available thru many different sources in varying prices and strengths. Also since it has amino acids and carbohydrates it can provide the body some nourishment.

What’s bad about it?

pills_on_spoonThe biggest thing plaguing this ingredient is uncertainty, this unknowing makes it hard to fully understand the long term consequences and even the short term results. There could be a potential for side effects or even a lack of any results at all. This makes it hard to understand how it can be accepted as a potent ingredient since so much is lacking.

Without knowing what it can actually do and just taking into account the nutritional profile still has a bit lacking. Paying extra for a supplement like this when there are other ingredients and brands with cheaper and more nutritious profiles would be costly. In order to make a good decision for health it would be best considering natural foods that are cheaper and contain even more of a nutritious background.

Assuming this product does have an effect(which is not wise to do), it is mostly reported as a libido enhancer. The fact that the majority of focus is on this and not weight loss makes it seem that perhaps it isn’t really that effective. Most brands don’t even mention the potential for weight loss and rest assured, a company would love to add that to the beneficial aspects if it were true.

Wrap Up

Though Maca has had a long history of use, the science history is completely lacking. In taking products that are unknown you subject yourself to at the very least a waste of money, at worst a host of potential side effects. This further becomes harder to justify when you notice the strict focus for brands to market it as an arousal stimulating product and not weight loss, At the price that this goes and without sufficient evidence, it’s hard to understand why money should be thrown at this product.

  • Effectiveness58%2.9/5
  • Consumer reviews54%2.7/5
  • Quality of ingredients58%2.9/5
  • Cost66%3.3/5
  • Money Back64%3.2/5
  • Overall Rating60%3/5
Bottom Line:

It always feels like the next big thing is always knocking, unfortunately this ingredient isn’t even marketed by most of its suppliers as a weight loss solution. Long tested and customer approved brands however do supply you with the ingredients needed for weight loss.

Being all natural is a great thing but being all natural, useful, and supported by customers is another aspect needed in order to be a great supplement. You have access to great reviewed useful tools in order to help you achieve your fitness goals.

Check top 10 weight loss pills

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