This patented form of soluble dietary fiber is meant to block the body’s fat intake as well as satisfy hunger. It is available in a few brands and it is an over the counter supplement.
Since it is a patented fiber it has been tested and branded in order to keep the sales of this to a few companies. In fact it was branded in 2025 in the European Union.
A new ingredient can offer different things, so are the positives enough to demand purchase?
Let’s investigate.
The Australian company Soho Flordis International has created this brand alongside other brands that are meant to provide natural solutions.
They do in house testing and are currently in the midst of clinical trials for their brands.
For every one gram of FBCx it eliminates and binds to every 9 grams of fat. This fat is then held unto instead of stored as body fat. Each bowel movement eliminates this fat and in turn there is less fat absorbed. Still however an excess of carbohydrates, calories, and proteins can also increase weight. therefore this only takes one aspect of potentially obesity creating nutrients.
It only works when fat is included in a meal and it also is recommended to also include a healthy diet and exercise in order to achieve weight loss.
Some may also not like the effect of having fat being removed thru ones stool.
This product strictly is made to break down fats therefore it’s a one dimensional supplement. True weight loss tackles more than one aspect instead of just allowing for less fat to be absorbed and a increased fiber intake. More well rounded solutions to real weight loss are made in order to give maximized results.
Gas, bloating, and diarrhea.
It is free of any stimulants and can provide some soluble fiber.
Fiber is a good thing to include into a diet, however in supplement form it does not allow for well rounded weight loss. In fact just one aspect of weight loss is tackled which may not affect some. It only helps break down fat when eating fat therefore any already stored body fat is not touched in any way. This makes it hard to accept since you have to eat fats in order for this product to serve a purpose.All the other aspects of weight loss there is no change.
This fiber can be found in other all natural foods for much less money. By purchasing this product one cannot expect a well rounded experience that helps bring down weight. Basically customers are paying for an ingredient that has been patented when easier solutions and foods are readily available.
One must also maintain a healthy diet in order to achieve results as it can still add to weight gain without. This makes it hard to know the full results of this product as you have to include a lifestyle change. Additionally adding healthy food is already a way to reduce weight naturally, calling into question this products effectiveness.
Though people assume fats are bad, fats in the form of nutrients is good for energy and fat storage is the real problem. Anything in the body can turn into excess fats such as too many calories or carbohydrates. The fat this product gets rid of fat nutrients is only useful if one eats an abundance of fats.
With many options for weight loss, taking this one into account leaves just one aspect of weight loss that isn’t enough. Just having less fat nutrients is not enough for many and it leaves people with too much to be desired. Real weight loss should add a ton more to help actualy body fat instead of reducing future potential excess fat. To tackle body fat you need something far different. Also problematic is how this fat is lost, thru bowel movements that basically means all the excess is taken out in the bathroom. To increase bowel movements means more water needed to be taken in and of course you have no control over when this may appear.
Bottom Line:
Though it may help to provide some relief for fat absorption, it neglects numerous other aspects that lead to fat loss. Multifaceted weight loss products exist to give comprehensive results that aren’t limited to just one aspect.
In order to help meet your demands for weight reduction you need products that have more than just one ingredient of a fiber you can get elsewhere for cheaper. Instead take advantage of all the products with safe all natural ingredients.
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