Extenze is one of the best-selling male enhancement products in history. They became famous in the late 1990’s thanks to a series of infomercials featuring well known celebrity spokesmen that claimed that Extenze could increase penis size and sexual performance ability.
Their advertising claims have had to change over the years, however Extenze still promises bigger, harder erections, improved staying power, and more intense orgasms. They call their product “fast acting extended release,” theoretically meaning that it remains effective for up to 12 hours after ingestion.
The top product for erectile quality and libido enhancement is Viritenz. It has demonstrated the most across the board usefulness in the highest percentage of clients.
Click here to get more information about how Viritenz can be beneficial for you.
Extenze is a product of Biotab Neutraceuticals and is widely available in stores throughout the US and online. They make both a pill form and a liquid shot form of their products, which tend to retail for about $2-$5 per dose depending on the outlet that sells them.
In addition to being one of the best-selling male enhancement products in history it is also one of the most controversial. Biotab has been sued multiple times because of their widely-disproven advertising claims.
Extenze has been ordered to pay back millions of dollars to former clients and customers, and has also been accused of a number of improper business dealings unrelated to Extenze usage. They have been the subject of official investigations by the Better Business Bureau, the Federal Trade Commission, and the Food and Drug Administration.
One of the issues that has been at the center of the lawsuits against Extenze are their claims that it can make your penis bigger. They failed to offer any scientific evidence of this claim, as there is not thought to be any way to actually “grow” the raw size of the penis.
The penis certainly grows naturally as part of the erectile process, which is something that can be influenced through supplementation. When the erection recedes, however, there will be no lasting growth as a result.
Extenze may be able to get positive results in terms of erectile quality by increasing the circulatory rates of the body, which directly impact erectile quality. More blood flow translates to larger, harder, better sustained erections.
Their advertising also says that it can increase testosterone, which plays a key role in the male arousal process. Men with more testosterone become sexually stimulated more easily, produce higher quality sperm, and have better stamina and orgasm control.
Extenze uses a long and diverse ingredients list that features some of our panel’s most highly recommended male enhancement additives. Unfortunately, it also has a number of ingredients that are included amongst their least recommended additives as well.
The ingredients listed on their website are:
Ginger (Root): The common herb that’s used for food and drink flavoring. It is thought to have a number of beneficial effects on the body, however it is not generally considered a male enhancement product.
The most common use for ginger medicinally is for stomach disorders and other forms of gastrointestinal distress. It may also have some mild anti-inflammatory effects, but none of these effects are related, even peripherally to erectile quality, libido levels, or any other form of sexual performance.
Yohimbe Extract: Chemicals derived from the bark of the African yohimbe tree. Yohimbine is thought of as an erectile performance aid, however these benefits are mostly the product of accelerated heartbeat due to the potent stimulatory effects of yohimbe.
Yohimbe causes the heart to beat faster, which in turn circulates more blood which, as mentioned, has beneficial effects on the strength and duration of men’s erections.
Tribulus Terrestris: A plant also known as puncture vine that is thought to have some applications for testosterone function. Tribulus was initially cultivated in India and is a staple of Ayurvedic medicine, however its usage has spread across the globe.
Tribulus increases the sensitivity of the androgen receptors in the brain, which impacts the effectiveness of the body’s testosterone. Tribulus pairs especially well with other herbs and additives that increase raw testosterone production levels.
Horny Goat Weed: An herb also known as epimedium that is widely marketed as an aphrodisiac and erectile aid. Despite its reputation, however, horny goat weed is just a central nervous system stimulant.
Like yohimbe, horny goat weed increases the overall quantity of blood circulated by the body, which is beneficial for erectile function. It is not known to have a sort of aphrodisiac qualities, regardless of what the advertising materials of some of its distributors may imply.
L-Arginine: An amino acid that is known for its many beneficial effects for the male arousal process. L-Arginine converts to nitric oxide in the veins, causing them to expand, which allows for greater quantity of blood to pass through at a time. This is helpful for erections and helps to reduce some of the stress caused by horny goat weed and yohimbe.
L-Arginine is also connected to the release of human growth hormone, which is a precursor to testosterone production. Testosterone, as mentioned, is key to male arousal both physically and mentally.
Our team has some serious concerns about both yohimbe and horny goat weed. They have been connected to some possible side effects that can be potentially serious, including heart attacks, seizures, strokes and death.
Neither ingredient is recommended for human consumption by itself, and especially not when the two are paired together. It is especially concerning given that Extenze does not publish their dosage levels, so users have no real idea how much of these potentially dangerous stimulants that they are consuming.
L-Arginine and tribulus terrestris are both thought of as two of the most potent ingredients on the market for male enhancement products. L-Arginine is beneficial in so many ways that it is used at the core of most of the top erectile and libido aids on the market today.
Tribulus pairs well with L-Arginine and other ingredients that increase testosterone production, as it helps to increase the brain’s receptivity to the newly elevated T levels. Both of them come highly recommended by our panel of men’s health and sexuality experts.
The pairing of yohimbe and horny goat weed is potentially dangerous and not recommended by our team. The fact that they have led to such serious issues with users in the past, including several deaths that have been attributed to yohimbe consumption, makes it irresponsible for our team to suggest them to our readers.
Additionally, Extenze has not shown itself to be a reputable company. Their multiple legal issues, and the dishonest way that they have marketed their product, should cause most consumers to be wary of all of their interactions with the organization.
Also, users should note that Extenze, and every other male enhancement product on the market, for that matter, will not increase the size of their penis. Many products can help to maximize the size of their erections, given the equipment that they have, however there are no herbal supplements that can offer permanent gains in penis size.
Extenze became famous in the late 1990’s because of the bold promises that they made to consumers about increasing the size of their penises. It has been shown, however, that these claims were without a scientific foundation and the company was forced to pay restitution to the many consumers that they defrauded.
Extenze still uses the same formula, however they have modified the claims that the make about it. They use some products that can be beneficial for erectile quality and libido, however they also blend them with dangerous stimulants that are not nearly as effective as their marketing claims.
There are hundreds of reviews from previous customers about Extenze that describe negative experiences with the product. Here are some of the accounts that users have posted online:
“Wow, Extenze is great if you like sweating and having painful diarrhea more than you like having sex with your girlfriend.”
“My boyfriend and I both took Extenze and waited… and waited… and waited for something to happen. We ended up watching Netflix and passing out on the couch.”
“Jesus, I thought I was going to die. My heart was racing so fast, I was sweaty and clammy – I almost called an ambulance. I just rode it out and I’m cool now, but I’m not planning on trying that again any time soon.”
In addition to complaints about the product itself, there are quite a few reports of issues with the customer service staff and returns and refunds procedures for Extenze as well.
Bottom Line
Extenze is one of the most famous erectile aids in the history of the industry, however it is not one of the best. Their reputation has largely been the product of widespread but dishonest marketing tactics and their products themselves are both low-quality and potentially dangerous for some users.
The highest quality male enhancement product, according to our team of experts, is Viritenz. It is a sophisticated blend of amino acids and potent herbs that increases both circulation levels and testosterone production.
It has been shown to help improve both erection size and frequency, and it is known for its powerful effects on stamina and libido as well. Click here to see the full nutrition information panel for Viritenz.
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