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Customer Health Rating: 2.4/5


Crevalor Review (UPDATED 2025): Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

What is it?

Crevalor is a male enhancement that advertises itself as an athletic and sexual performance enhancement product. They claim that they are able to help men improve their ability to both build muscle and burn fat, while also increasing overall energy levels and physical endurance.

Their promotional materials say that it can help raise men’s sexual endurance levels while simultaneously boosting their libido and abilities to achieve and maintain adequately rigid erections. Other secondary effects that they claim Crevalor can have include increased focus and mental performance, improved mood, and a general sense of confidence or well-being.

The top-ranked male enhancement product on our team of experts’ annual top ten list is Viritenz. They complimented its selection of well-regarded ingredients, potent dosage amounts, and had positive things to say about its manufacturer, 18nutrition. For more information about what goes in to Viritenz, the effects that it has on the body, and whether or not it may help you meet your specific sexual goals, just follow this link.

Crevalor Ingredients and Side Effects

Crevalor does not publish their ingredients list, dosage information, or any of their supplement facts. They do not even choose to have a page highlighting some of their ingredients, which is highly unusual.

The vast majority of Crevalor’s promotional materials are spent promoting their possible effects without ever saying how exactly they hoped to accomplish this. This is not the approach that most major brands choose to take, for a number of reasons.

It makes the product harder to evaluate for both health and safety, as well as more difficult to compare to other brands in the same category. Fortunately, however, some of their former users have chosen to publish their ingredients online, so we know that their formula contains:

L-Arginine Maca Root Siberian Ginseng
Yohimbe Tribulus Terrestris Epimedium

L-Arginine: One of the most highly thought of ingredients for use in male enhancement products due to its multiple potential benefits. It can boost circulation levels, testosterone function, blood pressure, blood sugar and insulin processing, and given that it is an amino acid that is manufactured in the body naturally it tends to be well tolerated by the vast majority of users.

Maca Root: A Brazilian herb that also benefits men’s sexual performance in multiple ways. It is an energy booster, circulatory enhancement aid, and seminal production stimulator, however the application that it is most known for is creasing libido, which it does separate from increases in testosterone levels.

Siberian Ginseng: An herb that is not related to true ginseng but that has many of its beneficial properties. This includes increased erectile function, improved libido levels, and an overall boost in energy and stamina levels.

Yohimbe: A stimulant derived from the bark of a particular species of African tree that has been shown to have some pro-erectile effects. Unfortunately, it has also been connected to a wide variety of potential side effects including:

  • Psychotic behavior
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Heart attack
  • Seizure
  • Stroke

Tribulus Terrestris: A well regarded ingredient for products of this nature because it has shown an ability to enhance testosterone processing without increasing actual T levels. It enhances the sensitivity of the androgen receptors in the brain, maximizing the positive effects of other T-boosters.

Epimedium: An herb better known as horny goat weed that, like yohimbe, is a stimulant that may also potentially cause side effects in their users, some of them serious. These side effects also tend to be similar to those listed for yohimbe and generally involve blood pressure or heart related issues.

Click here to read more male enhancement supplement reviews like this one.

Crevalor Quality of Ingredients

Four of the ingredients that are used in Crevalor’s blend are among our team’s most well-regarded additives for products of this nature. L-Arginine, maca, Siberian ginseng, and tribulus terrestris are all potent, effective, and well tolerated by the majority of users.

Yohimbe and epimedium, however, are two herbs that our team in general tries not to recommend to our readers. Either one is an issue on its own, however given the similarity of their effects on the body the two are especially not recommended together.

This problem is compounded by the fact that there are no dosage amounts provided for either of these ingredients. There is also the possibility that there could be other dangerous or unhelpful products in their mixture that they are choosing not to disclose.

Follow this link to see how to choose the male enhancement product that has the most likely chance of resolving your specific sexual issues.

The Price and Quality of Crevalor

Crevalor uses a highly unusual pricing and sales structure that many previous users have called manipulative. There are no per-unit sales of Crevalor available anywhere online. Instead, interested consumers are urged to sign up for a free trial offer; prospective customers should note, however, that this offer almost never ends up actually being free.

To start with, there is a shipping and handling fee for the product sample, however this is a fairly standard industry practice. What is less standard is that when users accept the free trial, they are also enrolled in an automatic renewal program that sends more product every month and charges it to the credit card that was used to pay for the free trial offer.

There is no warning beforehand or notification afterword that these charges are happening, and many individuals have gone months before they realized that they were being charged. If users try to cancel after this, them there are a variety of other charges that Crevalor may level, including cancellation fees and/or restocking fees.

For more data about how the top brands of male enhancement products compare head to head, just click here.

Business of Crevalor

Crevalor lists their manufacturer as Phenom Health Returns, however they are part of a network of affiliated companies that use the same business model – and often times even the same advertising materials – built around tricking customers into paying fees that they did not agree to.

The contact page for Phenom Health Returns lists the following details:

Phone Number: (855) 322-8780

Address: 11551 E. 45th Avenue, Unit C

Denver, CO 80239

Email: [email protected]

There are no public records that support the reliability of Phenom Health Returns, however there is also no evidence that they have been involved in any sort of legal disputes at this juncture either.

EDITOR'S TIP: Check our list of approved male supplements to make a right purchase decision!
Customer Opinions of Crevalor

Since Crevalor is not sold through any traditional methods or third party outlets, it is very difficult to find reliable, objective reviews of their product. There are plenty of comments that past users have left in different online forums, in blog posts, and in reviews that describe their experiences with Crevalor, such as the following:

“I was shocked when I learned that I had been enrolled in their “program” and I ended up with three bottles before I was able to cancel it. I had the pills though, and thought I might as well take them – but that was a huge mistake. Didn’t work AT ALL and made me feel like I’d eaten bad shrimp.”

“This is a joke, right? You can’t expect me to believe that this is a product that was successfully tested on humans. Absolute trash.”

“My girlfriend bought this for me and she said it was because she wanted to improve our sex life. After trying it multiple times and getting sick each time I can only conclude that she actually hates me or is trying to punish me for something. Terrible product.

The most common complaints about Crevalor by far were those ones that were related to the free trial offer. There are quite a few people that believe that they were deliberately manipulated and that they deserve to get their money back, but have had no luck in getting satisfaction from Crevalor or their affiliates.

To get advice on picking the male enhancement product that is right for your biology, just follow this link.

  • Effectiveness46%2.3/5
  • Consumer reviews42%2.1/5
  • Quality of ingredients46%2.3/5
  • Cost54%2.7/5
  • Money Back52%2.6/5
  • Overall Rating48%2.4/5
Conclusion – Does Crevalor Work?

Our team can offer very few reasons to our readers for why they may want to try Crevalor. Their formula uses some helpful ingredients, but it also includes some less effective ones as well, and their lack of transparency about their contents is also of concern.

Crevalor’s marketing practices are also not generally thought of as responsible by our panel of experts, and there is very little reason that they could find to trust their parent company as a manufacturer. Our team encourages our readers to seek out a more effective and trustworthy option for male enhancement.

One such option is Viritenz, which received much better marks from our review team. They approved of the fact that it used a wide variety of helpful products without also including anything like yohimbe or horny goat weed.

Viritenz has received praise from within the health and wellness industry for its potent effects, and the reviews that they have gotten back from their customers are very positive. Click here to read testimonials from men that have tried Viritenz.

Please Share:

Top Rated Male Enhancement Supplement of 2025

  • Viritenz4.9/5 stars-icon
  • Effectiveness95%4.7/5
  • Consumer reviews93%4.5/5
  • Quality of ingredients96%4.7/5
  • Cost91%5/5
  • Money Back89%5/5
  • Overall Rating95%4.9/5

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