With the obesity epidemic reaching ever farther across the United States, weight loss has become a hot topic, with the diet supplement market getting ever more popular. In relation to this is Cholestoff, which claims that it can help it’s users keep their cholesterol levels at a lower and keep them overall healthier.
Even though this is related, can this product actually help people lose weight? Or is this just for cholesterol only? We decided to look into this and find out.
Cholestoff is manufactured by Nature Made, a company based in Mission Hills, California. Nature Made produces various vitamins and supplements, some of which include fish oil, vitamin C, Vitamin D, Flaxseed oil, calcium and iron supplements. Cholestoff can be purchased on the company’s website, as well as third party retailers such as Amazon.com.
Cholestoff, rather obviously, works to help reduce high cholesterol levels in the body. The company’s website claims that Cholestoff is filled with plant sterols and stanols. Unlike other products that claim to be something of a miracle pill, Cholestoff does recommend that it’s users have a healthy diet and exercise, in addition to curbing bad habits such as excessive alcohol consumption and smoking.
Despite it’s claims that it can lower cholesterol, users have reported mixed reviews, with some saying that the product didn’t work at all. There is no evidence to support that this product helps people lose weight.
Cholestoff’s main ingredient are plant sterols and stanols. This ingredient is known to help lower cholesterol by blocking it’s absorption. Plant sterols and stenols are natural ingredients, much like the ingredients you can find in diet pills on the top 10 list.
There are no reported side effects from use of this product.
This product uses plant derivatives, which makes Cholestoff all natural. This may be a welcome relief to those of you out there who are wary of synthetic diet pills.
Despite it’s optimistic claims, there is no evidence available on the company’s website to show that this product is actually effective in doing what it claims. Nowhere can any scientific studies be found, nor are there any testimonials supplied on the website as well. It’s one thing to make claims, but if they can’t be backed up, they are just words.
From the reviews that could be found, users felt mixed. Some may have liked the product, while others reported no results at all. With mixed effectiveness, it’s hard to say that this product really is effective in living up to what it says it can do.
If you have serious cholesterol problems, you should probably turn your attention to more well known products that can deal with those kinds of issues. Cholestoff may help, but there are better products out there that can deal with these issues, and it’s important to talk to a doctor before deciding on what medications to take.
Lastly, while helping with cholesterol levels, that doesn’t necessarily mean that this product can help you lose weight, as it’s purpose is cholesterol.
Having healthy cholesterol levels is an important aspect of weight loss. While this product may help some people keep their cholesterol down, there is no evidence that this can help with overall weight loss.
Bottom Line:
High cholesterol is a problem that is endemic in the United States. While this product claims that it can help lower cholesterol, there is no evidence to support that this, nor that it can help with weight loss. It’s important to know the difference between cholesterol and weight loss, as some companies may try to use the related terms to actually mean the same thing. There are better diet pills available that can help you not only lose weight, but keep cholesterol down as well. Even though cheap, it’s best to turn your attention elsewhere.
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