Customer Health Rating: 2,6/5


Andropenis Review: Is It Safe?

Andropenis is a penis stretching device that is designed to help men increase the overall size of their genitalia. Their advertising says that regular use can add up to .4 inches of length to an average sized penis. It is also used to help correct curvature and misshaping, often due to Peyronie’s disease or other conditions.

Many men that have issues with herbs and chemicals have tried the penile stretching approach to male enhancement. It is a non-surgical, non-invasive approach to size alteration that they back with a 60-day satisfaction guarantee.

The male enhancement system that has seen the most concrete results from its users is Viritenz. Their daily dietary supplementation process helps restore previous function naturally, encouraging the body to perform the way that it is designed to. Click here to learn more about the benefits that users have seen from taking Viritenz.


Who Makes It?

Andropenis is manufactured by Andromedical SL, a Spanish medical supplies company with an emphasis on sexual aids. There have been some questions raised about Andromedical’s business practices, and they have a substandard score with the Better Business Bureau, including a 100% negative customer feedback rating.

Andromedical has shown themselves to be a highly litigious corporation, suing a number of different review sites that unfavorably covered their products. They have not won any of these cases. There are numerous complaints about their products that can be found online on various consumer rights websites, many of which highlight dishonest business practices by Andromedical SL such as refusing refunds and charging customers for products that they did not purchase.

Click here to see our panel of experts’ list of the top ten male enhancement products that are currently available over the counter.

How (and) Does It Work?

Andropenis is a penis extending device – not to be confused with a penis pump. Penis pumps use vacuum pressure to draw blood into the shaft, helping to artificially engorge the penis, and, some say, increase its size (despite the fact that there is little data that supports this idea).

Penis stretching devices offer no benefits for erections or functionality, claiming only that they are able to increase the size of the penis. Andropenis’s advertising claims that it can benefit both length and girth, adding as much as 1.5 centimeters to the end of the penis.

The way that it works is that users attach Andropenis to their penis and clamp it in, both at the head and the base of the shaft. Small metal extender rods are then inserted into the apparatus, stretching out the penis past its normal state. Users must be flaccid during this time, and it only works for penises that are already at least 8cm in length.

It can be worn under the clothes during normal daily activity, and their instructions recommend at least 4-9 hours per day. Andropenis is also supposed to help men that have curved or disfigured penises, as the stretching supposedly helps them return to their original shape.

The clinical data about whether or not this is actually effective is somewhat torn. Most scientists seem to believe that there is little reason to think that stretching techniques like this can actually have any kind of an effect, however there are actually some that believe that minimal gains in length are possible.

All the available data suggests that there is no way to increase the girth of the penis in this manner. Andropenis very explicitly states that it can help increase girth, however they do not provide any concrete data about it, as they do with increases in length. Some doctors believe that stretching techniques may also result in the long-term narrowing of the penis.

Follow this link to find out how you can make the most out of the equipment that you were born with through effective nutritional supplementation.

Are There Side Effects?

Despite the claims on Andropenis’ website that say that their system is 100% safe and side effect free, the data about penis stretching presents a different picture entirely. Many doctors recommend against penis stretching – also known as traction – due to the frequency of side effects, some of them permanent and disfiguring.

Stretching the penis – especially for the length of time recommended by the literature for Andropenis – can have serious consequences for the nerves and tissues of that area. Stretching programs can cause tissue damage, which often leads to the formation of scar tissues that can distort and deform the appearance of the penis.

It can also deaden the nerves in that area, decreasing overall penile sensitivity. In the long run, this has the potential to lead to conditions like erectile dysfunction.

Scientists have yet to reach a consensus on what the safest way to perform penile stretching is, how long it should be done for, or even if it can possibly be effective. It is not an approach that is recommended by our experts, however its consequences are unlikely to affect the users’ overall health, just the appearance and functionality of their penis.

Customer Opinions

There are quite a few accounts from previous customers about their experiences with Andropenis that can be found online. Here are some past users’ reviews of the product:

“I used Andropenis religiously for a month, and my penis is exactly as short, ugly, and useless as it was beforehand.”

“Ouch! Tried this thing a couple times, but it just hurt too much. Not sure if it would’ve worked in the end, but the pain and weird discolorations that it caused were not worth it.”

“DO NOT BUY! Andropenis is not just painful, but DISFIGURING as well! I damaged the skin at the base of my penis, and now it’s all knobby and gross. STAY AWAY FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR JUNK!

To learn more about all of the top non-prescription male enhancement supplements on the market today, just click on this link.

What’s Good About It?

Traction is not as invasive as surgery and it is not likely that users will ever experience any sort of major coronary or cerebral incident due to using a penis stretching device. There is some data that suggests that users may be able to add almost half an inch in length (though not girth) to their penises by using this technique, although it is hotly debated.

What’s Bad About It?

The potential to permanently damage the penis will always exist with techniques like penis stretching. It is a physically rough procedure on the sensitive tissue of the penis, and it is possible that users can deaden sensation or create growths of scar tissue if they stretch to far or too much.

There are also no performance benefits associated with traction systems. They are not a solution to ED, they do not provide any sort of orgasm control or help with premature ejaculation, and they certainly do not improve erectile functionality or libido.

For access to the biggest library of male enhancement product reviews found anywhere online, just follow this link to see our complete database.

EDITOR'S TIP: Check our list of approved male supplements to make a right purchase decision!
Wrap Up:

Andropenis is a penile stretching system that promises to add length and girth to men’s penises. While the claims of girth are almost certainly a fabrication, it may be possible that Andropenis can several tenths of an inch to the length of the penis.

It is also possible that this approach could have long-term physical consequences for the genitalia. Traction equipment can lead to tissue damage and the loss of sensation if used improperly, and unfortunately there is still no reliable information about successful vs. unsuccessful stretching techniques.

Users should not attempt to use Andropenis for any male sexual issue other than strictly increasing length, and even then their expectations should be minimal. There is no benefit to erectile functionality, desire levels, stamina, orgasm quality, or any other metric of male enhancement.

  • Effectiveness50%2.5/5
  • Consumer reviews46%2.3/5
  • Quality of ingredients50%2.5/5
  • Cost58%2.9/5
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  • Overall Rating52%2.6/5
Bottom Line

Andropenis is not an effective way to make yourself a better sexual partner. It has no potential applications for ED, PE, or any other sexual issue that men might be seeking help for, and its marginal gains in size will not outweigh the potential risks to the shape, functionality, and sensitivity of the penis.

While dietary supplements are unlikely to ever change the size of users’ penises in a permanent way, they also have far more benefit to the functionality and aesthetic appearance to the penis than traction systems do. Andropenis is not recommended by our experts in the vast majority of circumstances, however men with significant warping and curvature issues may find it to be somewhat helpful.

The male enhancement product that has shown to be the most useful for the highest number of men is Viritenz. It helps users optimize their erectile size without compromising its functionality.

Viritenz uses a combination of circulatory aids and testosterone count boosters that have been shown to help men make the most of the equipment that they have. Click here to see all of the different ways that Viritenz has been shown to help men be the best lovers that they can be.

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Top Rated Male Enhancement Supplement of 2025

  • Viritenz4.9/5 stars-icon
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  • Cost91%5/5
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