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Ab Cuts Diet Pills Review: Everything it claims or not?

What is Ab Cuts?

Claiming to work in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise, Ab Cuts has hit the markets, telling its potential buyers that it can help in their weight loss endeavors. Not only does Ab Cuts claim that it can help shed the pounds, but it can also help the metabolism as well.

But the question remains, can Ab Cuts really get you that six pack that you’ve been dreaming of? That kind of six pack that only action stars have? Or is this going to fall far short, like a former sports star who will never reach his former glory? We decided to find out.

Who makes it?

Ab Cuts is manufactured by Revolution Lifestyle. Revolution Lifestyle also produces other health and dietary supplements. Ab Cuts can be purchased on the company’s website or other online retailers such as

yellow-and-red-pillsHow (and) does it work?

Ab Cut’s official website claims that it works by raising the metabolism of the user, while also filling the body with antioxidants. It claims that this helps the user shed pounds, of course when including a healthy diet and exercise.

Although the company is very confident in it’s product, many users have claimed that the results they were looking for didn’t happen.

What’s inside of it and are there side effects?

The company’s website is very clear about what the ingredients are in Ab Cuts. The ingredients included are known to help with lean tissue building and can help strengthen muscles. Ab Cuts has no stimulants, and the ingredients are also all natural. However just because this is true, that doesn’t necessarily mean that this effective in helping with large amounts of weight loss, but rather smaller, more modest amounts. If you are interested in other effective, all natural diet pills, please check out the top 10 list.

  • Omega 3 fish oil: Contains EPA and DHA Omega 3 fatty acids. Can help regulate metabolism and lower blood pressure. Has no direct link with either weight loss or building muscle.
  • Safflower oil compromising 80% CLA: Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) are a group of unsaturated omega 6 compounds founds in various meat products. In a study it was found that body fat was reduced with this ingredient, but not weight.
  • Flax seed oil comprising 50% ALA: Alpha Linoleic Acid (ALA) an omega 3 fatty acid found in vegetable oils. Has great potential health benefits, but is not manufactured by the body. Can help with stress and anxiety and can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Vitamin E: A vitamin that is high in antioxidant properties.
  • Borage oil comprising 20% GLA: Gamma Linoleic Acid (GLA) a fatty acid compound of omega 6 that is found in human breast milk as well as vegetable oils. Often used as an anti-inflammatory and is being studied to see if it can help prevent arthritis and cancer. There is no connection of GLA to weight loss and building muscle.
  • Sesame seed oil: Full of vitamin E, in can help lower cholesterol levels.
  • While there have been few reports of side effects, some users have experienced  lowered blood pressure, as well as weight gain.
What’s good about it?

If you use the promo code SLIM2015 on the company’s website you will get 20% off your order, plus free shipping.

What’s bad about it?

medical pillsWhile full of healthy ingredients, the fact of the matter is that this product doesn’t really help with weight loss. True it can get you healthier, but not really losing the pounds you are expecting. If you happen to be obese and need to lose the weight because of health issues, you would best be advised to talk to your doctor to see what else is out there.

It’s a common trick that companies use, saying that their product is all natural. And while yes, it may be true that the product is all natural, that doesn’t mean it does as it is advertised to. It’s a marketing technique that companies like to employ. In some cases, these marketing techniques hide potentially dangerous ingredients and/or side effects. Always be aware of the wording that is used on a product, and always do your research.

And if you don’t like the results you got from Ab Cuts after buying their product? Then you would need to download a form and send it to Revolution Lifestyle in advance. Not the easiest of things to do.

Wrap up

While made of all natural ingredients, Ab Cuts won’t help you lose drastic amounts of weight like some are looking to lose. Instead this helps with over all health and wellness, with only modest amounts of weight loss as the result.

  • Effectiveness62%3.1/5
  • Consumer reviews58%2.9/5
  • Quality of ingredients62%3.1/5
  • Cost70%3.5/5
  • Money Back68%3.4/5
  • Overall Rating64%3.2/5

Bottom Line:

While good in the positive health effects that it can give to it’s users, the fact of the matter is, that as a weight loss pill, this doesn’t work out too well. Sure there is some weight loss, but for those of you out there that are looking to lose weight because of health reasons and not just to look good, you may want to look elsewhere. There are plenty of other diet pills out there that may be more effective and possibly cheaper. If weight loss isn’t your primary concern, well of course you can try this product out. But as a weight loss pill, that’s where this product fails.

We recommend that you look into other diet pills that may be better and more effective for you.

Check top 10 weight loss pills

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