GrowXL is a male enhancement product that claims to be able to help men increase the size and performance levels of their users’ penises. Additional benefits mentioned in their advertising include increased energy levels, more stamina, and stronger orgasms.
They say that it works by increasing the blood flow to the genital area, helping men to more completely fill the erectile tissue in their penises. Additionally, they say that it may also have some pro-testosterone effects, which can also help to provide a degree of erectile support, as well as some benefits for libido, athletic performance, and a number of other beneficial factors.
Our panel of health and wellness experts have reviewed thousands of different supplements, and the brand that they believe has the most applications for male enhancement is called Viritenz. It is a combination testosterone booster and circulatory enhancement supplement that has received excellent feedback from its past users. Follow this link to read testimonials from previous Viritenz users to see if it may be effective for your specific needs.
GrowXL does not publish their formal nutrition information panel as a part of their promotional materials. Instead, they highlight only some of the total ingredients blend used in their product, which includes:
L-Arginine | Tribulus Terrestris | Guarana |
Citrus Aurantium | Caffeine |
L-Arginine: One of the more effective male enhancement supplement ingredients on the market based on its combined effects on users’ circulation and testosterone function. It is especially helpful as a vasodilator that increases the width of the veins, allowing more blood to pass through the body at any given time.
Tribulus Terrestris: A North American vine whose fruits, though inedible, contain extracts that can be exceptionally useful for male enhancement purposes. It helps the brain’s androgen receptors detect and respond to the body’s testosterone levels, making it an ideal pairing for T-boosters like L-Arginine.
Guarana: A South American plant whose seeds are a natural source of caffeine and are used by regional natives to make a stimulating beverage that they use to help fight fatigue. Caffeine has some mild pro-erectile qualities due to the fact that it can help to increase heart rate, however it is not generally considered an optimal ingredient for a male enhancement product.
Citrus Aurantium: A form of extract taken from the peel of the bitter orange fruit, which is also thought to have some stimulant properties. It is not generally recommended for everyday use, and experts caution against pairing it with other stimulants due to the potential risk of side effects such as:
Caffeine: An additional dose of the stimulant beyond what was already mentioned in the Guarana. This quantity of stimulants is somewhat concerning, due to the risk of potentially inducing side effects such as:
The risk of experiencing side effects related to caffeine consumption grows in proportion to how much is consumed, and so it is particularly worrying that GrowXL does not publish their dosage information.
The ingredients blend of GrowXL is somewhat concerning to our panel of health and wellness experts. It uses two ingredients, L-Arginine and tribulus terrestris, that they strongly recommend for use in products of this type, however it pairs them with other additives that our team finds highly concerning.
Our experts do not recommend the use of caffeine in daily supplements of any nature, as it loses effective ness with regular use – though its risk of causing side effects does not necessarily decrease. It is of particular concern to our team that GrowXL uses multiple forms of caffeine and other stimulants but does not provide any form of dosage information about them, raising the potential for causing side effects in their consumers.
Overall, GrowXL uses an unbalanced blend that relies far too heavily on stimulation and does not focus nearly enough on all of the other facets of male enhancement. They particularly ignore testosterone production, as L-Arginine is the only ingredient that they use that has shown any ability to increase raw T-levels.
GrowXL is not available in any physical stores, nor is it sold online by any reputable supplements and wellness products distributors. Instead, it is only available directly through their own website and those of their affiliates.
It is also not sold in individual units, as most products are, but instead is available only by signing up for a program that calls itself a “Free Trial Offer.” This offer, however, is far more complicated than it seems based on its name, and it is almost never free for any given user.
What it does is collect users credit card data in order to pay for shipping and handling on the product, which is a fairly standard procedure used in offers like this. GrowXL uses this data, however, to enter these customers into a monthly subscription program that charges their cards $79.95 per month.
This rate is far above the normal prices for products of this nature, which makes our team skeptical about the intentions of GrowXL’s distributors. When combined with their lack of publicized information about the program and the high number of people that claim to have been deceived by this strategy, it seems as though it may be an intentional attempt to mislead interested consumers.
The labeling of GrowXL lists their distributor as AJAM Holdings. LLC. This is not one of the better-known supplements manufacturers or distributors, however they have published the following contact data:
Phone Number: (866) 440-2689
Address: 2231 E Hubbard Ave.
Decatur, IL 62526
Email: GrowXL and AJAM Holdings do not seem to offer any sort of public email addresses, nor do they have any electronic contact forms that can be used instead.
There is very little information in general regarding AJAM, their business, and their history that can be found online. They do have a 1/5-star rating on Google, the only known consumer organization to carry any reviews of the company.
Most of the time when past customers are discussing GrowXL online, their comments and posts tend to be complaints related to the “Free Trial Offer.” Our team did find direct references to the product in some of their reviews, however, including these specific mentions:
“I think this is a con. I tried to return this stuff because it didn’t work like they said, but they never answered their phone. They also don’t have an email address, so I don’t really know what to do.”
“I felt like I drank a whole pot of coffee. I was jittery and anxious – plus I got really, really sweaty. I think I turned my date off, because nothing ended up happening between us.”
“Tried it twice, and it made me feel like garbage both times. Not recommended.”
There were a wide range of reasons that men complained about GrowXL’s formula. The most common issue was that it did not provide the types of benefits that were described in their advertising, as well as a number of complaints about side effects, many of which described issues similar to those that can be related to caffeine intake.
Conclusion – Does GrowXL Work?
GrowXL has several critical issues with their formula, their marketing, and their business practices. It should be stated that while our team is skeptical about some of their claims, they are relatively certain that there is no way that GrowXL will be able to add permanent size to men’s penises.
Any benefits that they do see will be temporary and will recede after the arousal period is over. Additionally, they will probably not be nearly as dramatic as the effects that are seen when men take more well-rounded supplements.
Caffeine is not a recommended additive for products of this nature, especially when it is combined with other stimulants. When this is factored along with their lack of dosage information and questionable “Free Trial Offer,” it becomes very difficult for our team to suggest GrowXL to any of our readers.
The supplement that they do recommend for male enhancement purposes is Viritenz. It uses a diverse and well-rounded selection of ingredients that all have histories of clinical testing that ensures they are the most effective additives on the market.
This includes L-Arginine and tribulus terrestris, as well as other top-rated additives like maca root, tongkat ali, pumpkin seed oil, sarsaparilla, and more. Follow this link to see the complete ingredients list and dosage information for Viritenz.
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